

Software Testing Study and Its Implementation in Multimedia Network Teaching System

【作者】 孙景景

【导师】 上官右黎;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的不断进步和计算机科学技术的飞速发展,Web正以其广泛性、交互性、快捷性和易用性等特点越来越受到青睐,并已经对商业、工业、金融、教育等各个领域产生了深远影响。Web应用程序日益复杂,规模也逐渐增大,人们对Web应用程序的质量和可靠性也更为关注。软件测试是保证软件质量和可靠性的重要手段。在Web应用系统的开发过程中,为了追求准确、高效和完善的Web系统,Web测试成为Web软件工程的一个重要环节。但是和传统软件测试不一样,它不仅需要检查和验证系统是否按照设计的要求运行,而且还要测试系统在不同用户的浏览器端的显示是否合适。具体的讲,包括用户测试、功能测试、客户兼容性测试、性能测试、安全性测试等内容。然而由于Web具有分布、异构、并发和平台无关的特性,使得基于Web的测试比普通测试的复杂性更强、困难更大。本文主要阐述了如何利用有效的测试技术对多媒体网络教学系统进行测试。根据该系统的特点,结合WEB测试方法,研究合适的测试模型,有针对性的选择测试工具以及测试方法,设计测试用例并执行测试,致力于研究出适用于Web系统的测试方案并提供合适的测试用例生成方法。论文首先综述了软件测试发展过程和国内外软件测试发展现状,接着介绍了WEB应用软件的特点和其对测试的影响,分析Web应用系统的测试方法。然后通过对Web应用测试模型的研究,针对多媒体网络教学系统提出测试方案。通过对该系统进行功能、性能、可用性、客户端兼容性和安全性等方面的测试,阐述了Web应用软件的测试过程和测试方法。最后总结整个测试过程,研究测试中遇到的关键问题,形成一套适合Web测试的项目测试流程。

【Abstract】 With social progress and the rapid development of computer science and technology, the Web is widely used for its extensive, interactive, fast and easy-to-use features, and the Web technology has had a far-reaching impact on the trade, the industry, the financial, education and other fields. Web applications are becoming more and more complex, the scale is gradually increasing, and people are more concerned about Web application’s quality and reliability.The software testing is an important means to guarantee that the issue of software quality and reliability. In the development process of Web application system, a Web testing is an important part for the pursuit of the Web’s accurate, efficiency, and improvement in Web software engineering. But unlike the traditional software testing technology, Web testing not only need to check and validate if the system is running according to the designed instructions, but also need to test whether it is suitable that the system is displayed at different clients. In Specific, Web testing includes user testing, functional testing, customer compatibility testing, performance testing, security testing, and for on. However, with the Web’s characteristics of distribution, heterogeneous, and platform-independent, Web-based testing is more complexity of the stronger, even more difficult than ordinary testing.This paper mainly illustrates how to use the effective test technology to test the multimedia network teaching system. According to the characteristics of this system combining WEB testing method, we focus on the study of the suitable testing model, the choice of testing tools and testing methodology, the testing case design and implementation of testing cases. We are committed to come up with the suitable Web application testing program and the provision of appropriate test cases.In the first part this paper summary the development process of software testing and the development of domestic and foreign software testing. Then it introduces the WEB application’s characteristics and the impact of its testing, analysis Web Application System testing methods. After the research of the test model of Web applications, formatting the suitable testing plan of the multimedia network teaching system. This testing plan contains the system function testing, performance testing, customer compatibility testing, security testing. In the last part we summary the entire testing process, research the formation of a suitable test Web project management processes.

【关键词】 Web软件测试测试模型测试用例
【Key words】 websoftware testingtesting modeltesting cases
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
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