

The Study and Design of Friction Testing for Fretting

【作者】 杨捷斐

【导师】 许良军;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电接触科学中,微动是指在静接触对中,两个接触表面产生的微米级的相对运动。在电连接器接触对之间有微动产生时,会形成微动磨损和微动腐蚀,在这两种微动模式的共同作用下,最终会使连接器的接触电阻迅速上升,导致可靠性降低。本文主要是为了设计一种能够加速模拟连接器的微动并测量接触对间摩擦力大小的实验装置,用以研究电连接器在微动中的摩擦特性及其对电接触的影响。因为目前在摩擦学领域,比较成熟的实验仪器和设备主要是适用于宏观摩擦学和纳米摩擦学的测试仪。而微动摩擦,其加载的接触压力大约在0到2N,介于宏观摩擦与微观摩擦之间,传统的摩擦测试仪已经无法适用于微动摩擦学的研究。本文重点介绍了微动摩擦测试仪测力部分的结构设计,其核心部分是微力的测量,其摩擦力、正压力的测量范围、灵敏度等是微摩擦测试的关键。通过总结分析国内外的微力测量仪器的工作原理,提出三种理论可行的方案设计,分别阐述了测力结构的工作原理并推导出摩擦力测量公式。对各结构方案进行可行性分析比较后,选定了一种基于弹性材料连接器的微动摩擦测试方案,依据此方案对微动摩擦测试仪测力部分进行结构设计,通过有限元仿真和实验验证该设计能够满足要求。

【Abstract】 Fretting is a phenomenon that concerns mechanical components in contact that are designed to be static but having small relative displacements in practically due to external disturbances (typically in micro scale). Fretting between two contact surfaces always result in fretting wear and fretting corrosion. Combination effect of wear and corrosion can cause contact resistance increase and contact failure of electric connectors.Research of tribology property of contact pairs during fretting process and its influence to electric contact, it is necessary to simulate the connector fretting progress and measure friction between contact pairs during fretting. In tribology field, present apparatuses are designed for macro or nano friction testing. However, with the normal force between 10mN and 2N, friction in fretting is neither macro friction nor nano one. The key technology in design is the measurement of micro scale force, whose range; precision and sensitivity are crucial parameters.In this thesis, the structure design of fiction testing apparatus in fretting is performed. Several feasible structure schemes are proposed and compared. To each scheme, the structure design principles are introduced and formulas for friction measurement are derived. The best one for measuring of friction force of elastic connectors is chose. Then according to this scheme, the mechanical structure of friction measurement is designed. By means of finite element analysis and testing experiments, it has been found that the structure can meet the needs of design.

  • 【分类号】TP212
  • 【被引频次】2
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