

The Design and Implementation of Lane Toll Subsystem of Networked Charging System on Freeway

【作者】 张振永

【导师】 雷友珣;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着智能电子技术的高速发展,使用电子信息技术来提高公路管理效率、交通效率和安全的智能交通已成为当前交通管理发展的主要方向。某高速公路智能联网收费系统的建设主要针对干线为封闭式高速公路进行的人工现金收费方式或电子不停车收费方式的收费系统。即车辆通过高速公路入口时领取一张通行券,在通行券上自动记录入口车辆信息,通过网络在高速公路出入口建立数据传输平台,在出口对车辆信息进行自动匹配和人工匹配,判断出入口是否为同一车辆,以及车辆在路网内的行驶路径,自动识别车型、行驶里程和费率表计算应缴费额,收缴通行费用,并对通行费针对不同路段进行拆分。联网收费是提升高速公路收费服务水平和管理效率的一项重要工作,也是国家实现高速公路信息化和智能交通发展战略重要组成部分。自2000年10月份国家交通部正式出台了《高速公路联网收费暂行技术要求》后,以省级行政区域为单位的各省市高速公路联网收费工作纷纷加快推进。截至2004年6月,很多省份初步构建出自己的联网收费系统雏形,随着并入联网收费的路段不断增加,联网收费网络规模不断扩大,联网收费系统的实施工作纷纷加快推进。本论文主要进行了以下几点工作:1、说明了收费系统的基本概念和基本理论等;2、以某收费系统为例,对联网收费系统组成与设计进行了介绍;3、说明了在联网收费系统中收费车道子系统的设计与实施;收费车道子系统是整个收费系统的基础,是整个收费系统的主要数据源,并且再加上收费车道系统要求稳定、可靠、连续运行、控制准确、响应速度快等特点,因此收费站系统的好坏将直接影响整个系统的成功与否。收费车道子系统包括入口车道和出口车道两类。收费车道子系统由收费岛、收费亭、车道、雨棚及其他检测、控制设备等组成。在入口车道,由收费人员发放通行券(卡),或者由电子标签自动记录入口信息。在出口车道,收费人员收回通行券(卡),收取通行费用。在电子收费系统中,由路旁设备自动扣除通行费。在人工收费和半自动收费时,负责监督收费的车道摄象机和亭内摄象机自动抓拍图象,与收费数据一起存储在收费车道计算机中,成为收费系统原始信息库。通行车辆缴纳通行费后,自动栏杆升起,放行车辆。由于高速公路收费制式、收费方式和付费方式的不同,收费车道设备的配置和功能亦有很大的差别。开放式收费按车型一次性收费,不需要通行券,车道设备配置重点放在识别车型和准确收费上,每个收费车道的设备配置完全一样;封闭式收费需同时确认车型和行驶里程,必须增加读、写通行券数据和控制信息的手段,设备配置重点为识别车型、读写信息和准确收费。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the intelligent electronic technology, it has been becoming the main direction that the Intelligent Transportation uses the electronic information technologies to improve the management efficiency, the transport efficiency and the safety of the Freeway. The Intelligent Networked Charging System on Freeway is built for the Manual Toll Collection or the Electronic Toll Collection in the toll system of Close Highway. When a vehicle enters the entrance of the Freeway, it will receive a travel certificate(Contactless IC Card) which records its information automatically. Through the data transmission platform between the entrance and the exit, the information will be checked by automatically matching or manual matching at the exit, in order to judge whether it is the same vehicle or not, distinguish its route and mode, calculate the mileage and expenses, collect the fees, and split the fees with different sections.Networked Charging is an important work, which not only improves the toll service on Freeway and the management efficiency, but also becomes a significant part: of the strategy of the freeway informationization and the development of Intelligent Transportation. Since the Ministry of Communications of China published《the Provisional Technical Requirements on Freeway Free Charging Networked》in October 2000, the networked charging work at the provincial level has progressed rapidly. Up to June 2004, the basic networked charging systems have been built up in many provinces. What’s more, with the increase of the sections in the networked, the scale has been steadily enlarged, and the implementation has been speed up.The article mainly includes:1. explanation of the basic concepts and theories of the charging policies and the charging system of Freeway;2. introduction to the structure and the design of the networked charging system, and also an example;3. design and implementation of the Lane Toll subsystem of networked charging system on Freeway.The Lane Toll subsystem, which is the basis and the main data source of the networked charging system of Freeway, will directly affect the whole system, in terms of its stability, reliability, continuity, accuracy, rapid response, and some other characteristics. The subsystem can be divided into two parts: the entrance lane and the exit lane. The Lane Toll subsystem is composed of the charging island, the toll booth, the lane, the rain-proof shed, and some other detection and control equipment. At the entrance lane, the toll collector provide the travel certificates (cards), or the information is recorded automatically by the electronic labels. At the exit lane, the toll collector receive the travel certificates (cards), and collect the fees. Taking advantage of the electronic charging system, the fees can be paid automatically by the on-street equipment. When the manual toll collection or the semi-automatic toll collection is used, the lane cameras and the booth cameras will be applied to record images automatically. Then the images will be stored in the computers with the toll data, and all the data may be regarded as the original database of the toll collection system. After paying the fees, the vehicles can leave the Freeway through the Autorailings.As a result of the difference in the freeway toll mode, the toll method and the payment methods, the configuration and the functions of the toll equipment are of great difference. The open model needs collecting the fees only once, and doesn’t need the travel certificates. It emphasizes on identifying the model of the vehicles and collecting the fees accurately. In addition, the equipment of every traffic lanes has the same configuration. The closed model needs to confirm the model of the vehicles and the mileage at the same time. It must read and write the data of the travel certificates and the control information. This model attaches importance to identifying the model of the vehicles, read and write the information, and collecting the fees accurately.

  • 【分类号】U495
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