

Design and Realization of the Visualization Tools of Workflow Defining and Auditing

【作者】 姚宇峰

【导师】 张雷;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在电信市场日益开放、竞争日益激烈的情况下,保持并增强自身的竞争力已经成为每个电信企业所面临的关键问题。本文作者在参与收入保障项目—财务稽核系统中发现收入流失问题主要还是运营流程执行不规范、缺乏流程完整性控制机制造成。另一方面,随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业需要不断改变自身的业务运营模式以求发展。为了适应这种企业发展的趋势,在软件开发过程中,越来越多的使用工作流管理系统来管理企业的流程。但目前工作流系统对引擎的开发较为重视,但其流程定制和监控模块一般和系统集成,客户无法通过WEB客户端访问,减少了用户的参与程度。本文研究了基于SVG的WEB可视化流程建模定制及监控的功能,设计出基于有向图理论的流程图画图算法和流程图错误检查算法,可视化流程建模定制及监控的模块具有较强的通用性,可以较好的匹配现有符合WfMC(Workflow Management Coalition工作流管理联盟)的工作流引擎,并在财务稽核系统范围内实现了这两块的功能,同时作者还将其应用到财务稽核系统中验证其可用性。

【Abstract】 With the telecom market more open and the competition getting more and more intensely. How to keep and improve the competition is the key point to the telecom company. The author of this paper took part in the project of revenue assurance—the financial audit system, found that the leak of the revenue is mainly caused by error implementation of the business process and shortage implementation of the integrality business process.On the other hand, with the market competition getting more and more intensely, enterprises often have to change their own business pattern for farther development. To match the trend of the development of the enterprise, it is a good solution that uses workflow management system to manage enterprise’s business-flow during the software development. But company focuses on the development of the workflow engine, the tools of the process definition and audit is integration to the engine, customs cannot use them expediently by Web. This article studies the function of the visualization tools of process defining and auditing based on SVG and Web, designed an arithmetic of drawing the workflow graph, and a arithmetic of examining the faults of the workflow graph based on the theory of the directed Graph. The tools has versatile, and can better match the existing workflow engine matched with WfMC (Workflow Management Coalition) criterion, implemented these functions in the financial audit system, and verified the availability of the application in the financial audit system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】80