

Lightning Protection Theory and Engineering Practice for the Contemporaneity Buildings

【作者】 黄伟

【导师】 梁小冰;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 电气工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 防雷问题一直是世界各国关注的课题。雷击不但直接造成对地面目标物的破坏,而且雷电放电产生的电磁场也会通过耦合对电气设备,特别是弱电设备构成威胁。防雷研究仍需防雷技术人员和专家进行不懈的努力,通过调查研究和观测以进一步弄清其特点、找出问题所在,制定有针对性的防雷措施。智能建筑内多包含有大量的电子设备与计算机系统。智能建筑信息系统一般由建筑物自动化、远程通信和办公自动化三个系统构成,这3个系统中又包含各自的子系统。这些电子设备与计算机系统通常属于耐电压等级低,防干扰要求高的弱电设备,抗雷击能力很弱。普通建筑物防直击雷的避雷装置引入了强大的雷电流通过接地引下线入地,在附近空间产生了强大的电磁场变化,会在相邻的导线(包括电源线和信号线)上感应出雷电过电压,因此普通建筑物的直击雷防护系统不但不能保护这些电子设备与计算机系统,反而可能会引入雷电的威胁。因此,智能建筑的雷电防护成为一个越来越重要的课题摆在我们面前。智能建筑的发展使得传统的建筑防雷设计不再能满足其本身对雷电安全防护的需要。雷电防护已经不仅仅是对建筑本体的防护,更侧重于对建筑内人身和电气设备的安全防护。雷击严重威胁着智能系统中弱电设备的安全运行,本文针对智能建筑内微电子设备多个特点,对弱电设备的雷害情况进行分析,介绍弱电设备的防雷保护措施,并以广西区气象台业务楼为工程实践对象,设计了一套综合防雷的方案,其主要从直击雷保护、共用接地系统、屏蔽、等电位连接、合理布线、加装浪涌保护器等方面考虑,重点考虑微电子设备雷电感应的防护措施,使智能建筑物的雷击损害降到最低程度。

【Abstract】 Lightning protection problem has been a major concern in the world. Lightning stroke not only directly destroys the grounding objectives but the produced electromagnetic field will threaten the electrical equipment especially the electronic equipment by coupling. So, sustained effort of lightning protection personnel and experts is necessary to investigate the features and laws of lightning stroke so as the corresponding measures can be taken to protect the building and electronic devices in it.There are many electronic installations and computer systems in the intellectualized building. Its information system is make up of three systems, which are the Building Automation System(BAS)、the Telecommunication System(TCS) and the Office Automation System(OAS) , these systems comprise some subsystems itself. These installations and systems are just able to bear the low voltage and need to properly avoid the electromagnetic interference, they have little capacity to protect the impact of lightning stroke. The lightning rods of the normal building introduce powerful lightning current through earth wires to the ground. It produces powerful electromagnetic field variation in the space and induces over-voltage on the nearby conductors. So, direct stroke defending system of the normal building may introduce lightning impact to instead protect the electronic installation and computer system. Lightning protection of intellectualized building becomes a more and more important subject in front of us.Traditional lightning protection design can’t satisfy the need of safe lightning protection anymore as the intellectualized building developing. Lightning protection is not only for the building itself protection, the more importance is to protect the personnel and the electronic installation in the building .Lightning disturbance threats the security of electronic equipments in the intellectualized system seriously. To reduce the lightning damage of the intellectualized building to the minimum, based on the actual situation of the main system of the intellectualized building , Lightning disturbance of electronic equipments is investigated ; the protection scheme of electronic equipments against lightning is proposed. The results in this paper have important significance in avoiding lightning disturbance and then enhancing the security of power system. The text provides a set of specific measure of the comprehensive lightning protection design for the Guangxi Observatory Integration Building. The main measures of the lighting protection include installing direct stroke protection device, common earth, shielding, equi-potential bonding, rational wiring, , installing corresponding surge protector at the line interface etc. the emphases is the induction over-voltage protection for the micro-electronic equipment so as to reduce the lightning damage to the minimum.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TM862
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】646