

An Exploratory Study of Formative Assessment of English Listening Learning and Its Effects on College English Teaching

【作者】 李静

【导师】 宋亚菲;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在传统大学英语教学评估体系中,终结性评估占据统治地位,这导致了教学过度关注学习结果、忽略学习过程中的体验和积累,应试教学倾向严重,阻碍了大学英语教学,因此探索包含形成性评估在内的教学评估体系势在必行。外语学习中,实践证明听力学习能有效促进语言综合技能的提高(Dunkel 1991,Feyten 1991,Oxford 1993,et al.)。近年大学英语的教学改革将目标重点集中在培养学生的听说能力,因此英语听力教学值得在教学实践中探讨和摸索。本研究分析了形成性评估以及英语听力学习的理论和实践,在结合二者特点的基础上设计了英语听力学习形成性评估模式,对来自广西大学四个自然班共170名非英语专业学生实施了历时三个学期的实验教学。实验分为三个阶段:84名大学二年级的两个自然班学生参加了第一、二阶段实验教学,86名大学一年级的两个自然班学生参加了第三阶段实验教学。每个年级的两个自然班被随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组接受英语听力学习形成性评估与传统评估,对照组仅接受传统评估。旨在摸索探讨英语听力学习形成性评估的实践,以便促进大学英语教学改革,提高学生的英语综合能力。研究问题为:(1)实施英语听力学习形成性评估需要对传统大学英语教学做出哪些改革?(2)与传统评估方式相比,英语听力学习形成性评陆对不同年级学生的学习效果、行为以及态度主要有什么影响?研究采用则试、观察、问卷和采访等方法收集定性与定量数据进行分析讨论。实验表明:英语听力学习形成性评估的教学模式实施是可行的,但需要教师们的合作与坚持以及相关部门的配合;另外现代教育技术的应用是它实施的基本保障。实验教学中发现,与传统评估方式相比,英语听力学习形成性评估确保了不间断听力输入,丰富了教学内容;评估结果的反思能有效促进师生交流,帮助教师了解教学动态并及时改进,增强学生英语学习的自信心与自主性。本研究将教育科学与二语习得研究相结合,遵循二语习得的规律,强化学习过程中监控和评估,促进了大学英语教学改革实践,为培养学生英语综合能力提供了积极参考。文章最后指出了研究的局限性,建议使用多样化的评估手段丰富评估实施体系;加强教师在实施过程中的引导作用;将英语听力形成性评估与网络技术结合得更紧密,使这一改革模式得到更完善的实施。

【Abstract】 In College English teaching, summative assessment is pervasive in the traditional evaluation system, which causes test-oriented education. To change this, it is imperative for researchers to explore an evaluation system that integrates with formative assessment. Listening learning has been proved to contribute to overall language proficiency (Dunkel 1991, Feyten 1991, Oxford 1993, et al.). In recent years, the objective of College English teaching reform has been focused on fostering students’ listening and speaking, therefore, English listening teaching is worthy of this exploration.This study analyzes the theories and practice of formative assessment and English listening, and designs a mode of formative assessment of English listening learning (FAELL, hereafter), and conducts a three-semester experimental study involving 170 non-English majors from four intact classes in Guangxi University. The experiment was divided into three phases: 84 sophomores were in the first two phases and 86 freshmen were in the third phase. The two intact classes at each grade were randomly divided into experimental groups (EGs) and comparison groups (CGs). EGs received the integrated evaluation system combining FAELL and summative assessment, whereas, CGs received only the traditional evaluation. This study discusses and explores the practice of FAELL with aims to facilitate College English teaching reform and develop students’ overall English abilities. The research questions are: (1) what changes should be made to the traditional English teaching? (2) Compared with the traditional evaluation, what are the main effects of FAELL on learning results, behaviors and attitudes to students in different grades? The study used weekly quizzes, observations, questionnaires, interviews and other instruments to collect quantitative and qualitative data for analysis and discussion. The results indicate that: FAELL is feasible, but it needs perseverance and close cooperation among teachers, and the coordination of relevant departments. Modern educational technology is the basic requirement for FAELL. Compared with the traditional evaluation, FAELL guarantees the consistent listening input and exposes students to more choices of learning resources; it stimulates reflection on learning and teaching which promotes communications between teachers and students, from which teachers know the dynamic process of students’ learning so that they can make adjustments in time. All this will finally enhance students’ self-confidence and initiatives for English learning.This study combines education science with second language acquisition, reinforces the learning in process according to the scientific way of second language acquisition. And it facilities the practice of College English teaching reform and provides constructive insights to foster students’ overall English abilities. Limitations have been pointed out at the end of the thesis. Various formative assessment tools are recommended to be involved in the evaluation system; teachers’ guidance in implementation needs to be underlined; and FAELL can intertwines more closely with internet technology, with a purpose to implement the reform model for better effects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期