

Study and Implementation of the Intelligent Control System of Antimony Oxide Production Process

【作者】 江波

【导师】 龚仁喜;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 农业电气化与自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 氧化锑(三氧化二锑)又名锑白,是一种高附加值的阻燃新材料,其主要生产装置是锑白炉,锑白炉最主要的控制参数是炉温。由于生产高纯度、超细颗粒、高白度的氧化锑需要对锑白炉熔锑液位和炉膛温度等进行精确控制。而迄今为止,国内氧化锑生产过程的控制技术仍较落后,无法满足高端氧化锑生产要求,因此改造国内现有的锑白炉控制系统有重大的现实意义。本文通过对广西华锑科技有限公司锑白炉实际技改项目的深入分析,在控制系统选择,参数整定,最优反应条件,控制系统硬件设计及人机界面设计等五个方面进行了探讨。对控制系统中常见的单回路和串级控制系统进行了仿真研究,发现串级控制系统可有效改善被控对象的动态特性,提高系统抗一次干扰和二次干扰的能力,对副回路参数变化有一定的自适应控制能力。对工业过程控制中应用广泛的PID控制器参数的多种整定方法,进行了比较和研究。锑白炉化学反应控制是实现锑白炉炉温优化控制的基础,而化学反应控制的核心是空锑比控制。影响空锑比的因素很多,通过对锑白炉生产过程的分析,可以确定锑锭熔融吸收的热量、高温气态氧化锑与空气带走的热量、炉子的自然状况及生产中的异常情况等四个方面是影响空锑比的主要因素。在上述分析的基础上,本文采用串级控制和变步长自寻优相结合的方案实现了对空锑比的控制,使得过剩空气系数始终保持在最佳值。最后,使用组态软件(组态王6.53)设计了锑白炉自动控制系统,并为用户提供了良好的人机界面。

【Abstract】 Antimony oxide (antimony trioxide),also called antimony white, is a high value-added flame-retardant material, whose main production equipment is the antimony white furnace, whose most important control parameter is the temperature in the furnace. Since the precision control of the liquid level and the temperature in the furnace is needed to produce highly pure, ultra-fine grain and highly white antimony oxide, and up to now, the control technology of the production process of antimony oxide has been laggard so that it does not satisfy the requirement of the production of high quality of antimony oxide, it is of important realistic significance to reconstruct the control system of the production process of antimony oxide at home.On the basis of the deep analysis of the practical reconstruction project of Guangxi China Antimony Science and Technology Co. Ltd., the researches of the choice of control system, the calibration of controller parameters, the determination of the optimal reaction condition, the design of the hardware and the design of a human-computer interface in the control system are made. The simulations of the single-loop control system and the cascaded-control system are performed, and it is shown that the cascaded-control system can effectively improve the dynamic characteristics of the plant, increase the ability to resist disturbances and has the ability of the self-adaptive control to the changes of the subsidiary loop parameters. In addition, the comparison and study of the several methods of the parameter calibration of PID controllers in the process control in industry are made.The control of the chemical reaction is the basic of the optimal control of the temperature in antimony white furnace, and the key to the control of the chemical reaction is the control of the ratio of air to antimony. There are many factors to affect on that. By analyzing the production process of antimony oxide, the quantity of heat taken in by the eutectic antimony, the quantity of heat got rid of by the high temperature mixture of the antimony and the air, the operation state of the furnace and the disfunctional case of the production process are the main factors to affect on the ratio of air to antimony can be determined. On the basis of the analysis above, the scheme of the combination of the cascaded-control with self search of the optimal point by the variant-step mode is utilized to implement the control of that, thus making the coefficient of the surplus air sustain the optimal value forever.Finally, the design of the automation system by the utilization of configuration software (kingview 6.53) is performed and a friendly human-machine interface is supplied with the user.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期