

Studies on Plant Diversity of Fangcheng Yellow Camellia National Natural Reserve in Guangxi

【作者】 庞洁

【导师】 和太平;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究从植物区系、植被分类、群落结构及优势种群种间联结和生态位等方面,对广西防城金花茶国家级自然保护区进行全面而系统的研究。旨在为制定自然保护区金花茶及其生态系统植物多样性资源的保护、管理及利用提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)防城金花茶国家级自然保护区共有维管束植物1387种(含变种、亚种、栽培变种和变型),隶属于182科662属,其中蕨类植物26科50属83种,裸子植物6科6属11种,被子植物150科606属1293种(双子叶植物有128科473属1069种,单子叶植物22科133属224种)。(2)根据保护区种子植物区系成分统计分析结果,在种子植物148科中,以热带分布科(97科)为主,占总科数的65.54%;在554属中,以泛热带分布属的比重最大,达136属,占总属数的24.55%,表明该保护区的热带性质极其明显。(3)保护区植物区系的特征为:①种类比较丰富,且以热带成分为主;②特有性较强;③起源古老,地理成分复杂;④珍稀濒危植物种类多且特色性强;⑤热带边缘性质明显;⑥藤本及雨林植物景观突出。(4)按照《中国植被》分类单位和系统,结合保护区植被特点,同时考虑群落的外貌、结构、物种组成、动态特征及生态环境,将保护区的植被划分为5个植被型组、8个植被型、14个群系。并对其主要植被特征进行调查与分析。(5)对保护区植物群落乔木层、灌木层、草本层等结构层次的物种丰富度、物种多样性、物种均匀度的比较与分析结果:①物种丰富度以灌木层最高,其次是乔木层,草本层最低;②乔木层、灌木层和草本层的物种多样性指数均很高,从Shannon-Wiener指数H′来看,灌木层植物多样性总体高于草本层和乔木层;从Simpson指数D来看,乔木层、灌木层、草本层的指数趋于接近,但以灌木层高于草本层和乔木层。③物种均匀度总体较高,在群落间表现大致相同的特点,从Pielou均匀度指数Jsw指数和Jsi指数的变化趋势看,灌木层的均匀度大于草本层,而草本层又大于乔木层。(6)在2×2列联表基础上,采用方差比率法(VR)、联结系数AC值、Jaccard指数和x2检验对保护区金花茶群落样地25个优势种群的种间关联进行定量分析。结果表明,该保护区金花茶群落25个优势种群的总体关联性呈显著正关联,反映这些群落处于较稳定的阶段。25个优势种群间的300个种对中,有4个种对具有极显著正联结,10个种对具有显著正联结,有5个种对具有极显著负联结,8个种对具有显著负联结,绝大多数种对联结系数未达到显著水平,种对间的独立性相对较强。(7)采用Shannon-Weiner生态位宽度公式和Schoener生态位重叠公式测定金花茶群落优势种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠,结果表明:种群生态位宽度越大,物种对生态因子的适应幅度就越大,在群落内的分布幅度也越大,对各种生态环境资源的利用也就越强。生态位重叠越大,种群间的生态相似性越大,利用资源的相似性程度越高。优势种中普通金花茶(Camellia nitidissima)、显脉金花茶(C.euphlebia)和东兴金花茶(C.tunghinensis)的生态位宽度较小,倾向于特化种,且与其他优势种间的生态位重叠值均较小,与其他种类的竞争不强烈。在讨论金花茶国家级自然保护区金花茶生存现状及致濒原因的基础上,本文对金花茶及其生态系统植物多样性资源的保护、管理及利用提出相应建议。

【Abstract】 In order to provide scientific basis for Yellow Camellia and its ecosystem’s plant diversity conservation,management and use,this paper studies comprehensively and systematically on the plant flora,classification of vegetation,structure of communities,interspecific association and niche of dominant species,etc,of Fangcheng Yellow Camellia National Natural Reserve in Guangxi.The main results are as follows:(1)There are 1387 species(including varieties,subspecies and forms) which belong to 662 genera and 182 families in Fangcheng Yellow Camellia National Natural Reserve.Of all the plants,there are 83 species of fern plants, belonging to 50 genera and 26 families;11 species of gymnosperm,belonging to 6 genera and 6 families;1293 species of angiosperm,belonging to 606 genera and 150 families(Of all the angiosperm,there are 1069 species of dicotyledonous,belonging to 473 genera and 128 families;224 species of monocotyledon,belonging to 22 genera and 133 families).(2)By the statistics and analysis on the floristic composition of spermatophytes in Natural Reserve,the results are shown that in all the 148 families of seed plants,the families belonging to tropic type(97 families)is on the top position,accounting for 65.54%of families.In the 554 genera,the pan-tropic type(136 genera)is on the top position,accounting for 24.55%of genera.That shown the flora of the area has a strong conspicuous characteristics of the tropical.(3)The plant flora of Fangcheng Yellow Camellia National Natural Reserve is analyzed,and the characteristics are concluded as following:①The flora of this area is characterized with rich species and the tropical ingredients have dominant position.②There are rich endemic elements in this area.③The flora derives from ancient origin,the components of geography are complex.④the rare and endangered plants are abundant and have a strong characteristic.⑤The flora are shown conspicuous characteristics of the tropical margin.⑥The vine and the forest landscape is remarkable.(4)The vegetation in Natural Reserve is classified according to the Chinese Vegetation Classification Unit and System,combining the characteristics of vegetation in this area,taking into account the community’s appearance,structure,species composition,dynamic features and ecological environment.The vegetation can be divided into 5 vegetation type groups,8 vegetation type,and 27 formations.Then,the main characteristics of vegetation are studied and analysed.(5)The results of species richness,species diversity and species evenness of tree layer,shrub layer and herb layer of plant communities are:①The shrub layer has the highest species richness,tree layer is secondly,and the herb layer is the lowest;②The Shannon-Wiener index H’ of species diversity is in the order:shrub>herb>tree,and also the Simpson index D of species diversity is in the order:shrub>herb>tree;③The Pielou index Jsw and Jsi of species evenness is in the order:shrub>herb>tree.(6)A series of techniques including the analysis of variance,x~2-test, association coefficient(AC),Jaccard index are used,based upon the 2×2 contingency table to examine the species association between 25 dominant species of Yellow Camellia communities in Fangcheng Yellow Camellia National Nature Reserve.The results are indicated that:the overall association between 25dominant species is significantly positive,which suggests that the community is stable.Among total 300 pairs in 25dominant species,4 species pairs exhibited extremely significantly positive association, 10 species pairs shown significantly positive association,5 species pairs shown extremely significantly negative association,8 species pairs exhibited significantly negative association.There are a low association degree among most pairs of species,they are relatively independent.(7)The niche breadth and niche overlapping of dominant species in Yellow Camellia communities are studied by using Shannon-Weaver index and Schoener index.The results are shown that:the more the niche breadths of populations are,the wider the adaptive range of species to ecological factors,the more extensive the distribution range of species.The more the niche overlapping of populations are,the more the ecological similarities between populations.The niche breadth of Camellia nitidissima,C.euphlebia and C.tunghinensis are shorter than other species,tending to specialized species,whose niche overlaps with other dominant species are short,and the competitions between them are not fierce.Some advices about conservation,management and use of Yellow Camellia and its ecosystem’s plant diversity are put forward,based on the research on the present status and reasons for dying of Yellow Camellia in Natural Reserve.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期