

【作者】 吴方

【导师】 黄铁池;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文试图对《在路上》的多义性主题及凯鲁亚克的创作方法进行一次较为深入的分析,从而可以更好地理解和认识这部作品丰富的思想内涵及作家独特的创作方法。本文主要从以下两个方面分别加以展开:一、多义性主题研究。首先,《在路上》展现了“西行主题”,它是传统流浪主题与美国西部主题结合的产物。浅层表现即通过去到西部来体会一种不同的生活和冒险的刺激;深层思想突出了工业化给美国西部及其文化带来的伤害。其次,《在路上》描述了主人公萨尔与迪安之间的友情,以及友谊对于“垮掉一代”的重要性,同时展现了他们友谊潜含的破坏力量。其三,作品通过“自然人”主题展现了人的自然属性与社会属性的对抗。其四,小说通过描写边缘种族的文化以及渴望成为黑人的萨尔等人,展现美国社会中黑人、墨西哥人文化与主流白人文化之间的矛盾与反差。最后,小说通过反权威主题展现二战后美国社会现实。本部分中“西行主题”的分析研究具有创新意义。二、创作方法分析。这一章是本文论述重点,研究凯鲁亚克创作方法的内涵,探究其创作方法的渊源。首先,自发式写作法是凯鲁亚克自创的一种创作方法,是结合了凯鲁亚克文学创作中失败与成功经验的一套内涵丰富、理论完备的创作方法。自发式写作法包括了创作理念和写作技巧等多方面内容,本文将全面阐述自发式写作法的内涵。目前国内的研究尚无对凯鲁亚克创作方法的全面分析。其次,凯鲁亚克的创作方法就其渊源可见自然主义与超现实主义文学创作的特点,尤其超现实主义所提倡的“下意识书写”与自发式写作法有着许多联系。这部分将研究自发式写作法在创作理念与技巧同自然主义和超现实主义间的传承关系,是对凯鲁亚克文学创作方法研究方面的创新。

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to make a more profound analysis of the multiple themes in Jack Kerouac’s representative masterpiece On the Road and his composing method with the purpose of a better understanding of it’s themes and the writer’s unique writing techniques. Two parts are unfolded respectively in it when the main ideas are concerned.The first part is the analysis on themes. First of all, On the Road exhibits a major theme“Going West”. It’s a combination of the traditional wandering theme with American west theme. On the Road deals with this theme in two ways. The obvious meaning of it is through going west to feel a different life and the excitement of adventure. The deep meaning shows that the development of modern industry brings its potential destruction of American west and its culture. Secondly, On the Road shows the friendship among Sal, Dean, and their friends. Thirdly, it shows the conflict between man’s nature and man’s social being by describing the theme of the natural man. Fourthly, Kerouac through describing the charm of marginalized cultures and those white people who want to be a part of them shows the contradiction between marginalized cultures and white culture in the Americas. Furthermore, On the Road through the rejection of authority shows the reality of postwar America society.The second part is the analysis on Jack Kerouac’s composing method, which is the most important part of this thesis. Firstly, spontaneous writing is a literature composing method invented by Kerouac. It’s a completed meaningful writing theory learned from his failure and success experience in his career. This method contains his thoughts, ideas and skills about writing. Next, some features of his method have comparability with the naturalism and surrealism’s concepts, especially with surrealism’s subconscious writing. Their difference and sameness are defined and analyzed, which becomes the kernel of this thesis.

【关键词】 《在路上》杰克·凯鲁亚克主题创作方法
【Key words】 On the RoadJack Kerouacthemecomposing method
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1226