

The Research of Modern Light Tone Chinese Charaters and Interrelated Issues

【作者】 裴培

【导师】 吴为善;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 轻声是汉语语音的重要现象之一,也是一个重要的功能结构单位,一种不可或缺的指称区别手段。自20世纪20年代赵元任先生在《国语罗马字研究》(1922)中第一次提出“轻声”的概念首开轻声研究先河以来,轻声越来越被学术界所重视,成为汉语语音研究的一个聚焦领域。本文通过从轻声的形成机制、功能、句法和语义等角度来进行相关问题的研究,我们相信,这无论是对汉语语法的发展还是语言规范与教学等方面都是有所裨益的。第一章是绪论部分。我们主要介绍了论文选题的目的和意义,现代汉语轻声词的研究现状。通过对现代汉语轻声词的研究现状的考察,我们发现在现代汉语轻声词的研究上存在着可以有所突破的方面,同时绪论部分还介绍了本文的研究理论、方法及语料来源。绪论部分的导入有利于我们对现代汉语轻声词的进一步分析和解释。第二章我们对现代汉语轻声词进行了统计分析。通过对《现代汉语词典》2005年第5版中的轻声词进行数量类型分析、构成现状分析和形式特征分析,从而实现了对《现代汉语词典》2005年第5版中的轻声词的全面统计和类别划分,也使我们对现代汉语轻声词有了全面的感性的认识。为后面进行的关于轻声词的相关研究做了准备。第三章考察的是现代汉语轻声词缀的不对称现象。我们统计了现代汉语轻声词中的真词缀和类词缀,并阐述了词缀是实词虚化的必然结果,讨论了后置语音单元的粘附性特征,指出了后置音节粘附性的普遍性,同时使用了大量的语料实例,采用了描写与解释相结合的手法,对现代汉语轻声词缀的不对称现象进行了描述和讨论。第四章首先揭示了轻声的本质是一种韵律特征,通过以《现代汉语词典》2005年第5版为标准的穷尽性搜索的结果,结合整合理论,从重音模式上的“整合效应”入手,举出了大量实例,并从词义分化和功能分化上进行了分类,通过讨论整合效应的普遍性,对现代汉语轻声语缀的辨义功能进行了研究讨论,通过大量的描写与解释,对这一问题进行了剖析。第五章我们讨论的是现代汉语双音节词的轻声化特征。首先对现代汉语词汇双音化趋势的发展历程及其动因进行了描述,同时对现代汉语双音节轻声词的语音弱化的方式(调值弱化、韵母脱落、导致增音)和现代汉语双音节轻声词的语义虚化(信息量的大小与虚化程度的高低)进行了分类研究,阐述了现代汉语双音词的轻声化特征具有“语音轻则意义虚,意义虚则语音轻”的特点。第六章承接第五章关于现代汉语双音节词的轻声化特征,列举了现代汉语的功能词和它们的特点,同时通过历时与共时相结合的研究方法,并结合韵律学上的“音步”概念,研究了汉语双音化的分化作用及其虚化轨迹,从而对现代汉语功能词的轻声化机制进行了有益的探讨。第七章结语部分将论文探讨的主要内容进行了总结,说明了论文的研究价值。希望我们的研究能对汉语语法的发展和语言规范与教学等方面都能有所帮助。

【Abstract】 Being one of the important phenomena of Chinese language speech sounds, light tone is a significant functional construction unit, and also an indispensable means of differentiating reference. The research on light tone was started in the 1920’s, when Mr. Zhao Yuanren put forward the concept of "light tone" in his On Gwoyeu Romatzyh (1922). Since then light tone has been drawing more and more attention in the academic circles, and nowadays it has become a focus in Chinese language speech sounds study. This thesis carries on the research of related issues of light tone from the angles of formation mechanism, function, syntax and semantic meaning, etc. We believe that it is helpful both to the development of Chinese grammar and to standardizing language and teaching.Chapter 1 is an introduction part. It introduces the purpose and meaning of the thesis, the current situation of the research on modern light tone Chinese characters. By working on this investigation, we have found that there are still some breakthroughs we can make in this research. This part also includes the theories and methods of the research, and the sources of language materials. The introduction will lead us to a better understanding of modern light tone Chinese characters.Chapter 2 is a statistics analysis of modern light tone Chinese characters. We completed a thorough analysis and distinction by analyzing the number, types, current situation of construction and features of light tone Chinese characters in Modern Chinese Dictionary (5th version, 2005). It gives us a perceptual knowledge of modern light tone Chinese characters and a preparation of the research.Chapter 3 is an investigation of asymmetry in the affixes of modern light tone Chinese characters. It shows a statistics on the true affixes and affixoids in modern light tone Chinese characters, elaborates that affixes are an inevitable outcome of grammaticalization, discusses the adhering feature of postpositive speech sound unit, and indicates its universality. In the description and discussion of the asymmetry of modern light tone Chinese characters, both a large amount of language materials and the combination of description and explanation are adopted.Chapter 4 first indicates that the nature of light tone is a feature of meter and rhyme. Based on the theory of union, the effect of the stress mode, and the outcome of searching thoroughly in Modern Chinese Dictionary (5th version, 2005), it classifies the affixes of modern light tone Chinese characters by distinction of meaning and of function with a great number of examples. The distinctive function of the affixes of modern light tone Chinese characters has been discussed by analyzing the universality of the effect of union.Chapter 5 is focused on the feature of light tone. First it describes the development of modern Chinese disyllabic words with reasons, and studies the methods of phonetic reduction (reduction of tone pitch, omission of vowels, causing augmentation) and also the semantic grammaticalization (the amount of information and level of grammaticalization) in modern Chinese disyllabic words with light tone.Chapter 6 lists the function words of modern Chinese and their features, discusses the mechanism of neutralizing of the function words of modern Chinese in the way of diachrony and synchrony, and studies Chinese disyllabification on the concept of“foot”in prosody.Chapter 7 is a conclusion of the thesis on its value of research. We hope that our study is useful both to the development of Chinese grammar and to standardizing language and teaching.

  • 【分类号】H146
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