

【作者】 刘慧

【导师】 李时人;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 明代山西文学是明代文学的内在组成部分,也是山西文学不可或缺的一个阶段。本论文以明代山西作家为研究对象,重点对作家生平、交游、创作等方面进行考察和研究,以求展现出明代三百年间山西文坛的整体风貌和地域文学特征。作者首先从史传、方志、书目、丛书、诗文总集、别集等资料中整理出明代山西作家203人,写出《明代山西作家小传》,然后查阅各类丛书以及诗文总集、别集,找出近30部明代山西作家的存留诗文别集,整理出《明代山西作家别集叙录》,这些都收入本文附录之中,也是本文论述的基础。本文除“绪论”外,共分八章。第一章至第七章重在历时性地论述明代山西作家,根据明代山西作家的具体情况,论述分为明前期、明中期、明后期、明末四个阶段,并将重点作家单独列章论述。第八章是有关明代山西散曲作家的专题研究。“明前期”指从明朝建国初到成化年间(1368-1487),山西文学在这期间较为沉寂,有诗文记载的作家30余人,有名者屈指可数。由元入明知名者惟杜敩、王翰、张昌三人,开明初山右诗文之先河。永乐至天顺年间的一代理学大家薛瑄,在诗文领域同样成就非凡,可谓“有德有言”。成化年间出现的作家较多,以“河东三凤”为代表。“明中期”指弘治至隆庆年间(1488-1572),山西文学在这一时期达到了入明以来的第一个高潮。主要表现是作家数量增加,有诗文记载的作家据统计已达到70余人,成为明代山西文学发展中作家数量最多的一个时期。较有成就的有王崇古、张四维、孔天胤、刘龙、任环等人。这些作家皆有文坛业绩可表,然而大多不以诗文为业,创作多凭爱好,少有理论建树。“明后期”指万历年间(1573-1619),山西在这一时期的文学创作达到了第二次高潮。有诗文记载的作家数量达到了40余人,较为著名的有一代首辅王家屏、边塞诗人张铨、少鹤山人邢大道等人。受到全国文学思潮的影响,山西作家在这一时期的诗文创作大多反对袭古雕琢,提倡性情自然,多质实之作。“明末”指泰昌、天启、崇祯三朝(1620-1644),这一时期的文学带上了强烈的政治色彩和悲剧氛围,山西文坛这一时期的表现比较突出,有诗文记载的作家数量有20余人,代表性作家的有张慎言、孙传庭、张凤翼等人。受“性灵派”和“竟陵派”诗文理论的影响,诗文创作带有明显的反对拟古,提倡性灵的倾向。由明入清之际,山西作家中的明末遗民有傅山、傅眉、阎修龄等人,傅山最为著名。明代是古代散曲的繁荣时期,然而明代山西的散曲创作却呈衰落之势,《全明散曲》仅收四家晋籍作家,其中刘良臣有所成就,常伦成就最高,为明代北派散曲大家。他们的散曲多以质朴豪迈的北曲本色之风见长,是明代北曲的大力倡导者和实践者。

【Abstract】 Shanxi literature of Ming Dynasty is not only an integral part of the Ming Dynasty literature, but also a necessity in its development. The subject of this paper is thus those Shanxi native authors in Ming Dynasty, especially their life, sight-seeing experiences and works, which will be described in the form of history of literature so as to show the overall style and geographical literature features of Shanxi literary during the 300 years of Ming Dynasty.The thesis is a cross research between the Ming literature and the Shanxi literature. The author sorted out a total of 203 writers of Shanxi Province in Ming Dynasty from the historical records, local biography, bibliography, series, poetry, and other collective works and made a " Biography of Shanxi Native Writers in Ming Dynasty ". Then, by reading all kinds of series, poetry and other collective works, the author has selected nearly 30 collective works preserved until now and sorted out "The Collective Works of Shanxi Native Writers in Ming Dynasty ". All of the above are collected in the appendix,, which is the basis of this paper.This thesis is made up of eight chapters. From the first to the seven chapter, the author chronologically described Shanxi native writers in the Ming Dynasty. The description is divided into four stages: the early Ming Dynasty, the middle Ming, the late Ming, and the end of the Ming Dynasty. Besides, all the significant authors will be narrated in separate chapters. The last chapter is a ,monographic study on Sanxi native writers of Qu-poetry in the Ming Dynasty.The Early Ming Dynasty lasted from its establishment to Chenghua (1368-1487), during which the literature of Shanxi was not very prosperous.. More than 30 writers have been recorded in literature, but the famous ones are limited. DuXiao, Wang Han, and Zhang Chang were said to be the forerunners of the "Shanyou" poems. From YongLe to TianShun period, an expert on Neo-Confucianism named XueXuan, who was honored as“a men of virtue with great literature being handed down”, has scored great achievements in the field of poetry. Druing the Chenghua years, more and more writers came into being, and the representative figures were known as" He dong san feng".The Mid Ming lasted from Hongzhi to Longqing years (1488-1572). The literature of Shanxi in this period has reached its peak, represented by a sharp increase in the number of writers. According to statistics, over 70 Shanxi native writers have been recorded in literature,, which was the largest number in the development of Shanxi literature. Wang Chonggu, Zhang Siwei, Kong Tianyin, Liu Long, and Ren Huan, etc. were among the writers who had greater achievements. All of them were outstanding in the field of literature. But neither took poetry as their professions. With few theoretical achievements, most of their great works has been created out of interest. Compared with works of the great masters of poems, their works were not so significant.The late Ming Dynasty refers to the Wanli (1573-1619) period, during which the literature of Shanxi reached another peak. Over 40 Shanxi native writers have been recorded in literature,,,among whom Wang Jiaping(a prime minister) , Zhang Quan(a poet in frontier fortress), Xing Dadao (nicknamed“Shao He Shan Ren”), etc. were famouse . Influenced by nationwide trends of thought in literature, most of the authors in Shanxi Province during this period opposed to imitating ancient literature. Instead, they advocated natural style and created many substantial works."The end of the Ming Dynasty" refers to the three periods of Taichang, Tianqi and Chongzhen (1620-1644). The literature during this period was full of strong political overtones and tragic atmosphere, especially the Shanxi literature. The number of writers being recorded in literature was over 20. Zhang Shenyan, Sun Chuanting, Zhang Fengyi and so on were representatives. Impacted by the theories of "Spirit faction" and "Jingling faction", the poems were marked with an opposition to model literary style on that of the ancients and a promotion of personality. Fu Shan, Fu Mei, Yan Xiuling were among the Shanxi writers in the end of the Ming Dynasty and Fu Shan was the most famous.Ming was a prosperous period of ancient Qu-poetry. However, Sanxi Qu-poetry gradually waned in this period. Works from only 4 Sanxi native writers of Qu-poetry were included in Qu-poetry of Ming Dynasty. Among those 4 writers, Liu Liangchen recorded some achievements and Chang Lun had greatest accomplishments. Therefore, Chang has been honored as the expert of North Qu-poetry in Ming Dynasty. The works from the above four writers who have been the advocator and practicer of North Qu-poetry in Ming Dynasty were featured by a style of rusticity and boldness.

【关键词】 明代山西作家研究
【Key words】 Ming DynastyShanxiwritersresearch
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】559