

The Difference Analysis Model of Residents Environmental Perceptions and Its Application

【作者】 徐克帅

【导师】 朱海森;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究在国内外相关理论和研究方法基础上,提出了历史文化村落居民环境感知差异分析模式,并应用该模式对三个典型村落进行了分析。分布在中国大地上的数以百计的历史文化村落(寨、堡)是中华传统文化的重要载体。但随着盲目的旅游开发,这些历史文化村落的自然和社会文化环境正遭受着严重的威胁。通过研究历史文化村落居民的感知环境,可以比较明确地了解旅游给目的地带来的积极和消极影响,从而使旅游地朝着可持续发展的方向前进。为了全面了解历史文化村落居民的环境感知共性和个性特点,研究通过环境感知差异分析模式即从时间、空间两个维度,研究三对关系产生的矛盾导致的旅游开发对历史文化村落经济、社会文化、自然的影响。目的在于通过具体分析了解发展现状,提出可持续发展的措施。基于此方式和目的,以浙江柿林、江西理坑、贵州郎德为代表,通过田野调查和历时研究,对同一历史文化村落不同居民群体环境感知的差异,同一人群不同时间的环境感知差异,不同村落居民环境感知的差异三方面作调查研究。以揭示环境感知的人群、时间、空间差异特征并分析产生原因,从而为历史文化村落的可持续发展提出相应的对策。研究主要运用针对一般村民的问卷调查和针对重点村民的深度访谈,其中对柿林村进行了为期三年的历时调查。通过SPSS统计分析软件对问卷调查数据进行统计,在此基础上,结合深度访谈得出了居民环境感知的人群、时间、空间差异:1、老年居民和女性居民对旅游开发会有更强烈的正面感知。2、居民自主参与有利于居民的正面感知。3、居民的旅游收益对环境感知存在重要影响。在实证和理论研究的基础上文章提出一个方针,两条原则。即政府服务,村民开发方针。原则即乡土性和人本性原则。并从宏观和微观角度提出了实现上述方针和原则的建议,其中特别强调政府在历史文化村落保护与开发中的服务角色的重要性。研究思路上的较为全面的历史文化村落居民环境感知差异分析模型的建立及应用,具体研究操作手段上的定性与定量的较好结合,及基于中国历史文化村落旅游开发深入调查基础上提出的以创建服务型政府为基本方针的具体措施是本研究的创新之处。由于主客观原因的限制,深度结构访谈和问卷调查有待深入。因此,长期的历时研究将有助于更深入地理解时空中的居民环境感知的变化,及其对历史文化村落可持续发展的影响。

【Abstract】 Based on the theories and research methods at home and abroad, this study created the difference analysis model of residents environmental perceptions to examine the environmental perceptions of the residents living in cultural and historical villages (Hereinafter referred to HCVs).Hundreds of HCVs what distributiing over China are important traditional Chinese culture carriers. However, as blind development of tourism , the natural and socio-cultural environment of HCVs are suffering from serious threat. By studying their environmental perceptions, it could get a clear understanding of tourism imapcts on destinations, whatever positive or negative it will be. Three HCVs , ie. ShiLin villege, LiKeng villege, Langde upper villege were selected as examples in this sdudy.A questionnaire survey and the indepth interview were combined in this sdudy, dates selected were analysed by SPSS. The statistics were disscused with dates from the depth interview. It concludes that : 1, the elderly and female residents have a strong positive perception to tourism development. 2, residents participation is helpful to positive sense. 3, receipts from tourism is the most important factor impacts resisents perception.Then, a guideline, two principles and measures from the macro and micro perspectives were given on the basis of conclution in the article above. It puts emphasis on the role of governments with deferent levels playing in the sustainable tourism of HCVs, echoing the goal of creating service-oriented government aclaimed by president Hu recently.Applying the difference analysis model of residents environmental perceptions to examine the environmental perceptions of the residents living in HCVs, and the combination of the qualitative and quantitative ways in this research is the most important innovation in this study.Restricted by the objective and subjective reasons, interviews and survey has some shortcomings. Therefore, longitudital study will contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the residents in the perception of the environment, and the impacts of tourism development on the HCVs. For this resean the study will be continuing.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
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