

Excavating Memory·Reconstructing History

【作者】 刘佳

【导师】 秦元莲;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 谭恩美是当今美国文坛著名的华裔女作家,1989年她的处女作《喜福会》一经问世即获得巨大成功,曾经连续八个月荣登《纽约时报》的畅销书排行榜,1994年由王颖导演拍成同名电影上映后,谭恩美更是成为美国家喻户晓的华裔作家。她接下来的两部作品《灶神之妻》和《百种神秘感觉》先后延续了《喜福会》的成功。继第三部小说《百种神秘感觉》出版六年之后,她于2001年又推出了第四部长篇小说《接骨师之女》,该小说仍然得到了美国普通读者和文学批评界的广泛关注和好评。2005年她又推出了最新力作《拯救溺水鱼》。如今谭恩美已经成为美国文坛少数族裔作家的一位代表人物,以其非同一般的洞察力和高超的写作技巧享誉美国文坛,并以其深厚的东方文化传统丰富着美国多元文化,在当今美国社会倡导多元文化的大背景下,她的地位已经渐渐超越了一位少数族裔作家或流行小说家的身份,而成为整个美国乃至西方最为著名的一流大家之一。谭恩美的第四部小说《接骨师之女》有着极其浓厚的自传风格,以其亲身经历以及其祖母与母亲的经历为素材,围绕着华裔移民母女两代人的矛盾冲突与调解融合展开,再次返回到她所熟悉的母女关系的主题。同时,作者巧妙地运用母女关系这个隐喻,表达了在当今全球化的大趋势下自己对于中西方文化交流的态度和观点。然而国内文学批评界对这本小说还没有引起足够的重视,目前研究谭恩美的大多数学术论文都是以《喜福会》作为研究文本,对于她的其他三部小说的研究还有待进一步加强。尤其是《接骨师之女》这部小说,在该部小说中,作者再次返回到她所熟悉的母女关系主题,并以其娴熟的写作技巧向我们讲述了三代母女之间深切感人的情感交流。可以说该小说在成功地传承了前三部小说的成功之处的同时,也得到了明显的提高,作者的写作手法日臻成熟,并具有更大的现实意义,应当引起学术界的足够重视。本文选择《接骨师之女》这一文本,主要围绕该小说的写作主题—母女关系,运用后殖民主义文学批评理论和女性主义文学批评理论对其进行解读。本论文包括五章。第一章简要介绍美国华裔文学的发展、现状及作者谭恩美。第二章对文本的研究现状进行梳理,指出本论文的研究目的和意义;同时引入后殖民主义文学批评理论中的“他者”概念,为文本的解读提供方法论。第三章从身份、文化、语言、情感交流等不同的角度,运用“他者”概念分析小说中两对母女产生矛盾和冲突的原因。第四章主要分析了母女之间如何重新建构各自的身份,并找到她们之间共同的身份,从而通过共同的历史传承和家族历史,达到母女关系的最终融合。通过前四章的研究得出第五章的结论,指出这部小说的文学价值,以及在当前全球化形势下其所蕴含的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Amy Tan is a famous Chinese American woman writer in American literary circle at present. Her first novel The Joy Luck Club caused an immediate sensation after its publication in the year 1989 and once remained on the list of the best-seller of the New York Times for more than 8 months. The following two novels, The Kitchen God’s Wife and The Hundred Secret Senses, continued the success of The Joy Luck Club. Six years after the publication of the third novel The Hundred Secret Senses, she published her fourth novel The Bonesetter’s Daughter in the year 2001, which also won the wide acclaim and praise from both ordinary readers and literary critics in America. She published her latest novel Saving Fish from Drowning in the year 2005. Nowadays, Amy Tan has become one of the representatives of Chinese American writers in the field of American literature because of her extraordinary thoughts expressed in her novels as well as her excellent writing techniques; meanwhile, she has enriched American multi-culture with her profound Oriental cultural tradition. Therefore her position has already surpassed a minority ethnic writer or a popular novel writer; instead, she has become one of the most famous first-rate writers in Western countries, particularly in America with its much promoted multi-cultural atmosphere.Her fourth novel, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, has strong characteristics of autobiography since it is conceived on the experiences of her own grandmother, mother as well as herself. In this novel, the author turns back to her familiar theme of mother-daughter relationship and writes about how the relationship between the bicultural, bilingual immigrants and thoroughly Americanized second generations finally becomes harmonious after fierce conflicts and contradictions. Meanwhile, the author makes use of mother-daughter relationship artfully to express her attitude towards the cultural communication between Orient and Western counties under the trend of globalization today. This novel, whose major theme concentrates on the mother-daughter relationship, both inherits and surpasses her first three novels; however our literary critical field has not paid enough attention to it.The present thesis is a tentative study of The Bonesetter’s Daughter, using post-colonialist theory and feminist literary criticism with its focus on the major theme of the novel. It includes five chapters. Chapter 1 is a brief overview of the development of Chinese American literature and Amy Tan. Chapter 2 gives a literature review of the study of this novel and introduces the theoretical framework of post-colonialism, especially the concept of“Other”proposed by Edward Said; meanwhile the writing purpose of this thesis is pointed out. In Chapter 3, the concept of“Other”is applied to the analysis of the novel’s major theme, i.e. mother-daughter relationship. This chapter mainly analyzes the causes of the conflicts in the relationships between two pairs of mothers and daughters in the novel. Chapter 4 analyzes how mothers and daughters reconstruct their self-identity and find their common identities which help them to reach reconciliation in their relationship since they are connected closely with each other by their common heritage and family history. The above analysis contributes to the conclusion of this study in Chapter 5, which summarizes the literary value of this novel as well as its implied realistic significance in today’s trend of globalization.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
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