

Integration of Scientism and Humanism

【作者】 张燕丽

【导师】 辛继湘;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 方法论问题是教学设计的基本理论问题之一,从教学设计的历史发展中可以寻找其方法论的发展轨迹。对方法论的反思与批判,有助于教学设计理论研究的完善与进步,从而加快学科成熟的步伐。本文首先分析了科学主义教学设计的方法论取向,并在此基础上进行反思;然后又阐述了人文主义思潮影响下的教学设计方法论取向,指出这种方法论取向的局限所在;文章最后从人的完整统一性出发,结合教学过程的特殊性,指出教学设计的方法论发展将从两极走向整合,并对整合的必然性、整合的途径及前景进行了探讨。全文分为四部分,基本内容如下:第一章是本文的引言,简要说明了本课题的研究思路,同时就教学设计方法论的研究现状进行综述,在此基础上明确了本课题研究的理论意义和实践意义。另外,在这一部分对研究方法和研究内容也进行了简要说明。第二章:围绕科学主义教学设计的方法论取向展开论述。文章对科学主义的产生及发展进行阐述,回顾了科学主义教学设计的历史发展并总结其特点,在此基础上,从方法论的角度对科学主义教学设计进行反思。第三章:主要反思人文主义教学设计的方法论。首先,论述了人文主义的内涵及发展,并在此基础上总结人文主义的特点;接着,走入人文主义教学设计的新视野并对其方法论进行反思。第四章:从人的完整统一性和教学过程的特殊性出发,讨论科学主义教学设计和人文主义教学设计走向融合的必然性,并探讨了教学设计走向整合的思路。最后就整合的内容提出自己几点思考。

【Abstract】 Methodological problem of Instructional Design (abbr.: ID) is one of the ID’s basic elementary theoretical problems. From ID’s historical development, we can find its developmental path. Rethinking and criticizing the methodology is helpful to the consummation and progress of ID’s theories research, and speeds up the discipline’s maturing step. The article first analyzes the scientism ID’s methodology orientation, and carries on rethinking in this basis; then elaborates the ID’s methodology orientation which is influenced by the humanism ideological trend, points out the limitation of this kind of methodology orientation; finally, embarking from human’s integrity, considering ID’s particularity, puts forward that the ID’s methodology development will move towards the conformity from the two-pole, and gives the ponder to the inevitability and the ways of ID’s integration of methodologies.The thesis consists of four major parts; the main content is as follows:Chapter 1: Introduction briefly presents the research’s routine, and summaries the research’s status quo of ID’s methodologies, and elaborates the research’s theoretical and practical significance of the research. Moreover, in this part, also briefly explicates the research method and content.Chapter 2 elaborates ID’s scientism methodology orientation. First, it presents the origin and development of scientism; then, reviews the scientism ID’s historical development and summarizes its characteristics; finally, rethinks the scientism ID from the methodology angle of view.Chapter 3 first elaborates the humanism connotation and development, and summarizes the humanism characteristics; after that, walks into the humanism ID new field of vision; finally, rethinks its methodology.Chapter 4: Embarking from human’s integrity and oneness and the ID’s particularity, it discusses the inevitability that the scientism ID and the humanism ID moves towards the Integration; then attempts to put forward the ID’s ways that moves towards the integrity; finally, thinks deeply the prospects of the integration of ID’s methodologies.

【关键词】 科学主义人文主义融合教学设计方法论
【Key words】 Instructional DesignScientismHumanismMethodolog
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【下载频次】363