

High School Freshmen Mathematics Learning Disorders and the Analysis of Teaching Strategies

【作者】 蔡小华

【导师】 张垚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在研究国内外关于数学学习障碍文献的基础之上,阐述了高中新生数学学习障碍的基本含义,探讨了高中新生数学学习障碍的成因及教学对策分析。根据“数学难学”的普遍性和特殊性,可分为群体性学习困难和个体数学学习困难。前者是指“在数学学习的特定阶段或特定章节,学生普遍感到数学难学,出现大面积的学习成绩下降或分化的现象”。后者是指“智力发展正常,但没有充分发挥自己的智力因素而不能达到国家规定的最低的数学学习标准,数学学习效率低下,数学学习成绩长期落后于学生全体的数学学习状态”。研究者多关注后者。对于学困生问题,心理学界与教育学界已早有研究,而且已经取得了许多成功的经验,但针对全体高中新生,这一特定时期的全体,而不仅是长期学习困难的个体,在面对初高中转换的“新数学”时所遇到的障碍的研究仍然鲜见,这是一个阶段性的障碍,为了更好的进行此项研究,笔者特别到初二任教了一个学期(2007年上半期),以了解初中教学环境,教学模式,通过对高中新生的数学学习情况的调查和分析,对比初高中的课程设置,教师的教学习惯,学生的学习、心理特点,笔者发掘了高中新生数学学习障碍的成因,(主要是非智力因素的影响,学生情感态度的转换迟钝)并提出相应的教学对策。影响高中新生数学学习障碍的因素总计有四大块:1.教材内容的影响2.课程设置的影响3.教师教学方式的影响4.学生学习习惯的影响本文在结合理论与实践的基础上,提出了转化消除高中新生数学学习障碍的对策:1.强化入学初期教育,控制分化:2.实施情感教育3.加强学法指导4.培养学生良好的学习习惯。为研究分析影响高中新生数学学习障碍的因素,在理论分析的基础上,采用了问卷调查法,跟踪观察法,作实证研究,并进行了定量分析。经过一学期的实验,获得了良好的效果。最后,介绍了自己在教学中实施转化策略的一个案例。

【Abstract】 Based on the study of document concerning learning obstruction of mathematics at home and abroad, the authorities to explain the basic meaning of mathematical learning obstructions on the high school freshmen .The author also explores the causes of mathematical learning obstruction and its corresponding analysis to the teaching and learning strategies. According to the university and particularity of the phenomenon "it is difficult to learn maths". We can divide it into group learning difficulty and individual learning difficulty. The former refers to a kind of phenomenon that in a specific stage or chapter of learning maths, students feel difficult to learn maths generally and there is a decline in academic performance or split up on grades in great quantities. The latter refers to a state of mathematical learning when students with normal intelligence don’t make full use of intellectual factors and con not meet the mathematics learning standard, with mathematical learning efficiency low and mathematical scores lagging behind the average whole for the long term. Up to now, the researchers have paid more attention to the latter. As to the students having difficulty in learning, the circles of psychology and education had made many studies and have achieved much successful experience. However, as to the whole high school freshmen, the whole in a specific stage rather than the individual with long-standing learning difficulty, the study on the learning barrier met by students who are learning new maths on the early stage of high school is still scare. This is a kind of staged barrier ,In order to carry out this study better , the author experienced a semester’s teaching career in a Junior school, grade two to understand the teaching environment and teaching mode. Through a series of survey and analysis and making comparisons of curriculum between the Junior high and the senior high , teachers’ teaching style, students’ learning and psychological characteristics. The author explores the contributing factors of the student’s learning barrier on maths and puts forwards its corresponding teaching strategies (mainly the influences of non-intelligence factors and the students’ dull-witted conversion of emotional attitudes). The factors that influence the high school freshmen’s learning barriers on maths all together are as following:1. The impact of the contents of textbooks2. The impact of curriculum3. The impact of teacher’s teaching methods4. The impact of students’ study habitsThe thesis which is based on the combination of conveying the high school freshmen who have difficulty in learning maths:1. Strengthening the early education enrollment, and control differentiation;2. Implement the emotional education3. Strengthen the instruction for learning4.Train the students to good study habits.In order to analysis the impact of high school freshmen’s mathematics learning disabilities, the author used questionnaire survey, tracking observation, empirical research and quantitative analysis which are based on the theoretical analysis. After a semester of experiments the author achieved a good result.Finally, the author describes a conversion case in his teaching strategies of the implementation

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】932