

The Study of Zhang Ziping’s Sex-related Works in the Context of Moral Reconstruction

【作者】 鲁良

【导师】 谭桂林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 张资平其文其人是需要学界进行研究却并未得到关注的课题。论文试图在“五四”思想解放思潮下出现的道德重构背景下,选择张资平最有代表性的涉性小说进行考察,呈现张资平涉性小说的基本样态、其别具风格的小说文本形成的影响因素和张资平涉性小说对当时代道德构建尤其是人伦方面的启蒙意义和价值。论文在“引论”部分通过列举张资平的文学成就和郭沫若等名家的肯定性评价等史料,以及曾华鹏、范伯群、叶向东、徐仲佳等一批专家的论点。笔者认为研究张资平小说不仅能够客观地审视这位遭历史遗弃的作家,而且能够厘清现代文学的一个被忽略的亮点,能够管窥这段历史中知识分子对重构道德的尝试与努力。论文呼吁,学界应该摈弃历史定见、摈弃权力话语,本着全面考察文学接受、文学发展的文学史观,客观的评价张资平及其作品。论文第一章分析了张资平涉性小说的文本特征,认为张资平创造了独具风格的“性话语模式”,其文本题材为性本能与爱欲求,其文本结构为三角恋爱模式,其文本期待为非精英化路径。论文在第二章中分析了张资平涉性小说文本发生的影响因素包括,文化基线、西方自然主义、弗洛依德学说、基督义理的影响。论文在第三章中张资平涉性小说的道德重构的启蒙指向,认为张资平的涉性小说写作带有一种鲜明的道德建构意味,对重构道德具有很有价值和影响的启蒙意义,包括追求生命本体的自我确认,追求性爱的审美价值,追求灵肉一致的爱情观。

【Abstract】 It is the project of Zhang Ziping and his works that needs literati to study and which, fail to be given the due attention.On the background of the moral reconstruction brought by the "May the 4th "ideological emancipation wave, this thesis tries to choose the most representative sex-related works to carry out a survey, aiming to reproduce the basic formality of them, the influential factors to form his unique style text, and the enlightening meaning of the work in the morality, especially the humane and ethic construction. The thesis calls on that the literati should give up the fixed notion of history and political factors. On the basis of full survey on the literary acceptance, the literary development of its history view, the literati could make an object comment on Zhang Ziping and his works.In the "Introduction" part, the thesis through putting forward zhang’s achievements and quoting some eminent writers’ positive comment such as Guo moruo’s on zhang’s works, this thesis draws the conclusion that the study of zhang’s works can not only observe this deserted-by-history writer carefully and objectively, but can also shed some light on an ignored outstanding point of modern literature, offering a glimpse of the endeavor and trial that the literatus made to reconstruct the morality during that historical period.The first chapter of the thesis is mainly the analysis of the basic attributes of Zhang’s sex-related works, considering that Zhang had created a unique style of "sexual conversation pattern", and the subject of this part is sexual instinct and sensual desire with the pattern of triangle love as its structure, the way of non-refinement as expectation.The second chapter deals with the factors that influence Zhang’s sex-related works including basic cultural principles, the western naturalism, Freud’s theories, and dogmas of Christianity.The third chapter mainly refers to his sex-related works’ direction of humanity and moral, holding that Zhang’s works have some distinct taste of moral construction, and making a strong, enlightening and valuable influence impact on reconstructing morality. This includes the pursuit of life’s self confirmation, the aesthetic value of pursuing Eros, the love philosophy of pursuing the consistence of body and soul.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165