

Discourse Analysis on Announcements

【作者】 任贵华

【导师】 郑庆君;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 行政公文是我国实施行政管理的一个重要工具,而“通知”又是所有行政公文中使用频率最高,使用范围最广的文种之一,因此“通知”的功能性很强,研究行政公文“通知”尤为显得重要。长期以来,人们研究行政公文运用的是写作学、文章学的理论及方法,普遍存在“写作格式十例文”的现象。本文运用篇章语言学研究成果,以语篇分析理论为指导,对我国行政公文“通知”语篇进行分析研究,既是行政公文研究领域的实用理论,也是语篇分析应用性研究的新拓展。本文以语篇分析(篇章语言学)的理论及方法为指导,探讨行政公文中“通知”语篇的篇章模式,以及语篇内部主位结构和信息结构的运行机制。本文共分五个部分。第一部分为绪论,简要回顾了语篇分析历史及语篇衔接与连贯理论发展脉络,指出了本文研究的目的、意义;第二部分研究“通知”语篇的篇章策略与篇章模式;第三部分研究“通知”语篇的主位结构;第四部分研究“通知”语篇的信息结构;第五部分为结论。研究表明,“通知”作为一个最常用的行政公文文种,公文的行政职能就是其语篇生成的目的,而这一目的促使“通知”语篇在生成的过程中选择独特的篇章策略和篇章模式即问题--解决模式、概况—具体模式、主张—反主张模式以及多种策略连续体;为了实现不同的篇章策略和篇章模式,“通知”语篇有着不同的主位结构模式即主位推进模式,以及不同的信息等级分布类型,正是通过这些手段,实现了“通知”语篇功能实现的机制。

【Abstract】 Administrative Official Document is one of the most important means of carrying out administrations of our nation, in which Notice is one of the supremely frequent and the most popular styles. With its strong functionality, Notice has become more important in exploring the AOD(Administrative Official Document). The AOD was explored by applying such theories as writingology and articleology, resulting in the ubiquity phenomena of Compositional Format plus Samples for a long time. This thesis, applying the achievement of textural linguistic and being under the guidance of the theory of discourse analysis, makes analysis and research of the Notice’s discourse. And its production not only provides the practical theory for the studying field of AOD, but the new development of applied studying in discourse analysis. Under the guidance of the theory and method of discourse analysis, this thesis explores the textual pattern of Notice, the textural thematic structure, as well as the operating mechanism of information structure.This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction; I reviewed the history of discourse analysis theory and the development of discourse cohesion and coherence theory and point out the purpose of my research. The second chapter studies the strategy and pattern of Notice. The third chapter studies the discourse cohesion and coherence theory. The fourth chapter studies the thematic structure and information structure of Notice. The fifth chapter is a conclusion to this thesis. The research shows that, "notice" as a most frequent used administrative document style, the discourse comes into being is due to its administrative function. To achieve this purpose, Notice chooses the special discourse strategy and pattern .e.g. problem-resolve pattern, general-individual pattern, propose-protest pattern and so forth in the process of the discourse comes into being. And to make the patterns above, there are many different information structures. It is just because of these measures that the function of Notice realised.

  • 【分类号】H152
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】290