

The Application to Communicative Approach in English Listening and Speaking Teaching in Votech Colleges

【作者】 周雯

【导师】 肖运初;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自1996年《职业教育法》颁布实施以来,高等职业技术教育得到了空前的发展。高等职业技术教育肩负的主要任务是为社会和经济发展第一线培养高级实用型技术人才和管理人才。高职教育坚持“实用为主,够用为度”的教学原则。具有一定的外语交际能力是现代专业技术人才的必备素质,随着我国对外开放的不断深入,中国加入WTO,交际变得日益重要,在交际过程中尤其是英语的听说能力更是重中之重。然而在我国的高职实际英语教学中,传统上教学的重点是语言知识,而不是语言的运用,学到的知识无法迁移到现实生活中。因此,我国的学生经过多年的英语学习后,“听不懂,说不出”的现象很普遍。目前的《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》虽强调培养学生用英语进行交际的能力,但没有明确对学生社会能力的要求,此外,当前的三、四、六级测试及学期测试也是以测试学生的语言基础知识为主要内容,对学生实际运用语言的能力没有足够重视。培养出的学生应试能力强,交际能力低,不能在真正意义上达到高职的培养目标。随着交际教学法在中国的推广,现在我们的重点已转移到交际,强调学生是学习的主体,学会用英语交流即用英语做事是学习的终极目的;学习的动力是社会生活各方面的信息交流。本文针对这些情况探讨在高职英语听说教学中采用交际教学法的模式来提高学生的交际能力。在相关交际教学理论和互动理论的指导下,采用调查和实证研究的方法,在简要回顾了高职院校的特征,培养目标、以及高职英语的教学现状的基础上我们提出了这样的假设:交际教学可以激发和促进高职学生的英语听说学习,营造一种更加亲密的社会人际氛围,从而提高学生的英语学习成绩。本文选取了作者任教的长沙航空职业技术学院经济与贸易系的国贸和电商2006年入学一年级两个自然班进行了为期10周的教学实验。实验中我们对控制班和实验班分别采用“以教师为中心的”传统教学法和交际教学法两种。为了确保实验的有效性,实验前一星期分别对两个班进行了摸底考试。此外,还设计了两份调查问卷,以便进一步了解学生英语学习状况实验前后的变化。令我感到高兴的是,实验和问卷的结果在一定程度上证明了我的假设是正确的。交际教学法看重语言的功能意义和社会交往意义,实验证明在高职院校的英语听说教学中实施交际教学法在一定的程度上能提高学生的学习积极性和兴趣,培养他们的自信心和自主学习能力以及营造一种和谐的学习氛围,从而提高他们的英语听说能力。但是由于我国客观存在的问题,推行交际教学法受到了一定程度的限制。譬如每个教学班的人数一般偏多,因而存在管理和组织上的问题;同时对学生在课堂上的错误不能及时更正以及教学方式雷同等也会让学生失去兴趣;另外还存在师资力量上的问题。尽管有缺陷,但交际教学法仍不失为一种可取和可选的教学方法。只要我们掌握得好,它可以提高学生的学习效率,达到培养他们的交际能力的目的,尤其是听说能力。作者希望通过本文的研究,能给高职英语老师的教学带来一些启迪,以便更好地提高高职学生的英语听说能力和交际能力。

【Abstract】 Higher Vocational Education has been developing in an unprecedented rapid step since the implement of the Law on Vocational Education in 1996. According to this document, the major task that the higher vocational education should assume is to foster personnel of skills and management in the frontline of social-economic construction. "Practicality and adequacy" is the teaching principle which the higher vocational education has been in persistent pursuit of. Communicative competence in foreign language is one of the necessary qualifications for professional technical personnel in the modern society. With China’s entry into WTO and the implement of its open-door policy, communication is becoming more and more important. During the communication, English listening and speaking are one of the most important factors. However, in China’s Votech Colleges (VC), traditionally our focus on the English teaching is always knowledge but not performance. Students can not transfer the knowledge to real life. Therefore, after many years’ English study, they still experience difficulty in using English aurally and orally, most of the students are just like the deaf and the dumb.The English Syllabus in Votech Colleges does not define the requirements on students’ listening and speaking ability. In addition, the present tests like CET3, CET4, CET6 and the terminal English tests bear little listening contents, especially the speaking contents, whereas set linguistic knowledge as the chief requirement and ignore students’ ability of language use in practice. Consequently, the students can not even learn initiatively, let alone the realization of the teaching goal of higher vocational education. With the spreading of the Communicative Approach (CA) in China, today our focus is on communication. We emphasize that the student is the subject of learning; that the end of language learning is communicating in English or doing things in English; the impetus of learning is information exchanging. In view of the above mentioned facts, the thesis will probe into the issues of executing CA to improve the students’ English listening and speaking in VC.Guided by the relevant CA theories and interaction theories, this thesis explores empirically whether it is feasible to apply CA in VC English teaching and learning. First, we looked back the characteristics, aims and the present situations of VC, then we presented such hypothesis as: CA can create a favorable socio-psychological atmosphere in the classroom; offer more time and opportunity to practice and communicate with the target language; the experimental class can achieve greater academic achievement than those in the control group do.This thesis is a report of an experimental study of CA in English listening and speaking in VC. Two natural classes with 51 people in each, one of which is the experimental group, and the other of which is the control group, majoring in international trade and electronic trade at the Economic and Trade Department in Changsha Aeronotical Vocational Technical College, where the author of this thesis works. A teacher-centered traditional method and CA pedagogy were respectively employed in the control group and the experimental group. In order to ensure the validity of the experiment, the author of this thesis carried out a comprehensive test a week before the experiment began, and the author also designed and issued two questionaires before and after the experiment. Luckily, the respond to the questionaire and the experiment data proved to be satisfactory to a certain extent.Communicative approach emphasizes the functional meanings and social communicative meanings of language. This study shows that executing CA in English listening and speaking teaching in VC can arouse the students’ enthusiasm and foster their interest; develop their confidence and self-regulated study ability; maintain harmony and natural environment, thus it can improve the students’ listening and speaking ability. But implementing CA has been greatly restricted owing to the concrete situations in China. Generally there are so many students in every class and it exists some problems in management and organization. At the same time the teacher can not correct the students’ errors immediately in class and the teaching method is always the same. So as time goes by, the students will lose their freshness and interest in English. Although there are some defects in implementing CA, it is an advisable teaching method. If we can make good use of it, it can heighten the effect and develop the students’ communicative competence, especially their listening and speaking ability.It’s hoped that the study of this thesis will provide insight into English listening and speaking teaching in VC and give the teachers more options in both how they develop and how they assess their students’ listening and speaking ability.

  • 【分类号】H319
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