

Analysis of Influencing Factors of Mobilephones’ Purchasing among College Students in Chang-Zhu-Tan District

【作者】 刘辉

【导师】 叶茂林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用自编的《大学生手机购买消费调查问卷》在长、株、潭地区七所高校学生中共发放问卷720份,回收有效问卷676份,利用SPSS13.0进行探索性因素分析,采用主成分分析法得出影响大学生手机购买消费心理与行为的主要因素;在探索性因素分析的基础上,在上述高校中发放620份调查问卷,回收有效问卷554份,利用LISREL8.50进行验证性因素分析,评价衡量模型的有效性,同时展开人口统计学变量的差异性分析。结果显示:1.影响大学生手机购买消费心理与行为的8个因素项目,依次为时尚、价格、外观设计、品牌、服务因素、同伴关系、功能以及人性化设计。2.在探索性因素分析的基础上,进行了验证性因素分析,结果表明,八大主要影响因素整体的拟合优度较好。3.在年级方面的差异不显著:在性别方面,男生对手机功能和人性化设计的要求比女生高;在专业方面,文科生更注重同伴之间的指导意见;在家庭所在地方面,城市大学生比农村大学生更重视时尚、外观,而农村大学生则更注重品牌及其文化;家庭月收入高的同学对时尚、外观及功能要求比家庭月收入低的同学高,但收入低的反而更注重品牌以及品牌所体现的价值对自身价值的提升。

【Abstract】 This study adopted a self-complied "questionnaire on mobile phone purchasing of college students" , and put out 720 questionnaires in 7 universities in Chang-Zhu-Tan District, and took back 676 effective ones. By means of SPSS 13. 0, this study used Principal Components Method to make Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and got principal factors which influence college students’ psychology and behaviors in mobile phone purchasing. On the basis of EFA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was made. 620 questionnaires were put out in those previous mentioned universities and 554 effective ones were taken back. LISREL 8. 50 is adopted to make CFA to evaluate the validity of the scale. Meanwhile , based on demographic characteristics, mean difference analyses are presented. The results showed that:1. There are eight factors influencing college students’ psychology and behaviors in mobile phone purchasing, including fashion, price, external design, brand, service, companions’ advice, functions and human-based (humanization) design.2. On the basis of EFA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was made. The result shows that the total goodness of fit was acceptable.3. There is no significant difference from the point of grade; from the point of sex, male students required more on function and humanized design than female ones ; as for specialty, Arts students wanted more instruction opinions among companions; from the housing residency, college students from urban areas attach more importance to fashion and external design, while students from rural areas considered more on brand and its culture; higher earned family students had more demands for fashion, external design and function than those from lower earned families, who focued more on brand and its value which can enhance their self-worth instead.

  • 【分类号】G645.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】915