

A Comparative Study of Su Tong’s and Mo Yan’s Family Narration

【作者】 张翼

【导师】 赵树勤;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为新时期文学的重要叙述类型,家族叙事在20世纪80年代呈现繁荣景象。新的历史观念与文化观念营造了一种个人化书写的家族叙事,而苏童与莫言的创作是其典型代表。本文从苏童、莫言的对比性研究切入,以家族叙事为研究核心,围绕《红高粱家族》、《丰乳肥臀》、《檀香刑》、《妻妾成群》、《米》、《罂粟之家》等典型性文本进行个案分析,探讨家族叙事所呈现的不同风貌,丰富与拓展新时期家族叙事研究。全文除引言、结语外,分为四章:引言:主要论述新时期家族叙事特点与学术背景。在新历史主义理论基础上,对因此引发的新时期家族叙事特点进行梳理,并对当前相关研究进行综述,阐述本文研究意义。第一章:审视作家家园情结以及延伸到文本中的精神内涵。基于地域、经历等个体差异,探讨作家以独特复杂情感建构的精神家园,并上升于个体创作心理探寻与文化审视的高度对作家经验性书写进行文化观照。第二章:结合文本对家族人物典型进行比较研究。研究从两方面展开。其一、作家解构了男性家庭地位与社会意义,更多地展示着家族男性的代际弱化现象以及自我迷失,以一种非理性生存状态角度重新审视中国传统男权文化;其二、在女性话语权回归的视野下,作家均以新历史眼光观照女性失语的历史时代,借助母系崇拜与女性悲剧生存蕴含着作家对历史、文化与人性的深层思考。第三章:探究作家为突显文化意识与人性思索而选择的不同叙述方式。分析全知视角及次知视角在作家文本中的不同体现与侧重,并从魔幻性与思辨性两个方面分别对作家叙事话语进行总结、比较。第四章:从童年经历、文化教养、地域三方面总结性探寻苏童、莫言创作中出现个体差异的客观原因,由此了解作家寄寓的人生观与世界观。结语:进一步分析家族叙事应该体现的思想深度与社会作用,并对新时期家族叙事进行思考与展望。

【Abstract】 As described in literature in the new era, the family narration has predominately begun to enter a period of fiery in the 1980s. New historical and cultural concept of creating a personal concept of the family narrative writing, and two writers Mo Yan and Su Tong’s creation is one of the typical examples. Introduced by Su Tong, Mo Yan’s contrasting research in a style of family.narration, the thesis centers around typical texts, such as "Red Sorghum Family," "Full Fat," "Sandalwood Punishment", "Wives and Concubines", "Rice", and "Poppy House". Taking a close case analysis of family narration during the same period from the perspective of horizontal comparison showed a different lifestyle, and development of the new era rich narrative of the family.In addition to the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis comprises of four chapters:Introduction: This paper describes the characteristics of the new era family narration and academic background.On the basis of new historical views, this part gives a brief carding of the features and an overview of current research into the narrative characteristics in. the new period.Chapter 1: The thesis examines the writer’s homeland complex and the resulting extension of the spirit of the text content. Based on geographical factors as well as some other different experiences, the thesis tends to explore the writers’ complex emotions of construction of the unique spirit of their homes, up to the individual creativity, exploring psychology and taking a cultural look at the height of the culture overview. Chapter 2: Combining the text, the thesis makes a comparative study of family specific figures.The study launched on two fronts. First, the writer deconstruct male family status and social significance, so on a large scale displays men in a inter-generational family and their self-weakening as well as their self-stray, and at an irrational angle re-examine the survival of Chinese traditional male culture(men are superior to women).Second, with women’s right to speak coming back, both the writers , with a new historical perspective, focus on the history of women aphasia in the old days. Through maternal cult and female tragic survival they left deep meditation over history, culture and humanity of that period.Chapter 3: It probes different approaches of narration to highlight cultural awareness and human thought. It analyses the different representations and focuses of omniscient perspective and partly-perspective the writer uses in the in the text, and sums up and compares the narrative discourse from the two aspects of thinking magically and dialectically.Chapter 4: By observing the overall three aspects, namely, childhood experiences, cultural upbringing, and geographic differences, the thesis tries to unveil the objective reasons for the writers’ different outlooks on life and the understanding of the world .Conclusion: The thesis further analyzes the depth of thought and the social function the family narration should possess; Moreover, the thesis hopes to afford a general assess about the family narration in the new period from the depth.

【关键词】 苏童莫言家族叙事比较
【Key words】 Su TongMo YanFamily narrationThe new historicism
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1329