

Research and Design of Embedded Database in Home Gateway

【作者】 杜洁

【导师】 刘宏;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息家电远程监控系统中,需对大量的实时数据进行采集和处理。家庭网关数据库是信息家电系统的核心,承担了定义数据,与外部设备进行实时数据交换等主要功能。本论文在综合分析当前嵌入式数据库系统的主要功能和发展现状的基础上,针对嵌入式设备的具体特点,结合在家庭网关中的实际应用需求,提出了基于ARM-Linux平台的嵌入式数据库系统的开发与设计方法。本文重点研究嵌入式数据库系统的开发原则、设计过程与体系结构,为构建具有实时性能的嵌入式数据库的设计提供理论依据。并构造了一个S3C44B0X+uCLmux+SQLite+Boa的嵌入式实时家庭网关:以嵌入式微处理器S3C44B0X为中心设计硬件平台,对uCLinux进行实时性改造,并移植uCLinux作为嵌入式实时操作系统,以公共网关接口(CGI)原理为基础,以SQLite为数据存储及管理后台,用软件编程的方法实现实时数据的采集,处理与存储。本文着重针对家庭网关的具体应用,对嵌入式实时数据库系统进行了设计。根据信息家电接口语言在SQLite中生成了家电信息表和实时状态表,并构造了一个HASH函数优化了实时数据库的索引机制。介绍了如何实现实时数据到历史数据的存储,以及设计主动规则库来提高系统的实时性能,从而满足嵌入式家庭网关对数据的实时管理要求。

【Abstract】 In the remote monitoring and supervision system of information appliances, it needs to collect and handle plenty of real-time data. The Database in the Home Gateway is the core of the smart home system, It’ s responsible for define variables to receive data from external device. By basically analyzing the main function and the actual developing state of current embedded Real-time Database system, this paper is aiming at combine the features of embedded devices and the actual requirements in home appliance gateway , designed an Embedded Real-time Database based on the ARM-Linux system.Firstly this paper discusses the related technology and theory on the embedded real-time database(ERTDB). The emphases is to provide the base theory for the design of the real-time embedded database. Then we designed a embedded real-time databse in home gateway based on S3C44B0X+uCLinux+SQLite+Boa: It take the embedded micro-processor S3C44B0X as the hardware platform, the redesigned uCLinux as the real-time OS , the SQLite as the database, we also take use of the CGI programming to collect ,handle and store the data.This paper is focus on the application of the Home Gateway , designed the embedded real-time database ,together with the home appliance information table and real-time status table based on the appliance interface language . Designed a HASH function to optimize the search engine . introduced the transition from real-time data to history data ,We also designed a initiative rule library enhencing the performance to meet the need of real-time data management for the embedded home appliance gateway.

  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】119