

The Research on Forced Heirship in Succession Law of the United States

【作者】 曹阳波

【导师】 周辉斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对美国继承法中的特留份制度和中国继承法中的必留份制度进行比较,可以看出,美国的特留份制度比较完善,对继承人的保护比较充分。随着中国经济和社会的发展,人们的思想观念也发生了变化,简单的必留份制度已经与时代发展不相适应,其种种缺陷已经暴露出来。文章对中美继承法上的相关制度进行了比较。一方面,文章从两个角度,即从路易斯安娜州和实行普通法的其它州的角度分别研究美国的特留份制度,另一方面,文章对建立我国的特留份制度提出了具体建议。文章首先介绍了美国路易斯安娜州的特留份制度。不仅探讨了路易斯安娜州特留份制度的历史,而且对路易斯安娜州特留份制度的内容进行了深入研究,目的是对中国的必留份制度和路易斯安娜州的特留份制度进行比较。其次对路易斯安娜州以外的其它州的特留份制度进行了研究。美国《统一遗嘱检验法》规定了不同形式的特留份,包括选择份、宅院特留份、豁免财产和家庭特留份等等,文章对各种特留份进行了价值分析,并把它们和路易斯安娜州的特留份制度进行了比较,找出了美国各种特留份制度的共同之处,以及可供借鉴的地方。再次,文章探讨了中国必留份的历史,文章认为,随着中国经济和社会的发展,我国的继承法越来越不适合时代的要求。我国的必留份制度对权利人的范围和遗产的数额等缺乏明确的规定,这使得在判案时法官有太多的自由裁量权。文章论述了在我国建立特留份制度的必要性。对我国的继承法进行修改已经非常紧迫,在建立有中国特色的特留份制度时,我们可以学习和借鉴美国的经验。最后文章还对建立我国的特留份制度提出了建议,例如承认配偶的家务劳动的价值、建立生存配偶选择份制度、建立特留份权利救济制度等,以更多地对继承人提供保护。

【Abstract】 Making a cpmparison between mandatory share system of china and forced heirship of the United states, the latter makes more respect and protection for the successor.With the development of the economy and society and the enhance of the idea of people, more and more people want to transfer their estates through a will. However, for some historic and technical reason , our inheritance law has some flaws.The main purpouse of this thesis is to make a comparison of succession system between the United States and China. On one hand, this thesis examines the succession system of the United states through two lines, of which are the succession system of Louisiana and other states of the United states, on the other hand, this thesis tries to give some suggestions to our inheritance system so that we can improve our legislation.Firstly, this thesis introduced the summary of the forced heirship of Louisiana, the United States. It contains not only the history and development of the forced heirship of louisiana, but also the meaning of some concept. This thesis also discussed the value of the forced heirship of Louisiana, for the prupouse of making a comparison between the forced heirship and the mandatory share system of China.Secondly, this thesis make a study on the succession system in the Uninted States other than Louisiana. In comparison with the mandatory in inheritance system of China, the characteristic system in the Uniform Probate Code contains various allowances which are the elective share, homestead allowance, exempt property and family allowance. The article analysed the basic fuction of the forced heirship in the United States, thinking that we can make reference of the United States to improve the inheritance system of ChinaThirdly, this thesis traced the history of mandatory share in our inhericance system and discussed the reasons of mandatory share system. . Oweing to the open and reform policy, our society made more and more progress and people becomes richer and richer. The flaw of the succession system makes it unsuitable, and it must be amended soon. The mandatory share system is short of the standard of the estate share, which gives too much freedom to the judges when a case is trialed in the court.At last,this thesis raise his suggestions for the legislation of our inheritance system. We shuold establish elective share to give surviving spouse a selection. The trend that spouse’s succession status has been improved in modern succession law reflects the acknowledgement of spouse’s labor and the respect to the succession right of the sruviving spouse. It is a realistc question that amending the our succession system to make more protection for the surviving spouse and other heirs with close relations.

【关键词】 特留份制度必留份生存配偶
【Key words】 forced heirshipmandatory sharesurviving spouse
  • 【分类号】D971.2;DD913
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】562