

Study in Development of Small Town School Sports during the Urbanization

【作者】 舒慧文

【导师】 易小坚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 城镇化是经济迅猛发展的中国迈向现代化的必然选择,坚持发展小城镇是走有中国特色城镇化道路重要途径。在城镇化进程中,小城镇的经济、教育、卫生和文化事业都将得到飞速发展,同时也会给小城镇学校体育的快速发展带来不可多得的机遇。那么如何在城镇化进程中,把握机遇,发展小城镇学校体育,应是我们体育教育工作者急需解决的问题。本研究以怀化市小城镇学校体育为研究对象,采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,通过城镇化与学校教育关系的论述,在对怀化市小城镇发展现状及小城镇学校体育发展现状的调查分析基础上,探视怀化市城镇发展对小城镇学校体育发展的制约因素及小城镇学校体育自身存在的问题,进而探讨城镇化进程中小城镇学校体育的发展策略。研究表明:怀化市小城镇数量少,分布不平衡;小城镇规划及管理薄弱;小城镇集散功能弱,市场发育缓慢。怀化市小城镇学校体育现状不容乐观:校领导对学校体育重视不够;学校体育教学状况不容乐观;学校体育工作缺乏实效性;体育教师现状难以改变;体育场地器材缺乏;体育经费短缺;课余休育活动开展不够;学生参体育活动的积极性不高。本研究对影响小城镇学校体育发展因素进行分析,认为城镇化进程中小城镇学校体育稳步发展的主要途径有:借鉴发达地区小城镇学校体育的经验;根据本地区小城镇发展规划制定相应的小城镇学校体育发展规划;倡导“以人为本”;注重教育“益公”;发挥区域优势,利用本区域独特的体育人文资源;开展阳光体育运动,让学生投入到体育活动中;营造良好环境,形成“学校、家庭、社区”三位一体。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the rapid economic development of China into the modern natural choice to adhere to the development of small towns is to take a road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics important ways.In the process of urbanization, the economy of small towns, education, health and cultural undertakings will be given to rapid development, but also to small towns the rapid development of school sports brings a rare opportunity. How to grasp the opportunity to develop small towns school sports, physical education in the process of urbanization should be our sports workers urgently needed to solve the problems.In this paper, to small towns in Huaihua City school sports for the study, using literature data, interviews, questionnaires, mathematical statistics and so on, through urbanization and the relationship between school education exposition on the development of small towns in Huaihua City and the status quo Small Towns School Sports survey of the status of development on the basis of the development of cities and towns in Huaihua City School Sports small towns factors restraining the development of small cities and towns and school sports their own problems, then the process of urbanization of small towns school sports development strategy. The results show that: the number of small towns in Huaihua City less imbalances in the distribution of small urban planning and management weak distribution function of small towns weak, the slow development of the market. Small towns in Huaihua City school sports status quo is not optimistic: School leadership failed to pay sufficient attention to schools sports and school physical education situation is not optimistic; school sports and lack of effectiveness; PE teachers will be hard to change the status quo; lack of sports equipment, sports funding shortfall; infertile after school closes carry out activities are not enough students to participate in sports and lack of initiative.This study on the impact of school sports development of small cities and towns of factors that small cities and towns in Huaihua City School Sports steady development of the main ways: from developed areas of small towns school sports experience under Huaihua city planning, development of small towns in the corresponding small town schools sports development planning; should advocate a "people-oriented" focus on education "public benefits" to play the regional advantages, the use of the unique regional sports human resources; sports in the sun, allowing students into sports; create a good environment, a "Schools, families, communities," trinity.

  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】617