

The Communication Prospect of Family and Business

【作者】 谢湘莉

【导师】 蔡骐;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近些年来,以历史为题材的电视剧日益火爆,它们不仅吸引了电视观众的注意力,还成为学者、专家们的研究焦点,其中比较特殊的当属2001年央视一套上映的《大宅门》、2006年央视一套和八套上映的《乔家大院》、《玉碎》、《范府大院》等电视剧。它们的内容大多反映家族的悲欢离合,因为其题材相似,故被观众和媒体统称为“宅门戏”。这些有着高收视率的“宅门戏”以及随之热炒的“宅门文化”正是本文的研究对象。本文试图通过对“宅门戏”进行个案研究,来探讨如何在新的时代及新的环境中打造老百姓喜闻乐见的电视剧,如何在电视剧的题材和叙事艺术上推陈出新,以及如何通过电视剧向观众传播正确的文化价值观念。论文分为以下五个部分来进行论述:引言部分首先介绍“宅门戏”和“宅门文化”的兴起,国内学者对这一现象已有的研究成果和不足之处,以及笔者所采用研究方法和研究思路。论文第一章首先探讨中国电视剧产业整体发展的背景,指出改革开放所带来的经济热潮、政治改革以及文化繁荣是电视剧产业迅猛发展的深层次原因,当代中国的政治转型、经济转型、文化转型所造成的现实困扰和迷茫更是历史题材电视剧红火的根本原因。“宅门戏”正是凭着它的对中国传统文化的传播、对爱国主义精神的渲染、以及对民族英雄的打造等准确的市场定位赢得了中国观众的喜爱。论文第二章着重对“宅门戏”的文本进行考察,从类型学和叙事学这两大脉络进行分析。通过对“宅门戏”类型元素的提炼,笔者指出,“宅门戏”不仅是以商业题材为背景的特殊“家族戏”,还是以家族代际相传为背景的特殊“商战戏”,是融合了这两大类型元素的特殊的“家族商战戏”。它满足了当代社会人群的审美需求,具有极大的观赏价值。其次,根据叙事学理论,“宅门戏”对中国古代的民间传奇故事形态的继承和发扬、“一家而论及天下”的叙事模式、章回体小说的叙事方式也都符合中国人传统的审美观和审美心理。再者,导演和编剧通过运用营造画面、设计声音和塑造个性人物等影像叙事手法进一步突出的具有中国特色的民族文化和商业文化也成为收视亮点。论文第三章旨在将“宅门戏”置于更为广泛的文化氛围里进行透视,以便更深入地阐明“宅门戏”所体现的文化内涵和现实意义。在对“宅门戏”所展示的“宅门文化”、“商文化”、“区域文化和风俗民情”以及“民族主义和爱国主义精神”进行全方位分析研究的基础上,笔者指出,已经消失多年的“宅门文化”此时再现荧幕,正是对当下中国社会状况进行的真实写照;改革开放中“先富起来”的一批人恰恰就是“大宅门”里白景琦、乔致庸的现实写真;以诚信为表征的“商文化”想要表达的是当代社会对传统商业道德回归的呼唤,追求的是历史的当下意义;独具风情的区域文化和风俗民情之所以不同是因为“集体潜意识”的存在,对它们进行展示有利于影视剧赢得观众的内心肯定;剧中着重渲染的民族主义和爱国主义精神使“宅门戏”没有沦为一般的反映家族命运的电视剧,而是承担起社会史的功能,并较好地发挥了弘扬主流意识形态的功能,通过激起民众的爱国主义情怀,从而从思想上使整部电视剧的意境得到升华。在结语中,笔者指出,虽然“宅门戏”中也存在着不少糟粕,但凭借优秀的故事剧本、良好的叙事技巧以及深厚的文化内涵,再加上作品所体现的现实意义,使其能牢牢抓住当代受众的心理需求和审美期待,从而成为近年来有着强大市场号召力的类型化电视剧。此外,对“宅门戏”进行全面、细致的分析,也有助于为我国的电视剧创作提供灵感与启示,促进中国电视剧产业的进一步发展。

【Abstract】 The historical theme drama is becoming more and more popular these years. It not only attracts the audience, but also gains attention from scholars and experts. Several historical theme TV dramas, such as <Da Zhai Men> on CCTV-1 in 2001, and <Qiao Jia Da Yuan>, <Yu Sui> and <Fan Fu Da Yuan> on CCTV-8 in 2006, have gained high audience rating. A similar theme, reflecting the ups and downs of a family, is ranked by the audience and media as "Zhaimen Drama" - a branch of historical theme drama. The "Zhaimen Drama" and "Zhaimen" culture phenomenon brought by the drama have paved the way for this study.In terms of studying and analyzing "Zhaimen Drama", I intend to discuss from a theme- and narrative perspective how to produce popular TV series that not only get high audience ratings, but also grasp the aesthetic ideology. This paper is divided into five sections.The introduction describes the rise of "Zhaimen Drama" and the "Zhaimen" culture phenomenon, and it discusses the present domestic study conditions and some shortages of this study. In the last part of the introduction, the frame and the viewpoint of this paper are presented.The first section primarily describes the background of the TV series industry development, and then explores reasons behind the TV industry success. The prosperous development of the TV industry has been advanced by the economic development, the political reform and the culture renaissance. Studying the popularity of historical theme TV series, the confusion brought by the transformation of politics, economics and culture is considered the basic reason. The "Zhaimen Drama" has a high audience rating because of its precise orientation, such as the communication of the Chinese traditional "family culture", the temporarily exaggerated patriotism, and the depiction of national heroes.In the second section, the texts of "Zhaimen Drama" are investigated in terms of Typology and Narratology. From the Typology, "Zhaimen Drama" is comprised not only by the special "family drama" with commercial materials in the background, but also the special "commercial war drama" of ancient background. The "Zhaimen Drama" combining these two elements satisfies people of our modern society. In addition, "Zhaimen Drama" inherits the Chinese ancient folk myth stories, while the "Multum in Parvo" mode and the Chinese traditional "serial novel" narrative style both satisfy the traditional aesthetic ideology and psychology. Furthermore, the "Zhaimen Drama" highlights the Chinese traditional culture and commercial culture in terms of good vision, music and a variety of vivid characters created by composers and directors.The third section probes into "Zhaimen Drama" culture based on a broader culture environment in order to interpret the cultural settings and the significance of "Zhaimen Drama". In terms of analyzing the "Zhaimen Culture", "Business Culture", "Regional Culture and Custom" and "the Nationalism and the patriotism", I believe the "Zhaimen Culture" reflects the society of today. Bai Jingqi and Qiao Zhiyong represent a portrait of the group "getting rich first" in the reform period. "Zhaimen Drama" reproduces the "commercial culture" in the ancient time, calling for many good traditional values and moralities lost in modern society. Meanwhile, "Zhaimen Drama" exhibits the unique "regional culture and custom" which not only highlights the "Zhaimen Drama", but also is important to analyze the collective subconscious of different regions to gain the high audience rating. In addition, The nationalism and patriotism emphasized in this TV drama make the drama bear the responsibility of "social history", not only a common one reflecting the ups and downs of a family. Then the main ideology stream was publicized in terms of stressing nationalism and patriotism in TV drama. The "Zhaimen Drama" intends to inspire the citizens’ patriotism.To conclude, the "Zhaimen Drama" has become a success because of the good orientation and the seizing of the psychological demand and the aesthetic expectation of the audience, although something bad may be lingering in the "Zhaimen Drama". The TV drama industry has much to win from inspiring the creation of TV series and stir the present downturn period of TV series.

【关键词】 宅门戏市场策略类型叙事文化
【Key words】 Zhaimen DramaMarketing StrategyTypologyNarratologyculture
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】167