

Legallssues of Food Safety Barrier

【作者】 周洪旻

【导师】 王贵国;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近年来国际性食品安全事件不断发生,国际贸易中的食品质量安全问题越来越被各国所重视,一些国家纷纷制定严格的技术性措施来规制进口食品的质量安全。其中,一些不合理的、限制或禁止进口的措施正在形成一道坚固的“安全壁垒”。在这种情况下,作为食品、农产品输出大国,怎样应对食品安全壁垒是中国政府必须面对的现实问题。文章首先通过对食品安全壁垒的产生背景、内涵、表现形式及对国际贸易的影响的阐释,区分食品安全贸易措施与食品安全贸易壁垒的界限,提出了食品安全壁垒的定义,并辨析了其与技术性贸易壁垒、绿色壁垒等的区别。然后在详细分析与食品安全壁垒密切相关的GATT1994第20条、TBT协议和SPS协议的具体规定的基础上,并结合Thailand-Cigarettes,EC-Sardines,EC-Hormones等典型案例,对食品安全壁垒涉及的主要法律问题进行了探讨。最后,从实践的角度对中国国内产业针对这一新型壁垒的应对举措、中国政府在WTO新一轮谈判中的立场等问题提出建议。食品安全成为贸易壁垒是在近几年国际贸易发展中出现的新问题之一。目前国内学界对此问题的专门研究甚少从全局考量,随着关税及传统非关税措施水平的进一步降低,食品安全壁垒作为新型的、更加隐蔽的贸易壁垒将在今后的国际贸易中愈加凸显。因此,这一课题不但具有较强的学术性、理论性,对中国等发展中国家,还具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With international food safety affairs broke out all over the world, food quality is attached more importance. Many countries have adopted strict measures to regulate the quality of importing food. Then some illegitimate measures under the pretense of protecting human and animal’s healthy and safety appeared. They are used as solid safety barrier to pose latent threaten to free trade and provoke bilateral or multilateral disputes. In such circumstance, as one of great exporter in food and agriculture trade, how to deal with the trade barrier is a practical problem for Chinese government.This article includes three parts:Firstly, it distinguishes the Food Safety Barrier among Technical Barrier to Trade and Green Trade Barrier. Then, bases on clarifying the barrier’s character, the raising up background, modalities as well as influence to international trade, it analyses related WTO provisions of GATT1994 XX(b),TBT and SPS Agreements combined with Thailand-Cigarettes, EC-Sardines, EC-Hormones and other typical cases which submited to DSB .At last, from the practical view, it brings forward the advices to Chinese domestic industries for dealing with the new type barrier as well as the standpoint China should persist in the WTO new round agriculture negotiation.Food safety barrier is a new thing which domestic academe haven’t achieved an all-around research. It is foreseeable that with the restriction to tariff and traditional non-tariff barrier become more and more strict, food safety barrier as a more latent barrier will be used frequently. Therefore, this topic not only takes on the nature of technicality but also have practical meaning to developing countries like China .

  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】560