

Research on the Affection of the Environment of Campus Physical Culture on the College Students’ Consciousness

【作者】 赵娜

【导师】 易小坚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会进步和现代文明的快速发展,高校学生也日益关注自身的健康状况和自身素质的全面发展,在其参与体育课或者在参与课余锻炼时趋向于选择趣味性、健身性、实用性强而技术性要求较低的体育运动项目。针对当前高校学生出现的种种体育需求主体意识的现状,根据《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的要求,现在大部分的高校的公体和体育专业都相应地设置了体育选项课。写作本文目的在于探析校园体育文化环境对大学生体育需求主体意识的影响因素;对当前高校校园体育文化环境现状和大学生体育需求主体意识的现状进行调查;初步构建大学生体育需求主体意识的体系;培养和提高高校学生体育课和课外体育活动的主体参与意识,改变由于一些因素造成的使体育课或参与课余体育活动日渐遭受冷落的情况;提出培养和提高大学生体育需求主体意识的有效措施;并为当前高校体育教育类课程的良性发展提供一定参考。本文运用教育学、体育学、以及课程与教学论的知识,采用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析、数据统计、问卷调查等方法,首先分析我省高校校园体育文化环境现状、大学生体育需求主体意识的现状及发展需求,研究利于高校体育教育发展的理论体系、理论方法和发展方向。对本课题研究的“高校校园体育文化环境”、“需求意识”等等的概念进行厘清,最后得出的结论是:1.当前湖南省高校的校园体育文化环境不能很好地为学生参与体育活动提供条件和服务,高校的体育物质环境、体育精神环境及体育制度等方面的条件都应作相应的调整和完善。2.校园体育文化环境对大学生体育需求主体意识影响的主要因素为:各级领导没有加强重视,校园体育文化氛围不浓厚;引进体育赞助制度不健全,没有做好开源节流,对体育经费的投入力度不够;各项体育规章制度不够健全等等。3.发展对策是:创造良好的校园体育文化环境,领导加强重视、完善学校体育制度、提供相对充裕的体育经费,提高学生对参与体育活动的认识,引导学生树立健康的体育消费意识和观念提高体育教师的业务素质、增强体育观念等等。

【Abstract】 With social progress and the rapid development of modern civilization, college students are increasingly concerned about their own health and the quality of their all-round development. When they take part in physical education or take part in after-school training; they tend to choose fun, fitness, practical and lower technical requirements sports items. In view of the status of the main demand of current college students about the various sports awareness, now in accordance with the "National niversities Sports Teaching Program guidance", most of the public sports and professional sports of colleges and universities set up corresponding sports elective courses.The purpose of writing this paper is analysising the impact of main demand factor to sports; investigativing Status Quo of culture and environment of the campus of university and the main demand of college sports; preliminary constructing the needs of the main system of university sports awareness; developing and improving college students main participation awareness of physical education and extra-curricular sports activities; changing the situation of physical education or participation in after-school sports activities increasingly being neglected because some factors; proposing effective measures to cultivate and improve students main demand awareness for sports, and providing some reference for the benign development of current courses of college Physical Education.This thesis uses education, sports science as well as the knowledge of curriculum and teaching;uses of literature, interviews with experts, logic analysis, statistics, and survey methods etc. Firstly the thesis analysis of sporting culture environment in campus of our province, the status and development needs of the main sports awareness of university students; then researching theoretical system , theoretical methods and the direction of development which is advantageous in development of education in college sports. After clearing off the thesis topic "College sports, culture and environment", "needs" and so on , it come to the conclusion that:1. The current Hunan Province university’ s campus sports culture environment cannot provide the condition and the service for the student to take part in sports activities. The conditions of university’ s sports material environment, sports spirit environment and sports system etc should be corresponding adjusted and improved. 2. The main influence factors which are caused by the campus sports culture environment to the university student of sports demand main body consciousness is that: the leaders at all levels do not strengthened and take it seriously; the campus sports culture atmosphere is not strong; introduction of sports sponsorship system is not perfect including doing not a good job in increasing revenue and reducing expenditure and the intensity of the input of funds for sports is not enough; the sports rules and regulations are not sound enough and so on.3. The development countermeasure is that: to create a good cultural environment of the campus sports ;leadership should take it seriously , perfect the system of school sports and provide relatively abundant funds; to raise their awareness of participation in sports activities;to guide students set up health sports expense consciousness and the idea ;to improve teachers professional quality of physical education; to enhance their sports concept, and so on.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】8
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