

A Study on the Tourist Entertainment Market and Its Exploitation of Changsha

【作者】 付淑礼

【导师】 徐飞雄;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业的高速发展以及旅游市场竞争的加剧,要求各旅游目的地不断开发市场需求大、资源品位高的旅游吸引物,并将其打造成为各个时期的主体吸引物。作为旅游六要素之一的旅游娱乐正是在这个市场条件下,其地位与作用引起了人们越来越多的重视。目前,国内外关于旅游娱乐系统性的研究成果有限,而对旅游娱乐市场的研究尚属空白。长沙市旅游娱乐市场及其开拓这一课题的提出,是长沙市旅游业与文化娱乐业长足发展的必然结果,是长沙市旅游市场不断成熟的必然趋势,是优化旅游产业结构和延长旅游产业链的必然要求。本文试图运用消费者行为理论、市场营销学理论等相关理论,通过文献调查、访谈和问卷调查,采用理论和实证相结合、定性分析和定量分析相结合、比较分析和类型分析相结合等相关分析方法,从产业的高度,对长沙市旅游娱乐市场及其开拓进行系统研究。本文首先从经济学角度界定了旅游娱乐的理论概念,详细剖析了旅游娱乐的内涵和性质,并根据同质性原则对其进行了分类。接下来通过对入长旅游者行为特征的调查和定量分析,确定了影响旅游者对长沙市旅游娱乐项目参与意愿的五个因子,建立了一个适用于长沙市旅游娱乐市场的旅游者参与意愿及决策模型。论文在以上研究的基础上,结合长沙市旅游娱乐业发展条件和现状,在一定的原则下,从市场营销、可持续发展和支持系统三个角度,深入探讨了长沙市旅游娱乐市场开拓策略,从而指导长沙市旅游娱乐市场开拓实践。

【Abstract】 Accompany with the travel industry’s rapid development, competitions that around the travel market become more and more vigorous. Exploiting a principal asset is the key to guaranteeing travel industry’s sustainable development. Tourist entertainment receives more and more attention in this situation.By now, the study on tourist entertainment is limited, especially the tourist entertainment market. Thus the research on tourist entertainment market and its exploitation of Changsha has great theoretical and realistic significance.On the theory of consumer behavior and marketing, the paper aims to give a systematic study on the tourist entertainment market and its exploitation of Changsha. Both the theoretical and empirical, qualitative and quantitative approaches, as well as comparative and category approaches are employed.At first, the paper analyses the definition of tourist entertainment on the theory of economics, with discusses in detail its quality, and classify minutely by applying the principle of homogenization. Then, on the basis of firsthand materials from the direct investigation of the tourists in Changsha, the paper analyses their travel behavior in decision-making on tourist entertainment and construct a model about it. It reveals that there are five influential factors of tourists’ travel behavior in decision-making on tourist entertainment in Changsha. At last, according to the develop condition and current situation of tourist entertainment industry of Changsha, the paper advances some strategies of its tourist entertainment market exploiting, including market promotion, sustainable development and support system as follow a certain set of principles. The purpose of the paper is to providing reference for the tourist entertainment market exploitation in Changsha.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】378