

On the Constructions about Legal Procedure Obligations

【作者】 路秀娜

【导师】 黄捷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前中国正处于从传统社会走向现代社会的社会转型期,社会的剧烈变动所引起的结构上的对立、价值上的冲突极易引发社会纠纷。许多时候,很难对这些纠纷做出公正的法律判断,因此有一个公正合理的法律程序就非常必要。然而中国的传统法律文化是重实体轻程序、重结果轻过程的,这给我们建国几十年的法治建设带来了极大的负面影响,既没有为法治建设、程序建设提供良好的理论基础,在立法中也不注重理性程序的设计,更不要说对于法律程序义务的认识和完善了。在当今理论界中“重实体轻程序”、“权利本位论”占主导地位,而程序和义务被视为附庸的情况下,对于法律程序义务的概念、特征、要素等必须要有一个较为清晰和完整的认识,并且要从宏观上认识到法律程序义务如何在法律程序中发挥其积极作用。法律程序义务必然涉及到法律程序权利,不管是在实体法还是程序法中,两者并不是单纯的对应关系,在更深层次上有更加错综复杂的关系。法律程序义务在正当法律程序中具有重要的地位和意义,这从一个方面体现了法律程序义务的价值和目标。但是法律程序义务有很多不足,要从更新程序观念入手,在借鉴他人优良经验和理论的基础上,对我国立法领域、司法领域的法律程序义务进行完善。

【Abstract】 At present, China is in the period of social transformation from traditional society to modern society; structure of the confrontation caused by the drastic social change and conflicts of values easily trigger social disputes. Many times, it is very difficult to give fairly judgments on these disputes, and thus a fair and reasonable process is very necessary. However, the Chinese traditional legal culture makes light with entities while pays special attention to process, and pays special attention to results while makes light with process, which has brought us considerable negative impacts on the rule of law for decades since china has founded. Neither have those negative impacts provided a good theoretical foundation for the constructions of the rule of law and procedure, nor had they focused on the design of rational procedures and construction of process in the law making; not to mention the understanding and improving the obligations of the legal process.When "pay special attention to entities while make light with procedures" and the theory of "right-based" are in the leading position in the contemporary theory while procedures and obligations are considered as proxy and a clear and comprehensive understanding of the concept, characteristics, elements of the legal proceeding obligations become a necessity. And we should understand how the legal proceeding obligations plays a positive role from a macro prospect. The relation of right and duty of legal procedure is not corresponding but complex in the deeper lever. The status and role of legal procedure obligations in the obligation of the legal proceedings is very important, that is also values and goals in the legal proceeding obligations. There is much of inadequacy of the contemporary legal proceeding obligations, starting with the concept from the update and learning from good experiences and theories of others, construction should be raised in the proceeding construction in the fields of lawmaking and legal practice.

【关键词】 法律程序义务程序义务
【Key words】 legal procedure obligationsproceduresobligations
  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】4
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