

A Study on the Violent Behavior in the Comprehensive Enforcement of Administrative Law of City Management

【作者】 冯玲

【导师】 邓建宏;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,城市管理综合执法中暴力行为已成为一种普遍现象,严重影响了和谐社会的构建。从我国目前的研究成果来看,很少有人从理论上对城市管理综合执法中暴力行为进行全面研究。本文运用宪法与行政法学、行政管理学和社会学等学科的基本理论和方法,对城市管理综合执法中暴力行为进行全面系统的研究,力图揭示暴力行为的概念、表现形式与成因,并从法律的角度提出相应对策。文章首先界定了城市管理综合执法中暴力行为的概念。文章接着提出了暴力行为的表现形式为暴力抗法行为、粗暴执法行为、暴力执法行为,并对这三类表现形式的概念、特征与分类进行了详细分析。随后指出了暴力行为的危害。文章经深入剖析后,认为造成以上暴力行为的成因主要为五个方面,即市容管理权与个人生存权的冲突、公共利益与个人利益的冲突、部分暴力行为当事人的素质低下、城市公用设施的不健全和城市管理综合执法制度本身的缺陷。在此基础之上,同时借鉴国外的城市管理模式、行政执法模式,结合中国的国情,文章从树立现代化的城市管理理念、完善相关法律制度、提高城市管理综合执法水平、强化对城市管理综合执法的监督、加强对暴力行为受害者的法律救济五个方面提出了对暴力行为的预防和控制的法律对策。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the violent behavior is pervasive atmosphere in the comprehensive enforcement of administrative law of city management and has a serious impact on the construction of the harmonious society. However, according to the actual results of such researches in our country, few people have done their researches from the perspective of theory.My thesis adapted some theories and methods of the science of constitutional and the administrative law, science of administration and government and the science of society. And it aims to uncover the conception, presenting form and reasons of violent behavior, and puts forward to the corresponding strategies from the perspective of law.the thesis first defines the conception of violent behavior in the comprehensive enforcement of administrative law of city management; then points out the presenting forms of violent behaviors which includes the violent anti—law behaviors, rough law—enforcement behavior and violent law—enforcement behavior, and gives detailed respective analyses about these three presenting forms of its conception, characteristics and classification; and then points out its harmfulness. After analyzing deeply, the thesis thinks that the causes of violent behavior from five aspects that the conflict between administrative rights of city environment and personal survivorship, the conflict between public interest and personal interest, the lower of the quality of some violent behavior interested parties, the lack of city public facilities and the limitation of the comprehensive enforcement of administrative law of city management. On the base of cautions, and by using the overseas city administrant and administration—executive modes and combining the situation of our country, this thesis puts forward the legal Countermeasures and suggestions from the five aspects—establishing modern city management concept; perfecting relative juristic systems; enhancing the executive levels of the comprehensive enforcement of administrative law of city management; strengthening the surveillance over the comprehensive enforcement of administrative law of city management and reinforcing the legal relieve victims of violent behavior.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】715