

The Discussion and Analyzation of Realism in the Animation Creation

【作者】 张可

【导师】 王雅平;

【作者基本信息】 中国传媒大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本论文从动画创作的基本创作观入手,分析和讨论中国动画创作与现实主义创作观结合的可能性和积极意义。在动画创作中,现实主义的动画片和现实主义的创作观确实存在,而且是动画的一个重要组成部分。现实主义在动画中的存在与其他艺术中现实主义相比具有特殊性。动画创作中的现实主义和浪漫主义经常共同存在,呈现混合的面貌。但动画创作中的现实主义的创作观和浪漫主义等其他创作观毕竟不同,其出发点是关注生活,其方法是如实反映生活,其目标是解析生活,追求真善美,以实现对生活和人性的关怀。总体观察现实主义动画创作的历史和现状:美国动画的现实主义创作观,一方面浸透着一种美国时代精神,另一方面则体现着其平民意识。日本动画的现实主义创作观则倾向于对普通人和普通的生活进行描摹和关怀,尤其是关注社会下层人的生活状态,体现出一种人道精神。而欧洲,法国的动画和加拿大巴克动画的现实主义创作观则充分显示着欧洲深厚的人文精神和艺术家的社会责任感。但在中国,动画创作和理论则缺失了“现实主义”,需要在实践和理论两方面与现实主义创作观结合,从而作更合理的更新。在中国的动画创作中提倡现实主义是具有可行性的,现实主义创作观与中国动画创作结合的理想状态是:有效结合中国动画创作者的优势,通过转变创作观念,影响创作方法,用作品建立与中国动画观众的情感联系,实现动画创作者、作品和动画观众三者的良好互动和良性循环。对理论的研究需要与创作联系,探索现实主义动画创作与动画艺术的现代特征的结合方式,现实主义观念应该落实到中国动画创作的具体创作过程中。现实主义创作观与中国动画创作结合的方法论要求是,从创作前期的思维过程开始一直到最后动画片的完成都要注意符合现实主义和动画艺术特性,以及符合中国动画情况的三方面准则。经过对现实主义动画创作的评论和分析,得出了动画创作可以而且应和现实主义相结合的结论,尤其是对于中国动画来说,提倡现实主义的动画创作具有积极意义。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, I make my points around the concept of animation’s creation, to prove that Realism as a classical concept of artistic creation could be and should be used by Chinese animation creators nowadays.There is Realism in animation, in the movies or in the conceptions of the main spirits of the movie; Realism is an important part of animation. But Realism in animation is different with other kinds of arts. In animations, Realism usually mixes with Romanticism; it’s hard to tell them apart from each other. The differences are: Realism in animation emphasis on real life, ordinary people, to reflect life as the way it is, to explain life, looking after for truth, good and beauty, to care for life and humanity.To observe Realism animation creation, the history and current situation, we can tell: in Americans’creation of animation, Realism is about now, about the spirit of today, also it’s about ordinary people. In Japan, artists emphasis on ordinary people, especially people live in the bottom of the society. In Europe and in Canada, artists are full of the spirit of Humanism, and work with strong sense of responsibility of the society. But in China, creation of animation goes without Realism, which is just been need both in practice and research of the animation theory. This deficiency is very negative to Chinese animation nowadays.Add Realism into Chinese creation of animation is possible. And the ideal situation is: make unity of Chinese Animation creators by changing their concept of artistic creation and method of artistic creation with Realism. Thus we can gradually have a healthy circle made up by creators of animation, animations and audience of animation.To make my theory research more useful, there has to be the discussion about the method of artistic creation. Realism should be used in the real process of animation creation, from the inspiration to the post-production. We have two principles, be in accord with the properties of animation, be accord with the requests of Realism and be accord with the situation of Chinese animation.Through the discussion and analyzation of Realism in the animation creation, the conclusion is the creation of animation could and should be combined with Realism. Especially to Chinese animation, to add Realism into Chinese animation creation is signification.

  • 【分类号】J218.7
  • 【被引频次】11
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