

Design and Realization of an Coal Mine Equipment MIS

【作者】 高秀琴

【导师】 廖述剑;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 设备信息管理已成为现代企业管理的一个重要组成部分,尤其是对于拥有设备多价值大的煤炭企业,设备信息管理意义更显深远。然而,我国煤炭企业长期采用物、帐、卡手工模式来实现设备信息的管理,造成数据采集周期长、过程繁琐、出错率高,不能准确及时地反映设备现状,从而给企业的经营生产带来不利影响。因此,建设煤矿设备管理信息系统,设计合理的信息采集流程和灵活高效的查询统计功能,保证数据完整准确,提高人员工作效率是本文研究的主要目的。在具体分析安家岭煤矿设备管理需求的基础上,参考现代设备管理的先进理论,设计并实现了煤矿设备管理信息系统。首先,在对设备管理业务进行详细调研的基础上,分析了企业设备管理的现状和用户需求,对系统所需的功能及业务实现流程进行了总体设计,给出了系统功能树和流程图,并作了相应解释。其次,详细规划并阐述系统各功能模块所包含的子模块及其实现流程。设计了系统实体关系图以及数据字典,并简要介绍了系统采用的企业级数据产品SQL SERVER 2000。然后,结合本系统的分布特点和运行要求,提出采用基于J2EE的三层式Web应用体系结构,并对该结构体系及实现它所要求的关键技术,如JSP,EJB,JDBC,Structs等作了较详细的介绍。在这个基础上,搭建了本系统的开发运行环境。最后,本文详细阐述了煤矿设备管理信息系统的实现。列举了系统实现的难点以及相应的解决办法,包括通过采用原始纸质单据电子化处理,分三级查阅的方法,解决既保存原始纸质材料作为第一参考资料,又能避免翻阅档案的繁琐和不及时的难题,以及通过定义角色并赋予角色权限,然后将角色指派到用户的方法,达到既实行严格的权限管理,又能适应用户工作职责不断变化的要求。本文还结合运行界面和相应代码介绍了系统典型功能的实现过程。所开发完成的煤矿设备管理信息系统具有如下特点:基于J2EE的三层式结构,不受平台限制,易扩展,易维护;普通用户通过浏览器访问系统,方便易学,适合广大矿区员工;原始单据电子化管理,既保护了原始单据又方便查阅;人性化流程设计,缩短了办公周期,提高了工作效率。

【Abstract】 Equipment information management has become an important component of the modern enterprise management . Especially for coal enterprises with more high-value equipments, equipment information management means more far-reaching significance. However, coal enterprises in our country, has been used to manager the equipment information by filling many card in order to ensure the equality of objects and account. It result in a long cycle of data acquisition, tedious process, the risk of errors, not accurate and timely reflection of the status of equipment so as to a adverse impact of the production and business of enterprises. Therefore, to develop a coal mine equipment Management Information System(MIS) with the reasonable design of information collection processes , the efficient and flexible statistical function , ensuring that data is complete and accurate and improving personnel efficiency is the main purpose of this paper.In this paper, on the base of detailed analysis the needs of Anjialing mine about equipment management ,adopting modern management theory, the author design and realization the coal mine equipment MIS.First, on the basis of the detailed investigation on equipment management business, the status quo in equipment management and user demand have been analyzed . The function of systems and business processes to achieve the system have been designed . A function tree and a flow charts were given with accordingly explained.Secondly, the author elaborated on the smaller function modules which was contained in every system module and implementation process. Furthermore, the author designed the system entities diagram and data dictionary , and gave a briefing on the enterprise-class data products- SQL SERVER 2000.Thirdly, with the reference of the characteristics of the MIS distribution and operating requirements, the three-tiered Web application architecture based on J2EE was selected. The author made a brief introduction to the structural system and its key technologies, such as JSP, EJB, JDBC, Structs, etc.Finally, the author described in detail the realization of mine equipment information management system. Two difficulties of the system realization and the corresponding solutions were cited. One is how to Persevere the original paper-based materials as a first reference, while avoid cumbersome and delayed. The solution is that a original paper-based material is trans formatted to a electronic one and setting up three levels to limit reading. The other is how to control user’s permissions even if he can change his work every time. The solution is defining many roles , empowering the roles permissions, and then assigning the roles to users. In this paper, the interface and the corresponding code on the typical functions were given.The System has the following characteristics: Firstly, It based on the three-tier structure of J2EE without limitation platform, so it was extensible and easy maintenance. Secondly, ordinary users can access it through the browser which is easy to learn for the broad masses of mine workers. Thirdly, It management original documents by electronic technology to protect them and convenient inspection. The last, humane work-flow designing shortened the office cycle and improved work efficiency.

【关键词】 煤矿设备管理信息系统J2EE
【Key words】 coal mineequipment managementinformation systemj2ee
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】450