

Research on the Development and Technique Selection of Salixcheilophila Ecological Industry in Erdos

【作者】 邬向民

【导师】 孙启忠; 德永军;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 内蒙古鄂尔多斯是我国沙漠化较为严重的地区之一,改善生态与环境,构建生态恢复、保护与沙柳产业之间的产业链条,使沙柳林经营与沙柳产业形成良性互动,是当务之急。本文对此进行了研究,结果如下:(1)沙柳是鄂尔多斯风沙区自然分布的沙生灌木,有大量风蚀沙化土地可以用于沙柳造林,沙柳产业市场广阔,依托沙柳产业经营沙柳原料基地,具有良好的生态效益、经济效益、社会效益。(2)沙柳生态产业原料基地经营根据不同立地类型采取相应的经营模式。风蚀较严重的地段营建沙柳原料基地应采用“造林模式Ⅰ”、“造林模式Ⅱ”,其他地段应采用“造林模式Ⅲ”。用于人造板、发电时,下湿滩地、沙丘地最适宜的平茬周期分别为3年、4年,但也可在3~5年之间灵活;平缓滩地最适宜的平茬周期为4年;平缓沙地、迎风坡、背风坡最适宜的平茬周期为5年。沙柳平茬时间以12月~1月(翌年)为好;平茬高度以地表平茬为好。风蚀严重地段应采取带状平茬,其他地段可采用块状平茬。及时防治病虫害、控制过牧以及在风蚀严重地段设置沙障有利于沙柳的生长和控制早衰。(3)按现有造林速度,在未来5年、10年、15年沙柳林的生物产量将逐步提高到237.18×104t、310.47×104t、383.76×104t,企业规划应依次进行。(4)按现有沙柳产业生产规模计算,鄂尔多斯沙柳原料总体有余,但分布不均衡。东胜区、伊金霍洛旗、杭锦旗沙柳原料不足,其他旗沙柳原料盈余。(5)根据各旗、区的地理分布,本着就近方便的原则,将达拉特旗、准格尔旗、东胜区、伊金霍洛旗划为一个建设区,2015年以前企业保持现有规模,以缓和原料不足的局面。将杭锦旗、鄂托克前旗划为一个建设区,企业规模可以适当扩大规模,以充分利用多余原料。将乌审旗、鄂托克旗划为一个建设区,以保证在生物能源发电厂投产后的原料供应,2010年以后可以适当扩大生产规模。

【Abstract】 Erdos in Inner Mongolia is one of the city that the desertification is very serious in China. Improveing ecological environment、establishing Ecological Restoration、protecting the industrial chain of salixcheilophila and making salixcheilophila forest and salixcheilophila industry form a good interaction are very urgent.This text carried on a research for this, and the results are as following:⑴Salixcheilophila is a sand frutex which naturally distributes in wind-drift sand land of Erdos. There is a great deal of wind erosion sand land used for planting salixcheilophila. The market of salixcheilophila industry is vast. Relying on salixcheilophila industry to manage the raw material base has a good ecosystem performance, economy performance and society performance.⑵The base management according to different site types adopts corresponding treatment model. Establish raw material base should adopt“forestation model 1”or 2 in the district that wind erosion is more serious, another districts should adopt model 3. While making wood-based panel and generating electricity, the most suitable stumping cycle in everglade below terra is 3 years , in dune land is 4 years. But we can also control between 3~5 years; In flat beach is 4 years; In flat sand tract、windward and leeward slopes is 5 years. The stumping month from December to January(next year) is good. Strip stumping is keeping with the district that wind erosion is more serious, another districts should adopt block stumping. In time to control diseases and pest, control over grazing and build sand barrier are advantageous to salixcheilophila growth and control early death.⑶According to the existing forestation speed , in the coming 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, the living creature yield of salixcheilophila will gradually increase to 237.18×104t、310.47×104t and 383.76×104t, business enterprise programming should carry on in order.⑷According to the existing industry production scale in Erdos. Salixcheilophila raw materials are enough to be spare, but distributes unbalance. In Dong Sheng district, Yijinholo County, Hangjin County ,there are a shortage of raw materials. Otherwise in another counties salixcheilophila raw materials are surplus.⑸According to geography of each country and district , in the light of convenience nearby, to program Dalate County, Zhunger County, Dong Sheng district, Yijinholo County to be a construction area . Before 2015 the business enterprises will keep existing scale to mollify shortage of raw materials. To program Hangjin County and Etukeqian County to be a construction area. The business enterprise scale can be appropriate to expand with full making use of surplus raw materials. To program Wushen County and Etuke County to be a construction area with making sure raw material supply of the power plant. It can be appropriate enlarging production scale in 2010.

  • 【分类号】S793.9;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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