

Survey on the Epidemiology of Chicken Coccidiosis and Its Integrate Control in Part Areas of Jilin City

【作者】 于跃

【导师】 闫喜军; 李国江;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 兽医, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 选择吉林市4个区18个养鸡场和23个养鸡专业户,对不同饲养方式的肉用鸡和少数蛋用鸡的鸡球虫种类和感染情况进行了调查。根据鸡球虫卵囊形态、大小、最短孢子化时间、潜隐期和寄生部位等特征性病变指标的测定,初步分离出分离出鸡球虫的卵囊;用初步分离的鸡球虫卵囊感染无球虫病的健康雏鸡,通过潜隐期、寄生部位和致病性的强弱等综合观察判定。结果显示,我市各养鸡场鸡球虫普遍存在,多为混合感染。共检出7种艾美耳球虫,即:柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria.tenella)、巨型艾美耳球虫(E. maxima)、堆型艾美耳球虫(E.acernulina)、毒害艾美耳球虫(E. necatrix)、布氏艾美耳球虫(E.brunetti)、早熟艾美耳球虫(E.praecox)和缓艾美耳球虫(E. mintis),其中主要致病虫种为柔嫩艾美耳球虫、巨型艾美耳球虫和堆型艾美耳球虫。用最适抗球虫活性百分率(POAA)、病变记分减少率(RLS)、相对卵囊产量(R0P)和抗球虫指数(ACI)4项指标综合判定,观察了Eimeria.tenella昌邑株和丰满株对氯苯胍(Robenidine)、氯羟吡啶(Clopidol),氯嗪苯乙氰(Diclazuril)、马杜拉霉素(Maduramicin)、氨丙啉(Amprolium)、盐霉素(Salnomyein)、莫能菌素(Monensin)、磺胺氯苯嗪钠和常山酮(Halofuginone)的抗药性。结果Eimeria.tenella昌邑株对磺胺氯苯嗪钠、地克珠利和马杜拉霉素敏感,对莫能菌素轻度耐药,对克球粉和常山酮中度耐药,对氯苯胍、氨丙啉和盐霉素重度耐药。Eimeria.tenella丰满株对磺胺氯苯嗪钠、地克珠利敏感,对马杜拉霉素和克球粉中度耐药、对氯苯胍、莫能菌素、常山酮、氨丙啉和盐霉素重度耐药。提示吉林市防治Eimeria.tenella可合理使用磺胺氯苯嗪钠、地克珠利、马杜拉霉素和克球粉,对莫能菌素、常山酮、氯苯胍、氨丙啉和盐霉素暂停使用。通过联合用药与单一用药的对比试验,用POAA、RLS、ROP、ACI 4项指标判定结果表明,轻度耐药的莫能菌素、盐霉素、中度耐药的克球粉和地克株利通过联合或轮换使用后,药效显著增强。在药物防治方面应选择联合用药、轮换用药或穿梭用药。通过药物防治和疫苗防制的对比试验,用相对增重率,成活率,病变值,卵囊值,抗球虫指数等综合指标判断,结果疫苗防制在防治效果上与药物防治相差不大,但在使用方法和经济成本方面上都优于药物防制。

【Abstract】 In this research, 18 chicken farms from 4 regions and 23 chicken farmers were selected in Jilin province, then the survey on the species of chicken Coccidiosis from broilers fed in different ways and some layers and the infection status of chicken was made, According to the determinations the special pathological indexes such as oocyst’s shape, size, the shortest time of sporing, latent period, and parasitic site, the oocysts were primarily isolated and used to infect the healthy chicken, then the result of infection were confirmed through detecting the latent period, parasitic site and pathogenicity. The results showed: the chicken coccidian widely existed in chicken farms which were mainly infected by kinds of coccidian. A total of 7 kinds Eimeria coccidian were detected, they were Eimeria.tenella, E.rnaxia, E.acerrculirca, E.necatrix, E.bruretti, E.praecox and E.mitis. Among them, the dominant pathogenic coccidian were Eimeria.tenella, E.maxia and E.acernufina.According to the determinations on POAA, RLS, ROP and ACI, the drug resistances of Eimeria.tenella Changyi strain and Fengman Strain to Robenidine, Clopidop, Diclazuril, Maduramicin, Amprolium, Salnomycin, Monensin, sulfaclozine and Halofuginone were observed. The results showed that the Changyi strain was sensitive to sulfaclozine, diclazuril and Maduramicin; it had slight drug resistance to Monensin, moderate drug resistance to Clopidolum and Halofuginone, severe drug resistance to Robenidine, Amprolium and Salnomycin. While the Fengman strain was sensitive to sulfaclozine and diclazuril; it had moderate drug resistance to Maduramicin and Clopidolum severe drug resistance to Robenidine, Monensin, Halofuginone, Amprolium, and Salnomycin. It indicated that sulfaclozine, diclazuril, Maduramicin and Clopidolum could be used to prevent Eimeria.tenella properly, while Monensin, Halofuginone, Robenidine, Amprolium and Salnomycin could not be used temporarily.According to the determinations on POAA, RLS, ROP and ACI, the effects of the singer-medicine and the mixed-medicine were compared. The results showed that when using Monensin and Salnomycin had which had slight drug resistance or Clopidolum and diclazuril which had moderate drug resistance together or alternately, the effect of drugs increased significantly. So it was suggested to use drugs together or alternately.Through the comparison on the effects of drug and vaccine, the relative gain rate, survival rate, pathological changes value, oocyst value were determined. The results showed that effects of drug and vaccine were nearly the same. But vaccine prevention was better than medicine prevention in use and economic cost.

  • 【分类号】S858.31
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】264