

Study on the Temporal and Spatial Variation of Water Quality in Rivers on the Upstream of Miyun Reservoir

【作者】 于一雷

【导师】 王庆锁;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年1月至12月,严格按照地表水布点和采集标准,在潮河、白河、安纯沟和清水河主河道上设置具有代表性的水质监测点,每个监测点用GPS定位,每月月初采集水样。通过对水质数据进行时空变化分析,得到研究内容和结果如下:1.不同河流污染物的入库负荷通过对入库河流潮河、白河和清水河的入库河段连续的水质监测,同时结合多年的径流量,初步认为:密云水库总氮和总磷的入库负荷主要是来自潮河和白河,其次为清水河;水库的COD入库负荷主要来自潮河和白河,且白河要高于潮河,清水河最低。各种入库离子总量主要是来自于潮河、白河,其次为清水河。潮河、白河和清水河入库河段的总氮年均值分别为5.09 mg/L、2.05 mg/L和1.47 mg/L,总磷年均值分别为11.54μg/L、12.84μg/L和4.75μg/L,COD年均值分别为5.8 mg/L、7.4 mg/L和7.8 mg/L,电导率年均值分别为320μs/cm、250μs/cm、258μs/cm。2.密云水库上游的主要污染源通过对水库上游河流主要污染源连续的监测,明确了水库上游的污染源主要有(1)农业生产活动是重要的污染源。潮河流域集约化程度高的农业生产活动是重要的污染源,表现为入库河段总氮、硝态氮、总磷和COD年均值比较高,分别为5.09 mg/L、4.86 mg/L、11.5μg/L和5.8 mg/L。(2)城镇生活污水是非常明显的污染源。丰宁县城东环排污口总氮、总磷、COD和EC的年均值分别为41.99 mg/L、1613.24μg/L和213 mg/L和1007μs/cm,且有机氮为总氮的主要形态。(3)流水养殖也是一类污染源。清水河金水湾养鱼池排水口总氮、总磷、COD和EC的均值分别为1.92 mg/L、1.74 mg/L、19.67μg/L和327μs/cm。3.密云水库上游河流水质的时空变化通过对河流所有监测点水质参数的时空变化分析,掌握了河流水质的时空变化规律。水质的时空变化因河流而异,全年看来,氮、磷和EC整体表现为夏季较低,其他时间较高的特点,但是不同河流之间由于地域的差异导致了浓度具体较低的月份是不同的。夏季时主要由于大量降雨的稀释作用,以及植物对营养元素的吸收导致了氮、磷和EC的降低。整个流域看来,潮河支流—安纯沟的硝态氮、总氮比其他河流要高,特别是在监测点排水沟,全年的硝态氮和总氮都较高,这主要是来源于农田化肥的流失和渗漏。潮河的硝态氮、总氮要高于白河,这是由于潮河的集约化农业要高于白河,而白河的COD要高于潮河,是由于白河的旅游景点等居住区较多,有机物输入高于潮河。清水河的氮、磷、COD和EC要低于其他河流,这主要是由于清水河主要为自然植被覆盖为主的山林地,农业生产活动要低于其他河流。

【Abstract】 Representative water monitoring stations located by GPS are set in Chaohe,Baihe, Anchungou and Qinghshuihe rivers following the standard of setting and sampling of surface water,The temporal and spatial variation is analyzed from the water data.The result is as follows:1 the loads of pollutants of Miyun Reservoir are different in riversThe water quality parameters and flow are analyzed which are from the stations near to the reservoir of the Chaohe,Baihe, Anchungou and Qinghshuihe.We get the result :the total nitrogen and phosphorus loads of Miyun reservoir are mainly from Chaohe and Baihe River,and qingshuihe is less, meanewhile,so are COD and EC.The average total nitrogen concentration of Chaohe,Baihe and Qinghshuihe in the whole year is separately 5.09 mg/L,2.05 mg/L and1.47 mg/L,total phosphorus is 11.54μg/L,12.84μg/L and 4.75μg/L,COD is 5.8 mg/L,7.4 mg/L and 7.8 mg/L,EC is 320μs/cm,250μs/cm,258μs/cm.2 main pollution sources of the upstream in Miyun ReservoirWe make sure the main pollution sources by monitoring the rivers. Firstly , Agriculture activities are the important pollutant resources especially in Chaohe River, as the concentration of total nitrogen ,nitrate total phosphorus,EC and COD is higher, which is separately 5.09 mg/L,4.86 mg/L,11.5μg/L and 5.8 mg/L.Secondly, the waster water of city is also an important pollution resource.The concentration of total nitrogen ,nitrate, total phosphorus,EC and COD is separately 41.99 mg/L,1613.24μg/L ,213 mg/L and 1007μs/cm, and total nitrogen is mainly composed of organic nitrogen.Thirdly, fish culture of Qinghshuihe is also an pollution source.The concentration of total nitrogen,nitrate,total phosphorus,ECand COD separately is 1.92 mg/L,1.74 mg/L,19.67μg/L and 327μs/cm.3 temporal and spatial variation of water quality of riversTemporal and spatial variation of water quality of rivers is analyzed from the monitoring data. It’s different among the rivers. Total nitrogen, phosphorus and EC are lower in Summer, and higher in other seasons, but the month is different because of the difference of basin. Because the dilution of rainfall and absorb of plants, the concentration is lower.The concentration of total nitrogen, nitrate in Anchungou river is higher than others, especially in statons 1, and its concentration is higher in the whole year.Because it mainly comes from the run off of fertilization.The concentration of total nitrogen, nitrate in Chaohe river is higher than Baihe, as the Chaohe’s agriculture activities,while the COD in Baihe is higher than Chaohe river,as the inhabitation .The total nitrogen,nitrate,COD and EC are lower than other rivers,as the Qingshuihe is mainly covered with mountains,and it has less agriculture activities.

【关键词】 密云水时空变化河流水质
【Key words】 miyun reservoirtemporal and spatial variationriverwater quality
  • 【分类号】X824
  • 【被引频次】4
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