

Studies in Junior Students’ Interest in Learning Chemistry

【作者】 钱芳

【导师】 李宝宗;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 义务教育阶段的化学课程以提高学生的科学素养为主旨,激发学生的化学学习兴趣,帮助学生了解科学探究的基本过程和方法,培养学生的科学探究能力,使学生获得进一步学习和发展所需要的化学基础知识和基本技能。新课程标准的理念要使学生通过学习,保持和增强对生活和自然界中化学现象的好奇心和探究欲,发展学习化学的兴趣。本文采用问卷和写作相结合的方法,先后在自己所教的班级对学生的化学学习兴趣进行了调查。得出一些初步的结论:学生的化学学习兴趣和青少年的心理特点、教学环境、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价以及教师的素养有关。通过分析,提出了激发学生化学学习兴趣的途径和方法:第一,动手实验,激发兴趣。第二,抓住课堂教学主阵地,激发学生兴趣,提高学习效率。第三,关注生活,感受化学魅力。第四,提高教师素养,与学生情感交融。第五,使用现代教育手段,优化课堂教学。第六,重视多样性评价,关心学生个性发展。用实验研究的方法,对实验班采用学习兴趣培养的途径和方法,实验班学生的成绩好于对照组,在0.01水平差异显著,基本说明在教学中注重对学生化学学习兴趣的培养的途径和方法是正确的可行的。

【Abstract】 The aims of junior chemistry in the period of compulsory education are mainly to enhance the students’ accomplishments in science, arouse students’ interest in learning chemistry, help them realize the importance of knowing about the basic processes and methods of making a science research, foster students’ ability of doing a science research on their own and in the long run, to enable students to acquire basic required knowledge and skills in learning chemistry on their way to further study and development.In terms of theory, our current new curriculums focus on keeping and strengthening students’ desires to explore the unknown and their curiosity about some chemical phenomena or what they are interested in in life and nature so that they can promote their interest in learning chemistry by means of studying further.Based on combination of writing about my teaching experience and questionnaires among my students, my papers came out. According to the survey carried out in my class about whether students are interested in chemistry or not, the following conclusion has been made: Students’ interest in learning chemistry is related to teenagers’ psychological characteristics, teaching environment, contents of courses, teaching methods, evaluation after teaching and qualities of a teacher.By analysis, some new approaches to arousing students’ interest in learning chemistry have been presented: First, students doing experiments by themselves is the most efficient way to stimulate their interest in learning chemistry. Second, making full use of classroom teaching is another way to stir up students’ passion and raise their efficiency in learning chemistry. Third, paying much attention to life and experiencing charms in chemistry is also helpful. Fourth, it is quite necessary for an educator to raise his qualities and communicate with students often after class. Fifth, an advanced teaching medium applied in a class will certainly make classroom teaching of high quality. Sixth, it’s worthy of a positive suggestion to value a wide variety of evaluation and care much for the development of students’ individuality.I have carried out some experiments in the classes which I am teaching. Comparing the students’ average grades after a test between the two experimental classes, I have found there is a great difference, which reaches to a level of 0.01. It’s undoubtedly right and appropriate to apply experimental methods to cultivating students’ interest and passion in learning chemistry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】705