

Research on the Crime of Manage Similar Business

【作者】 朱学军

【导师】 李晓明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 非法经营同类营业罪是1997年刑法修订后新增加的罪名。理论与实务界对本罪在国有公司、企业的范围,董事、经理的认定,同类营业的确定,非法利益的认定等方面存有争议。本文从设立本罪的立法渊源及其价值出发,围绕其构成要件,阐述了本罪涉及的国有公司、企业,董事、经理,经营、同类营业以及非法利益等基本范畴,论述了本罪的司法认定及其与为亲友非法牟利罪、贪污罪、受贿罪等相关罪名的界限。在此基础上,就本罪的犯罪主体、客观方面以及刑罚的立法完善提出了建议。笔者认为,应将本罪的犯罪主体修改为公司、企业的董事、高级管理人员,并取消“利用职务便利”的客观要件,同时,将“造成公司、企业重大损失”也作为本罪的既遂标准。在刑罚上,为避免立法机关担心本罪犯罪主体修改后影响国有资产保护的立法目的的实现,笔者建议,将国有公司、企业的董事、高级管理人员的严重的非法竞业行为作为本罪的从重处罚情节。此外,有必要增设限制、禁止或剥夺业务活动的资格刑,以限制或剥夺行为人在一定期限内从事某一经营活动的权利,更好地发挥刑罚惩罚、改造和预防犯罪的最大功能。

【Abstract】 The crime of manage similar business illegally is a newly-added crime to the evised Criminal Law after 1997. There has been dispute about judicial cognizance of state-owned companies or enterprises, managers and directors of these companies and enterprises, the similar business, as well as the illegal benefit. The paper first analyzes the legislative purpose and practical significance of this crime, then describes some basic terms concerning this crime based on its construction, and distinguish this crime from the crime of obtaining illegal benefit for one’s connectinons or friends, the crime of corruption and the crime of bribery based on the above. The writer give some suggestions to perfect legislation. The writer suggest that the subject of crime should be changed into the directors and other executives of the companies, enterprises. About the construction, the writer suggest that“taking advantage of one’s position”should be removed, and that“doing great harm to the companies or enterprises”should be regarded as the standard for completed crime. Also, in order to fight against the criminal act and safeguard security of the state, the writer propose, manage as to government owned corporation, director, executive of enterprise similar open illegally should be punished severely. At the meantime, it is necessary to restrict, prohibit and deprive of doers’ right of taking part in the relevant business activities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】141