

Study on Multi-level Utilization of Pulp Black Liquor Resources and Treatment Technology

【作者】 武银华

【导师】 刘德启;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 分析化学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文综合分析了造纸废水污染现状及其环境危害,并对黑液的治理技术及其发展趋势进行了综述。我国80%的造纸厂是以草类纤维为原料,制浆黑液中的半纤维素和硅含量高。从生态工程角度看,草浆黑液碱回收工程是燃烧黑液间接地换取造纸厂所需的蒸煮碱,这不仅造成回收碱的成本高,而且也把具有可持续利用、高附加值的木质素、寡糖等天然有机物资源一炬化为乌有,存在多糖资源利用不充分的问题。酸析法处理黑液是以最大限度减轻全厂污染负荷为目的废水处理技术,虽然回收了木质素,但也造成碱与多糖的浪费。鉴于此,本文提出在最大限度回收植物多糖的同时,分离提取高纯度木质素资源,以此实现既有利于草浆造纸黑液分级综合利用又能达到综合治污的目的。本文通过大量的实验研究,较为系统的探讨、分析了在造纸黑液中提取植物多糖的影响因素。结果显示,不同的草浆黑液中总糖含量不同,麦草浆黑液的总糖含量高于稻草桨。黑液酸化的pH值、温度及陈放时间对总糖含量都有影响。总糖回收的最佳工艺条件为pH为4.0-5.0,加温65-70℃并保温陈放3-4h。但从回收草浆黑液中具有功能性食品基料的低聚糖来看,由于造纸黑液中单糖与多糖在酸析木质素过程中,其分配比例又随酸度、温度及保温陈放时间的不同而发生变化。综合考虑各方面的因素,回收纯度高、具有潜在功能价值的植物低聚糖的最佳工艺条件是pH为4.0-5.0,温度60℃与保温陈放时间3-10之间。同时,本文也初步利用改性的层析柱对植物多糖进行了进一步的纯化、分离的研究,与多种分离方法相比,发现葡聚糖/硅胶质量比为1:100的改性凝胶担体较适合分离黑液中的植物多糖,并对分离机理进行了初步的研究。

【Abstract】 This paper comprehensively construered the present situation of wastewater pollution of pulp black liquor and its environmental damages,the wastewater treatment technology and its development trends were also reviewed.About 80%of paper mill are grasses fiber as raw materials,which the black liquid contains high ofhemicelluloses and silicon.From the point view of ecological engineering,the alkalie that the mill required is from the recycling of black liquid.It was not only cause the high cost of alkalie recovery,but also vanished the sustainable use of lignin,oligosaccharide and other organic,which made a poor use ofpolysaccharide resources.Though the pollutions have been minimized through the recovery of lignin of black liquor paper-making by acidulation method,the base and polysaecharide were vastly wasted.So the paper put forward the project that recycling the plant polysaccharides in the maximum,which could separate hgnin with high purity.It also made a full use of black liquor and got the general pollution treatment. Through the experimental studies,the thesis systematically reported the influential factors of extracting plant polysaecharides from the black liquor.The results showed that the different black liquor contend different the total quantity of sugar,which the wheat straw pulp liquor is higher than that of straw pulp liquor.The total quantity of sugar has been affected by temperature,storage time and pH and so on.The optimum condition was that pH was 4.0 to 5.0,the temperature was 65-70℃and storage time was 3-4h.But the ratio of the monosaccharide and polysaccharide were different in the recovery of lignin by acidulation method. Considering the various facts,the optimum pH was 4.0-5.0,the temperature was 65-70℃and storage time was 3-4h.Compared to other separation methods,this paper pointed that it was suitable for the plant polysaccharides separation under the ratio of 1:100 between glucan and polysaccharides with the modified chromatography column.The mechanism of separation was preliminarily studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】X793
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】418