

Research on the Property Right Relation and the Management Structure of the Independent Institute

【作者】 朱玉洁

【导师】 唐斌;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今,由于人们对高等教育的需求特别是优质高等教育的需求越来越大,而原有的公办高校又不能满足,在这一背景之下,一种依托优质教育资源但实行民办机制的新的教育组织形式——独立学院便应运而生。目前我国独立学院的发展非常迅速,由此说明了它具有较强生命力和适应性。但是由于其产权主体的多元化,不可避免的会引发各种产权纠纷,影响独立学院的健康发展和各主体及受教育者的正当权利。文章认为各投资主体享有终极所有权、重大决策权、收益权等,而独立学院享有法人财产权。产权和法人治理结构是相互关联的,明晰的产权关系是构建合理的法人治理结构的基础,而合理的法人治理结构能够就能确保各个产权主体的利益。文章认为独立学院的法人治理结构应主要包括决策制度、管理制度及制衡、约束与激励制度。本文就独立学院产权关系进行分析,并为独立学院构建合理的运行机制与管理体制提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Nowadays with the Chinese’s people’s demand for the higher education, especially for the quality higher education, is growing, the public colleges and universities are far to meet. Although the time of the private higher education’s rising is not short, because its own reason and people’s approval is low, its development is very difficult. So a new thing—the Independent Institute, as a combination of these two’s advantages, was born.At present, the development of China’s Independent Institute is very rapidly, which also shows its viability and adaptability. However, due to the diversification of its subject of the proper rights, proper rights knottiness will inevitably appear, which will affect the healthy development of the Independent Institute and the legitimate rights of the subject including the recipients of education. The article brings forward that every investor can hold ultimate proprietary、momentous decision-making authority and the right of deriving benefit ect. While Independent Institute owns the proprietary of legal person. Proper rights and management structures are interrelated : the clearity of the proper rights is the basis of constructing a reanable management structure, while a reasonable management structure could guarantee the stability and the clearity of a proper right relation. The article indicates that the management structures should include three part: the decisionmaking system, the management system and the restrictive and invigorative system.So the writter plans to give a theoretical analysis for the Independent Institute’s proper rights to provide information, then it can constuct a reasonable operational mechanism and a management system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G648
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】303