

Study on the Representation of the Farmer Workers’ Image on the Local Media of "Zhujiang Delta" Area

【作者】 陈慧

【导师】 陈龙;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对《南方周末》、《羊城晚报》、《深圳特区报》、《南方农村报》四份报纸媒介进行抽样分析,本文研究了全国农民工聚集人数最多的广东省的报纸媒介1984年—2007年对于农民工的报道,以及媒介报道对该群体形象的再现。研究发现,广东省媒介对农民工的报道的立场以正面为主,报道角度多为肯定和鼓励农民工的行为和贡献,报道主题在24年中虽不同时期有不同侧重点,但受管、受惠、受难等弱者形象一直都是媒体建构农民工群体形象的重点,农民工群体在媒体的再现中逐渐被定性为处在社会底层,靠社会帮助才得到生存空间,无主动意识的被动人群。造成农民工形象再现偏差的原因包括现实社会中的制度性的制约因素、媒介意识形态影响、以及媒介商业化等,要改变这种状况,除从根本上改变农民工的弱势地位,使农民工的权益得到维护之外,媒介及其从业人员加强自身的修养,增强社会责任感,树立平权意识,客观、真实、全面地报道农民工形象才是关键。

【Abstract】 Through the sample analysis of《South Weekly》,《YangCheng Evening News》,《ShenZhen Special Zone Daily》and《South Rural News》,this article studied their coverage about farmer workers from 1984 to 2007 in Guangdong province where gathered the largest number of them in China and their media image representation as well. The research discover that most of the coverage with a positive attitude and encouraging their behaviors and the contribution to the cities. However there are different voices during the last 24 years, the farmer workers were always represented as weak and lower group. The reason of the over representation includes several factors. To change this situation, we need to enhance the media employees’training, strengthen their sense of social responsibility and establish equal rights awareness, and report them objectively firstly.

【关键词】 媒介农民工再现
【Key words】 Mediumfarmer workerrepresentation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】325