

Study on the Artificial Floating Island Remediation Technology in Eutrophic Water Bodies of Hubei Rural Area

【作者】 唐林森

【导师】 陈进;

【作者基本信息】 长江科学院 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水体富营养化是外界污染物的大量输入与底泥营养物的内源释放所共同引起的生态退化过程,是目前世界范围内面临的主要水环境问题。在湖北农村地区,严重富营养化水体已经成为当地的主要环境问题,时刻威胁着居民的生产生活用水安全。农村地区排放的污染物不仅污染了当地环境,还成为整个湖北省及周边地区水体的主要污染源,其排放的污染物的总量已经超过了全省工业污染排放量。因此,农村地区黑臭富营养化水体治理已成当前的研究热点,深入开展这方面的研究具有重要的理论与实际意义。农村地区污染水体位置分散、水质复杂、源头多样。由于这些特点,不能采用收集集中处理的方法,同时农村地区的经济条件决定了不可能采用投入巨大的常规水体处理方法。人工生物浮岛具有投入少、运行费用低、应用规模可灵活变动、无二次污染等优点,非常适合作为农村地区富营养化水体的处理技术。本文采用室内分析及现场实验相结合的方法,对人工生物浮岛技术在湖北农村地区的应用进行了研究,并采取固废生物反应器处理产生的秸秆垃圾,免除二次固废污染。实验分为室内实验和室外现场实验两个部分。在开展室内实验时,首先对18种可能适应浮岛水面生长环境的植物进行筛选实验,发现美人蕉、空心菜、春羽、香蒲、牛皮菜、油菜、水稻及芦苇等植物能在水面浮岛上正常生长,并适应湖北地区的气候条件,这8种植物作为浮岛植物在湖北地区推广应用是可行的;然后,从这8种植物中选取在文献中从未报导过的牛皮菜、春羽及油菜,设计定量测试实验检测每种植物的处理能力。定量测试实验时,对每种植物用自然水体配置了轻度、中重、重度三种不同营养盐浓度的实验水体,并定时取样测定水体中氮磷浓度的变化,结果发现这3种植物都有很好的处理能力,并且水体富营养化越严重,植物生长越好,处理能力越强;最后,针对实验中发现的轻度富营养化水体中氮磷等营养物质不能满足植物生长所需的问题,试验了膨胀人工蛭石和陶粒两种吸附材料来辅助植物生长,也取得了较好的效果。在开展室外现场实验时,选择湖北农村地区的一个严重富营养化的池塘,面积大约1000m~2,在水面上种植了油菜、牛皮菜、旱伞草、美人蕉、空心菜、芦苇、春羽等7种植物,浮岛总面积约占池塘总面积的20%。经过治理,水体质量得到极大改善,同时空心菜等农作物还获得了一定的产出。对这几种植物中生长量较大的油菜、空心菜、旱伞草、芦苇及美人蕉,检测植株体内的氮磷含量及植株重量,从而得到植株从水体中吸收的氮磷量,然后反推植物在整个生长过程中所能改善的水体体积。经过测算,每平方米浮岛面积上种植的油菜、空心菜、旱伞草、芦苇及美人蕉在一个生长周期中所能处理的污水体积分别为35m~3、109m~3、44m~3、177m~3、37m~3(从Ⅴ类到Ⅲ类水,按总磷计)。

【Abstract】 Eutrophication is the hypertrophic state of aquatic ecosystem owing to lots of pollutants in-put from outer resources and nutriments released from the bottom sediments, which becomes the main aquatic environmental problem all over the world and key factors restrict human society and economy developing. In rural areas of Hubei Province, eutrophic water has become the main problem, and has brought big threat to the safety of water consumption. The pollution discharged from rural area not only pollute local environment, but also has become a main source of pollution of all the province, and the amount has being higher than that from industrial of the whole province. So, to carry out some researchment about this is with much academic and practical significance.Eutrophic water in rural area is much dispersed, complex and has extensive sources. Because of this, the collect the wasted water is impossible. As for the economic factors, it is not feasible to adopt some expensive water treatment method. AFI(artificial floating island) is a method that with these features: low input, low operating cost, no secondary pollution and alterable scale. So it is very suitable to treat the eutrophic water in rural arear.This paper has made a study on artificial floating island remediation technology in eutrophic water of rural areas, carry out both indoor experiment and outdoor experiment. And adopt anaerobic reactor to treat the straw that creat by the plants.Firstly carry out the indoor experiment. Screening of eighteen kinds of plants and choose out eight kinds that can survival and grow very well on the artificial floating island. These plants are canna, water spinach, Philodendron selloum, cattail, leaf beet, rape, rice, reed. These plants is suitable to grow on the floating island. Secondly, choose out three kinds of plants , leaf beet, Philodendron selloum, rape. These kinds of plants are never mentioned as floating island types. Blende three nutrients degree with low, middle and heavy respectively, find out that all the plants can grow very well, and the higher of the nutrients degree, the better of treatment effect. Thirdly, we find out two types of adsorption material to assisted the plants grow when the Concentration of Nutrients in water is not enough, also achieved good results.When carry out the outdoor experiment, choose an serious eutrophic pool, its area is about one thousand square meter. Choose canna, water spinach, Philodendron selloum, cattail, leaf beet, rape and reed to grow on the island. All of the seven kinds of plants occupy one fifth of the whole pool area. One year later, in the situation of non sewage interception, the water quality is greatly improved, and water spinach can make some income, also. Find out that rape, water spinach, cattail, reed, canna are grow more better than others, so test the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the plant straw, to inverse estimation the treatment capacity. After calculation, each square meter rape, water spinach, cattail, reed, canna can respectively treat 35cubic metre, 109cubic metre, 44 cubic metre, 177cubic metre, 37cubic metre waste water.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长江科学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】X52
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】735