

Research on Address Terms of Post and Rank in Modern Chinese

【作者】 王心玉

【导师】 李敏;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 职衔类称谓语是称谓语的一个重要组成部分,在言语交际中起着重要作用,但针对职衔类称谓语的研究并不是很多,有研究的必要和进行研究的空间。在对外汉语教学领域对职衔类称谓语的研究系统的、全面的研究成果也很少,对其进行研究有助于较全面地认识职衔类称谓语在整个称谓语中的地位、作用,有助于对外汉语职衔类称谓语的教学。本文借助现代计算机技术建立职衔类称谓语语料库,运用定量统计与定性分析相结合的方法,对现代汉语中职衔类称谓语的结构类型进行了考察,并从语用学、社会语言学、文化语言学、对比语言学等角度对各种类型的职衔类称谓语进行了分析,总结出了现代汉语职衔类称谓语的一些特点和使用原则,并就对外汉语教材中的职衔类称谓语使用情况作了调查分析,提出了在对外汉语职衔类称谓语教学中应该注意的一些问题及策略。全文共分为七章:第一章主要介绍了汉语中称谓语、职衔称谓语、对外汉语称谓语教学的研究历史与现状,本文采用的理论与方法以及研究目的与意义。第二章介绍了本文中职衔类称谓语语料库的建设问题,包括术语界定、语料来源及建库目的、语料库的实现三个部分。以《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》(2001)为选择职衔称谓词语的标准,然后以北京语言文化大学语料库中的现代汉语语料作为研究职衔称谓语的基本语料。第三章以语料库为基础,对职衔类称谓语的结构类型进行了考察分析。综合前人的研究成果,首先把职衔类称谓语分为纯职衔类称谓语以及复合式职衔类称谓语两大类别,其中前者又分为了基本职衔称谓语和与附加形式搭配的职衔称谓语两类,后者分为两个、三个、四个、多个基本称谓语的复合式职衔类称谓语四类,并在每一类型下面进行了细分。第四章以语料库为基础,对职衔类称谓语的各种组合形式进行了详细的分析,并探索了其组合的规律。包括基本职衔称谓语与附加成分、与其他类型称谓语以及几种职衔称谓语之间组合的可能性及组合度、共现语序等。第五章分析了职衔类称谓语所具有的严格的等级性、鲜明的民族性、突出的时代性、灵活的变异性和适度的虚拟性五个特点;探讨了职衔类称谓语在使用中应遵循的主要原则,要注意突出权势高低、注重礼貌谦逊、体现亲疏关系、运用语境得体。第六章从对外汉语职衔类称谓语教学角度进行了研究,主要从教材中提出问题,从重视职衔类称谓语教学、调整教学内容、强化教学方法角度提出了一些建议。第七章总结全文的主要研究及结论,提出本文研究中存在的不足及今后将进行的后续研究。

【Abstract】 Serving as an essential component in the system of address terms, the type of post and rank terms takes an important part in speech communication. But few treatises about this type can be found in the present academic circles. It is necessary and capable to research the characters of the address terms of post and rank. When it comes to the allied studies in the field of teaching Chinese to foreigners, we can’t get enough information either. So, if we give the address terms of post and rank an intensive study, it can surely contribute to the address terms teaching in teaching Chinese to foreigners.By means of the modern computer technology, we built a corpus of the address terms of post and rank. We examined the structure types of the addresses terms in modern Chinese with the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. And on the base of the analysis of the types of address terms from various angles, such as pragmatics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics and contrastive linguistics, we summarized some characters and principles of use about modern Chinese address terms of post and rank. Meanwhile, we investigated the usage condition of address terms of post and rank in the teaching materials of the teaching Chinese to foreigners, and put forward some problems and strategies.The entire thesis falls into seven chapters:The first chapter is an introduction. It mainly reviewed the research history and recent advances related to address terms, address terms of post and rank in Chinese and the field of teaching Chinese to foreigners. We also talked about the theories, methods, purposes and significances of our study.In the second chapter, we introduced the issues of establishing the address terms of post and rank corpus, including the definition of the relative terms, the source of the corpus, the purposes of the establishment of the corpus and the realization of it. We choose the address terms of post and rank on the basis of HSK word list (2001), and used the modern Chinese corpus of BLCU as our basic corpus of address terms of post and rank.In the third chapter, we examined and analyzed the structure types of address terms of post and rank on the basis of the corpus. Based on the research results in this field, we firstly divided the address terms of post and rank into two types: simple ones and compound ones. And then, we classified the former type into two subclasses (the basic address terms of post and rank and the address terms of post and rank that matches with other additional forms), and the latter one, four subclasses. Every subclasses can be divided in detail.In the fourth chapter, we analyzed the combining forms about the address terms of post and rank in details, and explored its regulation of combination, including the basic address terms of post and rank and its incidental component, the probability, the composite reliability and co-occurrence of order of combination with other types of address term and between themselves.In the fifth chapter, we analyzed the five characters of the address terms of post and rank: strict garment, sharp nationality, outstanding process characters, flexible variability and moderate virtual. We also discussed the principles that should be abide by: paying attention to the people’s power, being polite, exemplifying the relationships and choosing decent contexts.In chapter six, we studied the address terms of post and rank from the aspect of teaching Chinese to foreigners. We found out problems from the teaching materials and offered the suggestions from the angles of paying attention to the teaching of address terms of post and rank, adjusting the content of courses and reinforcing the teaching methods.The seventh chapter is the conclusion of this thesis. It summarized the main content of the study and pointed out the weakness the problems that should be researched later in it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】H136
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1280