

【作者】 安红臣

【导师】 韩庆奎;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的发展、社会的进步,高师化学专业学生的学习心理日趋复杂,学习心理问题日趋严重。学习心理是影响学生学习行为和学习效果的根本因素,只有深入地研究学生的学习心理状况,抓住他们学习心理的特点和问题,才能真正找出影响他们学习和发展的根本原因。因此,对高师化学专业学生的学习心理进行调查研究,能有效地根据他们学习心理的现状和特点,针对性地找出他们在学习心理方面存在的问题及造成这些问题的原因,从而对于完善他们的学习心理,促进他们的素质和能力的发展,提升高师教育教学的质量和水平都具有重要的意义。从目前已有的研究来看,对高师学生学习心理进行调查研究的相对较少,而针对具体专业学生的学习心理进行调查研究的就更少,特别是化学专业,而且他们的调查研究大多存在着内容单一,缺乏整体性、系统性等问题。本研究以在山东省各高等师范院校就读的化学专业的本科学生为研究对象,在对他们心理发展的主要特点、学习活动的主要特点和学科特点进行一定理论分析的基础上,参考了相关的书籍和调查问卷,从学习动机、学习兴趣、学习态度、问题意识、学习价值取向和专业发展意识六个大方面设计出了一整套调查问卷,采用定量的方法,以问卷调查为主,结合访谈的方式,对山东省的山东师范大学、曲阜师范大学等六所高师院校的1000名化学专业本科学生进行了调查,通过对调查结果的分类统计,结合相应的理论分析,对这六个方面及每个方面的男女差异进行了较详细的结果总结与分析,有针对性地找出了他们在学习心理各方面存在的一些问题,并对造成这些问题的原因及影响因素进行了一定的分析。研究结果显示,高师化学专业学生的学习心理在每个方面都存在着一定的问题,尤其在学习动机、学习兴趣、专业发展意识方面问题较多,为此,笔者在对研究结果进行一定思考的基础上,从理想和信念、学习观念、学习和生活习惯、实验教学、教育实践、心理辅导六个方面对如何完善学生的学习心理、促进学生素质和能力的发展,发表了自己的看法并提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 With time going and development of society, psychology of chemistry majors of normal university study become more and more complicated and serious day by day. The study psychology is the fundamental factor which affects students’ study behavior and effect. Only deeply investigate students’ study condition and fully understand students’ study psychological characteristics and questions can we discover the real basic reasons influencing on their study and development. Therefore, the investigation and study to chemistry majors of normal university can pertinently find the questions about their psychology of study and the reasons causing these problems according to the present psychological situation and the characteristics of their study effectively. Consequently, it has the vital significance for consummating their study psychology, promoting their development of quality and ability and increasing the quality and the level of the education and teaching. From present researches, the investigation and study of students’ psychology in normal university is comparatively fewer. In addition, researches concerning a certain subject are much fewer, especially for chemistry. Moreover their investigations and studies are mostly single for content and are lacking of integrity and systematic.This study takes undergraduates who major in chemistry from normal universities in the Shandong Province as the objects of study. On the basis of certain theoretical analysis of their main characteristics of psychological development and learning activity and the subject characteristics, we design the whole set questionnaires from six aspects which are the study motive, the study interest, the study manner, question consciousness, the study value orientation and consciousness of major development with references to the relevant books and questionnaires. The quantitative analysis is the major research method which gives priority to questionnaires combined with interviews. We investigate 1000 chemistry majors in Shandong Province such as Shandong Normal University, Qufu Normal University etc. six high universities and colleges and then detailed analyze the results which involve the differences between male and female in the six aspects above through classification and analysis of the investigated results combined with relevant theories. Besides, the study also finds that some questions exist in psychology of study and analyze the causing reasons and the influence factors. The findings shows that there are problems of chemistry majors in normal universities, which involve in study psychology especially in the study motive, the study interest, the career development consciousness aspect. Therefore, on the foundation of certain ponder on the findings, from six aspects including ideal and faith, the study concepts, the study and the custom habits, the experimental teaching, educational practices, and the psychological counsels we express our own views and put forward some proposals for how to consummate students’ study psychology and to promote students’ quality and ability development.

  • 【分类号】O6-4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】263