

【作者】 展利民

【导师】 孙晋海;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,体育教育专业大学生就业难度日益增大。致因较多,但其中连年扩大招生和培养院系该专业培养方案调整跟不上社会需求步伐是重要原因。为了提高就业率,研究者们进行了大量有益研究,通过对相关研究梳理发现,目前对如何提高体育教育专业大学生的综合素质、转变就业观念以适应社会发展的需要等方面的综合研究尚不足。为了培养社会需要的人才,培养单位虽对培养方案进行过调整,但是仍然存在着培养目标不明确,培养规格过于统一集中,课程体系不完善,师资队伍建设滞后,教学条件相对落后等问题。为此,本文采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑归纳法等多种研究方法,在对山东省高校体育教育专业学生就业与社会需求现状全面调查分析的基础上,针对不足,着力对现有培养模式进行改革研究。经过研究,得出如下结论:1.山东省高等院校体育教育专业的毕业生就业去向比较单一,主要领域是教育系统且大多在初、中等体育教育系统。地域主要集中在沿海开放城市和经济较为发达的城市,致使这些地方的体育师资成饱和或超饱和状态,而西部和经济欠发达地区体育师资却严重缺乏,表明了山东省体育教育人力资源分布不均衡。2.山东省高等院校体育教育专业的毕业生就业途径比较单一,对就业政策不甚了解,成为制约毕业生就业的瓶颈。学校就业机构、就业措施和学生的就业观念有待提高。3.山东省高等院校体育教育专业改革与发展应该从更新观念入手,确定人才培养目标,重新制定人才培养规格,打破传统的人才培养模式;满足社会需求,构建以优化课程体系为重点,以加强师资队伍建设、改善办学条件做质量保证,以调控培养规模来满足社会对各级各类体育教育专业人才需求量的新的专业结构体系。4.山东省高等院校体育教育专业的课程设置,应根据市场需求,完善课程设置,坚持拓宽公共课,丰富教育课,精选专业课、增加选修课,加强实践课的原则。协调好必修与选修、学科与术科、主干与一般课、限选与任选课等方面的各种关系,注重学生各种能力的培养。5.综合性、重点师范大学体育学院的体育教育专业应“争博增硕”,大力发展研究生教育,减少本科招生规模;体育学院的体育教育专业应“本硕并举”,争取硕士点,本科招生应稳中有降;新建的本科院校体育系应“专本并举”,招生规模稳中有降;其它师专体育系应“争本减专”,争取上本科并相应减少专科招生规模。6.山东省高等院校体育教育专业要树立全省“一盘棋”思想,对其进行改革与发展。调控好各层次的培养规模,加强横向联系。要做到资源共享、优势互补、提高效益、办出特色,以满足整个社会对体育人才的需求。

【Abstract】 In recent years, it has become difficult for the graduates in PE education major to be employed . There are lots of reasons that lead to this. The first and foremost reasons is that the gradually enlarged enrollment and the cultivation adjustments of the major in the college that can’t keep pace with the social requirement.To improve the employment rate, the scholars have conducted lots of benefitial studies. After studying and assembling the relative studies, we find that there are not sufficient comprehensive studies on how to improve the quality of the college students and how to convert the concept of employment to adjust to the social developmental requirement. To cultivate the talents the society requires, although the cultivating institutions have made some changes in the cultivation strategies, there are still lots of problems, such as the unclear cultivating goal, the extremely united and assembled cultivating specification, the imperfect course system, the lagged construction of teaching resources, the fallen behind conditions of teaching.For this, this thesis is about the study that focus on the deficiency and reformation of the current cultivating patterns based on the condition of the employment of graduates in higher PE education major in Shandong province and comprehensive researches and analyses on the current social requirement by the methods of questionnaire, interview of experts, statistics. induction and so on. From the study. I get the following conclusions.1. Employment location of the higher education of PE in Shandong province is relatively simplex. The main area of employment is in the PE education system of middle and high schools. The regions are mainly assembled in the coastal open cities and the relatively developed cities and this makes the teaching resources of PE go into saturation state or beyond the saturation state. However, there is serious shortage of teaching resources in the west and the undeveloped regions. This indicates the feature that the labor resource of PE education in Shandong is not distributed in balance.2. The approach obtaining employment for the majors in the higher PE education is relatively simplex. Not being acquainted with the employment policy is the "bottlenec" that restricts the employment for the graduates. It is desirable that the institutions of school employment, the measures for employment and the graduates" concept of employment should be improved.3. To fulfill social requirements, we should construct a new major structure which focus on the construction of optimized curriculum, improve the teachers’quality and ameliorate the teaching condition to satisfy the need for new PE talents of the society. 4. The optimization of the curriculum of higher education of PE majors should, according to the market requirement improve the optimization of the course curriculum, stict to widen the public courses, enrich the educational courses, refine the compulsory courses, increase the optional courses, and strengthen the practical courses. We should also harmonize with these courses, and pay attention to the training of various competent of students.5. The PE department in comprehensive universities and normal universities should make their effort to acquire doctorate and master’s degrees, develop the post-graduate education, and decrease the enrollment of under-graduates. The college of PE should increase the enrollment of undergraduates.6. The higher education of PE majors in Shandong province should he united together to reform and develop. We should regulate the training pattern of different levels, and enhance the transverse connection.So that, we can share the resource of each other, reciprocate with each other, improve the benefit, and satisfy the social requirement of PE people.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1591