

【作者】 武凡芝

【导师】 孙永选;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中唐时代是唐传奇发展的兴盛时期,《玄怪录》是唐传奇专集中有较大影响的作品,它虽然总体上说是用文言写成的,但其中记言部分为表现人物说话的真实性,已经不避俚俗具有一定的口语记录了。其中各种代词尤其是人称代词出现的频率较高。通过对《玄怪录》中出现的人称代词进行研究,对比《敦煌变文集》等唐代其他文献中的人称代词的使用情况,我们可以了解《玄怪录》一书的语言特点。本文把人称代词分为第一人称、第二人称和第三人称。其中第三人称代词限于对第一身、第二身之外的第三身(仅指人)的称代。除此外,对与人称代词关系密切的谦称词、尊称词以及出现的人称代词的复数形式也一并作描写介绍。《玄怪录》中人称代词与《敦煌变文集》等唐代文献中人称代词相比较,语法功能方面大致相同,但《玄怪录》中文言成分较浓,唐代新兴的人称代词没有出现或是没有广泛应用,语言有着仿古的痕迹。第一人称代词中,“我”字虽然使用数量不及“吾”字,但已经完全兼容了“吾”字的语法功能,二者已无明显的区别界限;“余”、“予”二字使用数量减少;谦称词“某”、“仆”等大量使用,它们的所指明确,语法功能方面也较为全面,指称对象范围扩大;“儿”、“妾”两词专用于女性,魏晋时期新兴的第一人称代词“身”也有用例,但数量少且用法单一。第二人称代词只有“汝”、“尔”两字,“汝”字仍是主要的第二人称代词,“尔”字使用数量较少;《玄怪录》运用了大量的尊称词“子”、“君”、“公”、“郎”等,这些尊称词在语法功能方面具有“汝”、“尔”的语法功能,指称对象明确,范围较广;没有出现第二人称代词“你”。第三人称代词仍以“之”、“其”为主,它们基本沿用上古的用法,但也有突破:在文中均有确指,已是真正意义上的第三人称代词,“其”字已可以用作句子主语、间接宾语。新的第三人称代词“他”出现,“渠”字作第三人称代词也有用例。《玄怪录》中人称代词复数表示形式出现了三种:无标记的复数表示形式、“人称代词+数量词”形式、加词尾复数表示法。以加词尾复数表示法为常,出现了“侪”、“辈”、“等”六个词尾,其中,“等”字出现的频率最高,“辈”字已经出现但使用数量较少,尚未统一。《玄怪录》中人称代词的使用,在一定程度上反映了作者生活时代的语言现象,但可能与作者的用字习惯有关,有着仿古的痕迹,文言成分仍占较大比重。

【Abstract】 Legend develops to its peak in the middle of Tang Dynasty.Xuan Guai Lu is one of the most influential works among them.Though mainly written in ancient Chinese,some of the conversations in it are recorded in languages with some kind of oral style,even including some idioms,in order to truly reflect the speaking from Pronouns,especially person pronouns,appear frequently in these legendry works.By studying person pronouns in Xuan Guai Lu and comparing their usage with that in other works during the Tang Dynasty such as Dun Huang Bian Wen Ji,we may gain some understanding of the language features in Xuan Guai Lu.The person pronouns we are talk about in this paper include the first,second and third person pronouns.The third person pronouns only refers to the third part(only person)except the first person and the second person.Besides,some polite pronouns and honorific titles closely related to both person pronouns and their plural forms,appearing in this works will also be introduced in this paper.The grammatical functions of the person pronouns in Xuan Guai Lu are similar to those in the other documents in Tang Dynasty,such as Dun Huang Bian Wen Ji,yet the language in Xuan Guai Lu is of more ancient style.In Xuan Guai Lu,new person pronouns of Tang Dynasty either do not appear or not widely used,and the language seems to follow the ancient style.Among the first person pronouns,although the character "我" is not used so often as "吾", it had the grammatical functions of the latter.There are not obvious distinctions between them. Characters like "余" and "予" are less often used whereas some polite pronouns such as "某" and "仆" appear frequently.They have definite referents and comprehensive grammatical functions and the range of their referents has been enlarged."儿" and "妾" are dedicated to women,emerging period of the Wei Jin,the polite word "身" were useful,but it is limited in quantity and the usage is single."汝" and "尔" are the only two second person pronouns,of which "汝" is more common while the other is less used.A number of honorific titles are used in Xuan Guai Lu,such as "子", "君","公","郎".They have the same grammatical functions as "汝" and "尔",and have a wide range of definite referents.Yet the character "你" has not been used.The third person pronouns are still mainly "之" and "其".On the whole,their usage is similar to that of the ancient days,yet there are also changes in that they have become genuine third person pronouns with definite referents.Besides,"其" may be used as both subject or indirect object of sentences."他" appears as a new third person pronoun while "渠" has been used.There are three kinds of plural forms of person pronouns appearing,in Xuan Guai Lu, namely,the unmarked plural form,the person pronouns purls quantifier form,and the plural form indicated by using a word purls a suffix.Among them the third one is most often used. There are six suffixes,such as "侪","辈","等" and others,of which "等" appears most frequently while "辈" is not often used and there has not been an agreed norms about its usage.To a certain extent,the use of person pronouns in Xuan Guai Lu reflect the times in the author’s life language,but may be related to the author’s habit of using the word,with antique signs,a large proportion of the latter component.

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