

The Secondary Vocational School’s Cultivation Research on Student’s Professional Spirit

【作者】 董煜峰

【导师】 张志增;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中等职业学校是为企业和社会培养生产、服务、技术和管理一线劳动者和中初级专门人才的主要渠道,其专业设置的基本依据是职业岗位对人才的需要。明确的职业指向就决定了中等职业学校在培养学生职业技术的同时必须要培育学生的职业精神,为学生实现就业提供保障,为学生职后的继续发展奠定基础。《中华人民共和国职业教育法》、《中等职业学校德育大纲》、《关于进一步加强职业教育工作的若干意见》等文件都多次提到对学生进行诸如:“积极、进取、诚实、守信、敬业、奉献”等品行的培养,这些品行其实都是职业精神外显行为的要求。职业精神体现着一个人的职业责任和职业使命,职业精神是一个人对职业的价值观、态度和行为规范的总和,是学生进入职场必备的素质。但是目前中等职业学校存在着重技能训练,轻职业精神培育的现象,造成了学生职业精神的缺失,影响到了职业教育的发展。因此加强中等职业学校学生职业精神的培育工作具有现实意义。本文顺应时代要求,在充分调查研究,挖掘现有资料基础上,合理借鉴和吸收相关理论成果,对中等职业学校学生职业精神培育问题进行了初步的探讨。本论文正文部分分四部分。第一部分界定了职业精神和中等职业学校学生的职业精神的概念内涵。第二部分从理论和实践的角度阐述了中等职业学校培育学生职业精神的主要内容,主要包括职业态度、职业责任、职业纪律、职业作风等。第二部分还阐述了培育学生职业精神的基本环节。培养学生符合职业精神的行为就一定要与学生实际生活相结合,学生要由懂得道理——明确要求——模仿学习——自我检查——反复练习,要进行千锤百炼和潜移默化才能最后成为行为的习惯,实现由他律走向自律的转变。这个过程就是由提高职业精神的认知、陶冶职业精神情感、磨练职业精神的意志、培养职业精神信念、养成符合职业精神要求的行为习惯五部分相互作用而成。认知是前提,情感和意志培养是必备条件,信念培养是核心,行为习惯是培育的最终目的。第三部分提出了中等职业学校培育学生职业精神的十一种途径和六种主要方法。途径主要有:运用课堂教学,教师言传身教,依托班集体、团组织、社团、职业指导、校园文化建设、互联网,结合学生日常行为教育,学校家庭社会的合力,开辟教育实践基地等。培育方法主要有:说理法、感染法、实践法、分层教育法、心理咨询法、评价法。第四部分分析了我国中等职业学校学生职业精神培育中存在的问题成因,学校、学生、社会因素共同影响着学生职业精神培育工作的有效进行。学校方面的问题表现为:人才培养目标落实的偏差,教育理念的不到位,德育工作实效性的不理想,教师队伍素质有待提高,学校与企业的距离,职业指导工作的不系统等;学生方面的问题主要是:思想认识有误区,行为有缺失,职业精神行为实践缺乏;社会方面主要是:存在着追求市场利益的负面影响,职业不平等观念的存在,社会缺少宏扬职业精神的激励机制,环境多元化等问题。本文作者结合国外几个国家在职业精神培育方面的经验,对中等职业学校学生职业精神培育工作提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 The secondary vocational school is the main channel which raises the production serves, the technology and workers for the enterprise and the society, and cultivate the primary special talented person, Its specializes establishment basis is the professional post to talented person’s need, the explicit occupation direction had decided the school to have cultivate students’professional spirit, while raises the student professional technology ,Which helps realize the employment for the student to provide the safeguard, and lays the foundation for students further development after employment."People’s Republic of China Professional Educational law", "Secondary vocational school Moral education Program", "Some ideas about furtherly reinforcing Vocational education Work " and so on. The document mentiones the qualities such as: "Positive, enterprising, honest, effer,contribution", these conducts actually all are the professional spiritual apparent behavior requests. The professional spirit is the sum total of a person to the occupation values, the manner and the behavior standards. It is the student’s necessary quality when he/she enters the duty field.The professional spirit is manifesting a person’s professional responsibility and the professional mission. At present secondary vocational school has emphasized the skill training, but paid little attention to the professional spiritual cultivation .This phenomenon has led to the student professional spirit flaw and affected the vocational education development. Therefore strengthening the secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation is of practical significance. Under the full investigation and study, and on the basis of the excavation existence information. This article complies with the time request, draws lessons rationally,absorbs related theory achievements, and carries on the preliminary discussion to the question on the secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation.The paper is divided into four parts.The first part limites the professional spiritual concept, and the professional mental that the secondary vocational school student should have .The second part expounds the main content of the student professional spirit which the secondary vocational school cultivates from the theory and the practice angle, mainly including the professional manner, the professional responsibility, the professional discipline, the professional attitude and so on. The second part also elaborates the key link of cultivating the student professional spirit. Training students to conform to the professional spiritual behavior certainly has to unify with the student practical life.Students should understand the truth , be clear about requests study the self-examination, practise repeatedly , and repeatedly after tempering and influences subtly, finally become the behavior the custom, Then realizes transformation which restrains by the other people moves towards oneself requests. This process gradually comes into being,according to enhancing professional spiritual the cognition, influencing the professional mental emotion, disciplining the professional spiritual will, the raising professional mental faith, fostering conforms to the professional spiritual request behavior five parts. The cognition is the premise, the emotion and the will raise cultivation is the necessary condition, the faith cultivation is the core, and the behavior habit is the final goal.The third part puts forward eleven ways and six main methods cultivating the student professional spirit. As follows Improving the vocational education social status, the utilization of classroom instruction, teacher’s personal example, depends on the occupation instruction of the class collective, the group organizes, the mass organization, the campus cultural reconstruction , unifing students’daily behavior education, the school, family and society’s joint effort, opening education practice base and so on. The cultivation methods mainly have: The reasoning method, the moving method, the practice method, the lamination education method, the psychological consultation method, the appraisal method.The fourth part analyzes the question’s origin where secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation exists in our country, the question mainly concentrates on the aspects of the school, the student, the social.These factors interfere with effectively carrying on students professional spirit cultivation work .The school aspect question is shown that the personnel is biased, the education idea does not arrive, the moral education’s actual effect is not ideal, the teacher team’s quality waits for the enhancement, the school and enterprise’s distance, the career guidance works no systemalically and so on. The student aspect question mainly is that The ideological recognition has the erroneous zone, the behavior has the flaw, the professional spiritual behavior lacks practice.The social aspect mainly is that the negative influence of exists pursuing of the market benefit, and the occupation spirit takes lack serionsly ,the society lacks drive mechanism of propagating professional spiritual the and environment’s multiplication. The auther put forward several proposals to the secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation work, Unifying the overseas experience several countries in the professional spiritual cultivation aspect.

  • 【分类号】G718.3
  • 【被引频次】9
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