

The Reflection and Transcendence on School’s Moral Education in the Background of Moral Pluralism

【作者】 许佳

【导师】 范树成;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 道德作为调整人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间关系的行为规范的总和,深受社会经济关系的制约,并随着社会经济关系的变化而变化。目前我国正处于一个由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制,由传统农业社会向现代工业社会的转变时期。随着改革开放的进一步深入,新旧体制的交替,经济利益格局的调整,西方外来文化、思想的冲撞,多元生活结构、生活方式的出现,多元的社会格局日益呈现。这势必导致道德观念的重大变化,一些与计划经济相联系的传统道德观逐渐失去了其主导地位。随着对外开放的深入进行,西方道德观蜂拥而至,使得当前我国社会生活中出现了多种道德观相互交错的局面。中国传统道德观与现代西方道德观,社会主义道德观与资本主义道德观、以至封建主义道德观,现代工业文明下的道德观与传统农业文明下的道德观,都可以在现代中国社会生活中找到踪迹。此外,现代科学技术的发展一方面促进了社会生产力的发展,给人类带来了繁荣和进步,另一方面也向传统的道德观念提出了挑战,带来了种种社会问题和道德问题。比如,如何构建网络道德体系,环境道德等道德问题日益呈现。在社会生活中人们在面对种种道德问题时,往往是以自身已有的价值观、道德观作为标准进行判断,从而出现多元的道德观念和道德行为。这些构成了目前我国社会的道德多元化。在道德多元化背景下,我国传统的学校德育已经不适应社会发展的要求,当务之急,我们非常有必要以道德多元化为背景,对我国传统学校德育进行反思,就如何更好地适应道德多元化的社会,如何实施更加行之有效的道德教育,提出针对性措施,实现对传统学校德育的超越。通过反思,我们会发现在我国传统的学校德育中,德育目标过高、过于强调“圣人道德”教育,缺乏层次性;德育内容上缺乏时代性;德育方法单一。针对这些问题,我们要对传统学校德育进行适时地调整,以适应道德多元化社会的发展。在德育目标的制定上,要将理想的德育目标和现实的德育目标结合起来;在德育内容上,在批判地继承中国优秀传统道德,弘扬社会主义道德观基础上,吸收新的道德观念、道德规范;在德育方法上,要将生活德育法与平等对话德育法结合起来;加强学生的道德判断能力和道德选择能力的培养。

【Abstract】 Moral, adjusting people and individual and total of behavioral norms of relation, is deeply limited by social economic relation and changes with social economic relation. At present, our country is in a transitional period from planned economic system to socialist market economy system and from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society. With the deepening reform and opening-up, the transition of the new and old systems, the adjustment of the pattern of economic benefits, collision of western culture, thought, the appearance of plural life structure, life style, the plural social pattern appears day by day. This certainly will cause the great change of moral; some traditional moral concepts that had contacts with planned economy have lost their leading position gradually.With China’s policy of opening to the outside world going on, western moral concept swarm forward, which made present social life of our country present the situation of interlocking each other in many kinds of moral concepts. China’s traditional moral concept and modern western moral concept, socialist moral concept and capitalist moral concept, even feudal moral concept, moral concept and moral concept under traditional agricultural civilization and modern industrial civilization, can find their traces in modern China’s social life.In addition, on the one hand, the development of the modern science and technology has promoted the development of social productivity, having brought mankind prosperity and progress; on the other hand, even challenges to the traditional moral concept, have brought all sorts of social concerns and ethical questions. For example, how to construct the moral system of the network, moral questions such as the moral issue of the ecological environment etc. appear day by day. People often judge the standard according to the values believed in by oneself and moral concept while facing all sorts of morals questions in social life. Moral pluralism of the society of our country, hence, comes out.In the background of moral pluralism, how the moral education of school of our country replied is top priority. It is very necessary for us to take moral pluralism as the background and review the moral education of traditional school of our country. How to better meet moral pluralistic society and how to implement effectual moral education? It is necessary for us to propose the corresponding measures and transcend moral education of traditional school.Through reviewing, we will find that, in the traditional moral education of school of our country, moral goal was highly emphasized, "sage morals" were overemphasized, level was lacked, moral content was out-of-date, and moral method is single. To deal with these questions, we will carry on adjustment in right time to the moral education of traditional school, in order to meet the development of the pluralistic society of the morals. In the formulation of the moral goal, we should combine the ideal moral goal and realistic moral goal together; in the moral education content, we should inherit China’s outstanding traditional virtues in the critique, brings honor to the socialism moral outlook foundation, absorbs the new morality and the moral rule; in the moral education method, we must unify the life moral education law and the equal dialog moral education law and strengthen student’s moral judgment ability and the moral ability to select raise and to train.

  • 【分类号】G41
  • 【被引频次】4
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