

The Manufacture of the Sympathetic Identity for Silas Marner

【作者】 王淑立

【导师】 姬生雷;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 塞拉斯·马南是小说《织工马南传》中的核心人物,这部小说被称为乔治·爱略特的袖珍杰作。马南是一个简朴而平凡的纺织工人,他轻信于他人,而却怀疑自我。乔治·爱略特之所以选择这样的一个人作为主人公,就是因为她想让象马南这样的平凡人物得到大家的同情,那么艾略特如何给塞拉斯·马南塑造了一个令人同情的身份呢?本文对此进行了深刻的分析。运用叙事学理论,结合大量细节,本文分三个部分对此进行了分析。第一部分,分析了乔治·爱略特选择了全知全能的第三人称视角,以便更容易的把握人物。采用这种全知全能的第三人称的叙事视角,能在主人公马南的故事世界里随意地遨游。根据叙事需要作者可以从一个时间变化到另一个时间,也可以从一个地点变换到另一个地点。这个全知全能的叙述者(通常被认为是作者),不仅能够讲述故事的事件,而且能够让读者知晓人物的内心世界。因此,选择这样的叙事视角,爱略特就能够根据塑造马南身份的需要,自由变换。第二部分分析了作者从哪几个方面建构出马南的令人同情的身份。首先,作者有效的安排小说情节,用一系列感人的事件构建出了一个值得同情的主人公。其次,作者为了衬托马南的孤独感,选择了小说中多个章节主人公直接引语的缺失。一个沉默了15年的马南呈现在读者面前。再次,小说中乔治·爱略特还为马南塑造了一个比喻意义上的身份----昆虫身份。他似昆虫一样的日夜劳作,却没有思想,没有感情。论文第三部分分析了作者对读者判断力的操控。小说开头描绘了一个从性格、年龄、外型都不受读者欢迎的马南。所以主人公没有自觉的激发出读者的同情心,而是需要创造条件,唤起读者对这个不受欢迎的主人公的同情。而且乔治·爱略特确实成功的做到这些。作者通过对叙事距离远近的摆动,从而来控制对主人公马南的判断。

【Abstract】 Silas Marner is the central character in the novel Silas Marner, which has been acclaimed a‘minor masterpiece’of George Eliot. Silas is a simple, trusting, self-doubting ordinary working man. George Eliot has chosen such a hero because she wants to make the reader feel sympathy for the ordinary human beings like Marner. And this thesis analyses how George Eliot manufactures a sympathetic identity for Silas Marner.The thesis analyses the manufacture of the sympathetic identity for Silas Marner in three parts. Part One analyses what point of view George Eliot chooses for the convenience of manufacturing Marner’s sympathetic identity. George Eliot chooses the third-person omniscient point of view in this novel. On one hand, by this third-person omniscient point of view, George Eliot can move at will from time to time and place to place within Marner’s story world. On the other hand, the all-knowing narrator, usually assumed to be the writer, can tell the reader not only the external events in the story but also the inner reality of any of the characters. Therefore, the writer can move flexibly according to her requirements of writing so as to manufacture the sympathy or control it for Silas at will. Part Two analyses how George Eliot characterises a sympathetic hero through the arrangement of plot and the choice of speech. A chain of moving and pathetic incidents arouse the reader’s sympathy to the hero. And the absence of direct speech in several chapters provides a verbal analogue of solitude. Besides, George Eliot also manufactures a symbolic identity for Silas to evoke readers’sympathy. She identifies her hero with the insects that plod all the time but no reflection. Part Three analyses how George Eliot controls the reader’s judgement. Silas is an unlikely hero in terms of personality, age and physique, and is fully and psychologically integrated in this novel. He is established in our minds and out hearts from the first chapter of the novel. So in this novel, Silas Marner does not automatically inspire a reader’s sympathy. Reading of Silas Marner gives the impression that the novel sprang from the need to find a solution to the problem of how to create sympathy for an unlikeable hero. Moreover, George Eliot does create sympathy for her character Marner with such unlikeable faults. Therefore, there is an oscillation between closeness and distance so as to control the reader’s judgment.

【关键词】 身份同情塑造
【Key words】 identifysympathymanufacture
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】163