

Research on the Trend and Evolution of Luanhe River Delta

【作者】 王平格

【导师】 黄华芳;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济发展和全球气候变化,海陆相互作用下的三角洲地区逐渐成为各国研究及关注的热点。目前各国对于三角洲的研究日趋深入,并取得了长足的进展。但这些研究工作主要集中在资源比较丰富,地理位置相当重要的大型三角洲,而对于分布普遍、数量众多的中小型三角洲的研究还有待深入。滦河三角洲是中小型三角洲的典型代表,从科学研究的角度来看,滦河三角洲沉积体系在其历史发展过程中,常因多次转移而形成多个相互交错叠置的三角洲复合体,发育了完整、典型的沉积相组合,其沉积层序、上覆和下伏层的性质等,不仅对三角洲体系的成因,而且对整个地区的古地理环境研究具有重要意义。从经济发展的角度来讲,滦河三角洲处于海陆交通网线的枢纽地带,港口建设的自然和经济区位优势明显。在生态环境保护方面,滦河三角洲处在海陆之间,人类活动干预强烈地带,生态环境比较脆弱,需要探求合理的保护方式和途径。近年来滦河上游实施流域治理——潘家口、大黑汀、桃林口等大型水利枢纽陆续启用,入海水沙逐年减少,现代滦河三角洲如何演变又一次牵动了国内地学界关注的目光。本文依托河北省908专项“海洋资源调查与评价”课题,对滦河三角洲地区从地质学和地理学角度进行了系统研究。在收集前人各类资料及成果的基础上,应用地质学及古生物学理论方法,结合野外调查和室内分析,在研究滦河三角洲沉积特征、系统分析滦河三角洲演变的地学环境的基础上,探讨了滦河三角洲的形成和演变过程及发展趋势,并结合其区位优势讨论了滦河三角洲区域经济发展问题。研究表明:①滦河以构造活动为原动力,自晚更新世以来几经改道先后形成了以丰润、西峡口和滦县为顶点的三期冲积扇。②全新世以来在冲积扇形成的基础上,相继形成了五期三角洲堆积体,即至今残留在七里海附近的全新世早期三角洲,以马城为顶点的全新世中期三角洲、以汀流河为顶点的历史早期三角洲、以马庄子为顶点的历史晚期三角洲和以莲花池为顶点的现代三角洲。③在不同时期三角洲的外缘形成了不同时期的滨外坝—泻湖体系。曹妃甸等沙岛是全新世中期三角洲的前缘沙坝,打网岗、石臼坨、月坨等沙坝是历史早期三角洲形成的前缘沙坝,蛇岗、灯笼铺、湖林口和沙岗等沙坝是历史晚期三角洲的前缘沙坝,老河底、破船门等沙坝是最新三角洲的前缘沙坝。由于地形和水文条件的影响,在三角洲的演变过程中发育了很多适宜建设港口的潮汐汊道。④导致滦河三角洲变迁的因素很多,主要包括构造活动、水文气象、海平面升降和人类活动等因素。在构造运动的活跃期,以构造活动为基本动力,其它作用为影响因素促进或减弱河流改道及三角洲发育,从而影响三角洲的演变。在构造活动平静期,原有构造是河流改道的基础,气候因素对全新世以来滦河改道和三角洲的发育起主导作用,水文要素和人类活动相应地促进或减弱滦河改道的趋势,进而影响三角洲的变迁和发育。⑤因滦河口是个弱潮汐河口,三角洲主要是河流和波浪共同作用的产物,三角洲的冲淤动态变化决定于滦河泥沙来源的多少。流量和输沙量的强烈变化导致作用于三角洲的营力也有明显的变化。⑥通过对滦河三角洲地区构造活动特点、气候气象特征和人类活动干预程度的综合研究,发现三角洲发育和演变不可预测性增强。滦河三角洲的区位优势较明显,三角洲的演变为该区经济发展提供了广阔的空间,在保护环境的基础上,可以依托港口建设和油气资源开发来促进地方经济和河北省经济的发展。

【Abstract】 Along with economic development and global climate change,the research into the delta area which formed on land and sea interaction become the focus of attention gradually. Delta States has currently been done a more in-depth research by many countries, and made considerable progress. However, these researches have mainly concentrated on the large delta with relatively rich resources and an important location while the research into a large number of small and medium-sized delta of general distribution, still needs to be enhanced. Luanhe River Delta is a typical representative of small and medium-sized delta, and from the scientific point of view, Luanhe River Delta sedimentary system formed a number of superimposed delta complex because of several times shifting, and formed an integrated and typical sediment and the sedimentary sequence, and the nature of the overlying and underlying layers is of great significance not only to the causes of delta system, but also to the research of the entire ancient geographical environment. From the point of economic development perspective, Luanhe River Delta is the hinge of communications joining land and sea, the construction of the port in this area has obviously natural and economic advantages. From the point of protection of the ecological environment, Luanhe River Delta is located in the juncture of land and sea and with the strong intervention of human activities, so the ecological environment is relatively fragile, and needs to explore reasonable ways and means of protection. In recent years, the upper reaches of Luanhe River carry into execution of water management-Panjiakou, Daheiding, Taolinkou and so on large water conservancy hinge will open and the sand into the sea reduced year by year, and how the modern evolution of Luanhe River Delta draws domestic scholars’attention again.This paper referring to Hebei Province“908”Project , " the Survey and Evaluation of Marine Resources ", does a systemetic research into Luanhe River Delta region from the point of view of geology and geography. And, this paper on the basis of the collection of various types of information and previous results, the study of sedimentary characteristics of Luanhe River Delta and the systematic analysis of the evolution of geological environment of Luanhe River Delta, through field investigation and laboratory analysis, with the theory of geology and paleontology, deals with the formation and the trend of the evolution of Luanhe River delta .Besides, the paper, in conjunction with the advantages of the position of Luanhe River delta , discusses the economic development. The result shows that:①Luanhe River has formed three alluvial fans with the vertex of Fengrun County, Xixiakou and Luanxian after several diversions of the route of the river one after another since the late Pleistocene Epoch influenced by the tectonic activities.②Five accumulations of Delta have been formed in succession on the basis of the formatation of alluvial fan since Holocene Epoch, incluing the remaining delta near Qilihai formed in early Holocene Epoch, the delta with Macheng at its vertex in the middle Holocene Epoch, the one with Tingliuhe at its vertex in the early history , the one with Mazhuangzi at its vertex in the late history and the modern one with Lianhuachi at its vertex.③The lagoon system, the different stages of dams, has been formed at different times. Caofeidian, one of the sandy islands, is the front part of sandy dam of the delta formed in mid-Holocene Epoch. The sandy dam of Dawanggang , Shijiutuo and Yuetuo is the front part of sandy dam of the delta formed in the early history, and other sandy dams ,like Shegang, Denglongpu, Hulinkou and Shagang is the front part of the sandy dams in the late history . A lot of tidal branch roads suitable for building ports have been formed during the evolution of the delta because of the terrain and hydrological conditions.④A number of factors lead to evolution of Luanhe River Delta, mainly including tectonic activities, hydrometeorology, sea-level changes and human activities, and so on. During the active period of the tectonic movements, the diversions and formation of the river was promoted or weakened mainly as a result of tectonic activities being the basic driving force and some other factors, thereby affecting the evolution of the delta. During the quiet period of the tectonic movements, the original structure of the river is the basis of diversions of a river, the climatic factor plays a leading role in the diversions of Luanhe River and the formation of the delta since Holocene Epoch and hydrological factors and human activities correspondingly promote or weaken the trend of the diversion of Luanhe River, thereby affecting the formation and evolution of the delta.⑤Because Luanhekou is a weak tidal estuaries, the delta is mainly formed because of the influence of both the river and wave. The dynamic changes in the quantity of silt depends on the quantity of sand flowing in . The strong changes in the discharge of the river and the quantity of sand carried by it leads to obvious changs in other factors affecting the formation and evolution of the delta.⑥Through the comprehensive study of the characteristics of tectonic activities, climate and meteorological characteristics and the extent of human activities, it is found that the unpredictability of the evolution of the delta increases.Luanhe River Delta has obvious advantages of position, and the evolution of the delta provides a vast space for economic development. On the basis of the protection of the environment, we can rely on the construction of the port and development of oil and gas resources to promote both the local economy and the economic development of Hebei Province.

  • 【分类号】P343.5
  • 【被引频次】2
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