

A Study of Wen Zisheng Anthology

【作者】 韩芳

【导师】 杨寄林;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《温子升集》系“北地三才”之一温子升的诗文合集。温子升(495-547)作为“北地三才”之一,不仅是北朝寒门文学具有代表性的杰出人物,也是叱咤北魏文坛的著名文士,还是跻身国史修撰的史学家,以及东魏政权的律令制定者和历法修订者之一。他在北朝文学于乱世末世势必发生质变的关节点上,以代表寒门之士的姿态嘎然独造,率先扬起尚实兼尚丽的艺术旗帜,一方面保持北朝文学的基质与本色,一方面吸纳南朝文学的艺术技巧与方法,努力融合南北文风,既不忘经世致用,又注入求新求美的理念,既未陷入单纯模拟南风的窘境之中,亦未仅仅延续质朴无文的魏初文格,恰恰在不无模仿更有创新中走出了一条在文学基质和固有本色中孕育诗文新气派和新景观的新道路,真正使北朝文学实现了转型,得到了提升,而且更为嘹亮地迸发出寒门文学的主旋律和最强音,给予后世以深远广泛的影响。《温子升集》是温子升文学创作的结晶,最早结集于东魏末叶,然而由于传写维艰、兵燹战乱等原因,其集早已不复存在,作品亦多散佚。逮至明朝后期,才有《温子升集》的辑本问世。时至今日,现代学者或为之再作考订,或为之详加注释,或为之略作说解,可谓各有千秋,但令人不无遗憾的是,对《温子升集》进行全面、系统、深入研究的成果,仍旧罕见鲜睹,大体称得上是一个空白。有鉴于斯,本文试图对这一空白略加填补。主要运用辑佚学、校勘学、辨伪学、提要学等方面的理论与知识,结合文学批评理论,通过考证、归纳、演绎、比较等方法,对《温子升集》加以综合研究,做出整体评判。本文由正文和附录两部分组成。正文除去导言与结语,凡八章、二十七节,着重从以下几个方面展开论述:一是剖析北魏后期乱局与南北文学走势,探究《温子升集》产生的历史必然性;结合温子升的生平经历,确定某些文章的写作背景与具体时间;辨析《温子升集》首次结集的情况与特质,由此显示出温子升其人其集的独特之处。二是从历代书目、现存古代典籍中,考察《温子升集》及温子升其他著述的存佚和分布状况,揭示出《温子升集》的显晦之迹;并对《温子升集》现存行世的诸家辑本进行比较分析,指出彼此间的异同得失。三是扣住辑本《温子升集》所收录的具体作品,从宏观上究寻它们所蕴含的多方面的思想内容,进一步辨明作者的思想倾向与政治主张;针对前人对温子升作品艺术特色的评价,提出笔者本人的看法,对《温子升集》所具有的艺术特色重新做一番检视。四是结合历代对温子升及其代表作的评论,予以重新审视,给温子升一个较为客观和较为精准的评判。即:“好预事故”理应肯定;“文士之冠”绝非虚誉;“韩陵片石”千古定论,“芜音累句”毋庸讳言。五是在前人已有整理成果的基础上,参取历代群书收录或征引温氏诗文的情况而择善以从,重新辑录《温子升集》,计得文28篇,诗11首,佚句5条。对每篇诗文撰写题解,各出校记,题解重在点明每篇诗文的写作背景、写作时间、内容大意和艺术特色,以求作一小结。附录则包括两部分内容:(一)温子升生平传记资料汇编。重在遗闻轶事的搜集、梳理与开列,以求扩展资料范围,拓宽研究空间。(二)主要参考书目和论文温子升作为北魏后期乱局和东魏政权受制于新军阀的诸多情状的见证人和代言人,既是北魏文学的最后一位终结者,更是北朝文学跨入新境界的肇始者,同时成为南北文学交流融汇的开拓者与推进者,其创作成就集中体现在《温子升集》中。对《温子升集》从微观与宏观的结合上加以透视、剖断,有助于凸显温子升及其诗文作品的卓异之处,确立温子升的固有地位,明了温子升在当时所起到的重要作用,也有助于更深入地探析北朝文学状况以及南北朝文学的不同特质。通过对历代有关《温子升集》的著录与评论等资料进行完整汇集、系统梳理和深入研究,可以更清楚地发现并确认温子升在中国文学史上的影响究竟何在。进一步全面、系统、精确地整理《温子升集》,无疑能为日后学术界的研究提供更为可信的第一手文献资料。

【Abstract】 Wen Zisheng Anthology is one of the poetry and prose collection of Wen Zisheng who was one of the Three Northern Dynasties Genius.Wen Zisheng is both a representation of the Northern Dynasties Hanmen outstanding literary figures,a famous literary scholars in the Northern Wei Dynasty,one of the historians,and also the precepts makers and calendar amendment of Eastern Wei regime. He was on the key points when the Northern Dynasties literature occurred qualitative changes in the troubled times. His unique creation represented the attitude of Hanmen bachelor. He first raised the arts banner which advocated pristine and gorgeous. On the one hand, he maintained the matrix and Northern Dynasties literary qualities. On the other hand, he absorbed the art of the Southern Dynasties literary skills and methods. He made an effort to integrate the Northern Dynasties and the Southern Dynasties literary culture. He did not forget confucian argumentation,but also implantated new and beautiful ideas. He neither simply subsidenced the dilemma of the Southern Dynasty style nor continued the artistic style of the early Northern Wei Dynasty. He not only imitate but also innovation. He opened up a new path which bred new literary trend in the inherent essence. He made the Northern Dynasties literature restructured and upgraded. He stressed the theme of Hanmen Literature which widely impacted the descendants.Wen Zisheng Anthology was Wen Zisheng’s literary production crystallization,which the earliest collected in the later Northern Wei period.However,as the results of the difficults of making copies,chaos caused by war and so on,his anthology and literary articles has been lost for a long time.In later period of Ming Dynasty,only then the collection of Wen Zisheng Anthology was published.At this point,some of the modern scholars or re-made the examination of it ,or made detailed annotation,or did slightly solutions,which may be said that each has his good points.But regretfully,a comprehensive, systematic,and deep research achievements of Wen Zisheng Anthology is very rare,is still a blank on the whole.Taking this into consideration,this article attempts to fill this blank slightly.In order to make the synthetic study of Wen Zisheng Anthology and makes the whole judgment,it was mainly by the theories and the knowledge of collection of the main application,the science of emendation,the science of abstract,methods of research,induction,deduction,comparison and so on.This article is composed of two parts,the main text and the appendix.The main text except the introduction and the conclusion, altogether eight chapter,27 launches.The elaboration emphatically from the following several aspects:First,analyse the chaotic bureau of later period of Northern Wei and the trend of the north and south literature,inquire the historical inevitability of the anthology.Unify biography experience of Wen Zisheng,determine some certain articles writing background and the concrete time.Discriminate the collection of the anthology for the first time and the special characteristic.From this demonstrated ,to show the unique merit of Wen Zisheng himself and his anthology.Second,from the history book lists and the existing books to eek the trace of Wen Zisheng Anthology by studying the existence,disappearance and distribution of Wen Zisheng Anthology and his other writings.And analyse several existing collections of Wen Zisheng Anthology point out their similarities and differences,success and failure.Third,by the specific works included in Wen Zisheng Anthology paper,analyze its rich ideological contents macroscopically,and then explicit the author’s political and ideological inclination of advocates.Put forward my own views to the evaluation of the Wen’s artistic features against the predecessors,and to re-examine artistic characteristics of the anthology.Fourth, with the comments of himself and his masterpieces in history,to re-reconsider a precise judge to him.Namely:Join in the incidents should be affirmed;Scholars of crown certainly not undeserved fame; Han ling stone is a eternal conclusion; it was not avoid to criticize complicated temperament and tedious sentences.Fifth, on the predecessors basis and consulted the inclusion and quote of many kinds of books to re-compile Wen Zisheng Anthology,which conteins 28 proses,11 poems,and 5 lost sentences,and write key notes and collect records for each of them.The key notes lies in make a subtotal which contains the writing background,the writing time,the content general idea and the artistic feature.The appendix has two parts of constitutions:First, compile the biographical data of Wen Zisheng.In order to expand the material scope,and the research space,so the key point lies in comb and list the collection of anecdote. Second, The main references and papers.Wen Zisheng was the witness of the chaotic situation in the late Northern Wei Dynasty and the Eastern Wei regime controlled by new Warlords. He was both the last Terminator to the Northern Wei Dynasty literature and the first men entered the new realm of Northern Dynasties literature. He was the pioneer that who advanced the communication of North-South literature.Wen Zisheng as the opening remarks of the Northern Dynasty literature esthetic atmosphere, his creation characteristic and the creation idea concentrate in Wen Zisheng Anthology.The angle which unify from the microexamination and the macroexamination performs the perspective of Wen Zisheng Anthology,is advantageous in underlines the exceptional place of Wen Zisheng and his excellent works.Expliciting his influential role is also helpful for thoroughly analyzes the literature condition of the Northern Dynasty and the difference special characteristic of the Southern and Northern Dynasties literature.Through completely collected and systematically arranged the previous dynasties record commentary and cite of the Wen Zisheng Anthology,may much more clearly discovers and establishes the true status and the widespread influence of Wen Zisheng Anthology in the Chinese literary history.Through further comprehensively,precisely and systematically study of Wen Zisheng Anthology can provide the first literature material well to the academic circle’s research in the future without doult.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
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