

A Survey of English Language Anxiety of Foreign Language High School Students in China

【作者】 温海燕

【导师】 唐丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪六十年代起,随着人本心理学的出现,国内外越来越多的教育家及研究者开始关注英语语言学习的情感变量,人们己经普遍认识到在语言学习中,情感与认知并不是两个对立的概念。如果把情感与认知结合起来,不仅可以提高语言学习与语言教学的效果,而且有助于促进人的全面发展。英语语言学习焦虑已经成为不同群体学生中普遍存在的重要情感变量。因此外语学习焦虑的研究对于提高外语学习效果有着重要的意义。国外丰硕的科研成果也极大地促进了中国学者对这一领域的深入研究,但是针对外国语中学学生这一特殊群体的英语学习焦虑的研究尚不多见。本文首先回顾了国内外焦虑研究的现状,据此采用定量研究方法,辅以定性研究方法实施本课题研究:本研究以Horwitz等设计的外语课堂焦虑量表为基础设计调查问卷,对石家庄外国语学校的480名高一学生进行问卷调查,对所获得的数据利用SPSS13.0软件进行统计处理;并且通过对日记追踪和访谈所获得的材料进行分析,对问卷调查的统计结果进行深入讨论。本研究得出如下发现:①该校学生存在中等程度的英语学习焦虑;②学习成绩和焦虑呈负相关;③男生焦虑高于女生;④来自农村的初中毕业生的英语学习焦虑高于石家庄外国语学校的毕业生;⑤性格内向学生和自我评价较低的学生的焦虑程度都高于性格外向的学生和自我评价良好的学生;⑥从幼儿园就开始学习英语的学生有着较低的语言学习焦虑,而从小学和初中开始学英语的学生学习焦虑没有什么区别。据此,本文就教师如何通过课堂教学帮助学生更有效地消除或降低英语学习焦虑提出了建议。

【Abstract】 With the advent of humanistic psychology,foreign language educators and researchers home and abroad have been paying attention to learners’“affective variables”in language learning since the 1960s. It is generally believed that in language learning, affective and cognitive sides are not in opposition to each other. Instead, if they are combined, not only can the success of language learning and teaching be ensured, but also the purpose of educating the whole person will be realized. Considered to be an important affective variable, language anxiety has been found pervasive among different groups of students in various contexts. The fruitful research of learning strategies in the west has shed light on the research in China. But few studies have been carried out about the foreign language school students’exact experiences of anxiety in EFL classroom in Chinese context. Much research is needed to be conducted on the English language anxiety of foreign language school students.The thesis starts by reviewing the previous and current research on anxiety both at home and abroad. Inspired by the previous research, the present researcher surveys and analyzes 480 students from Shi Jiazhuang Foreign Language School in He Bei Province, China and provides both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data, a questionnaire, is based on Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) developed by Horwitz et al. And all the raw data are processed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 13.0. The qualitative data, the students’learning diaries and interviews help to obtain more supportive information and achieve a deeper discussion of foreign language anxiety encountered by Chinese students in Shi Jiazhuang Foreign Language School.Based on both qualitative and quantitative studies on English anxiety of the students in Shi Jiazhuang Foreign Language School, the survey reveals some findings which deserve our consideration.①Most of the students experience moderate English language anxiety.②P roficiency and language anxiety are negatively correlated.③Male students are found to have higher anxiety of English classes than females.④The distinction between the students graduating from rural areas and from this foreign language junior high school is comparatively sharp.⑤The study also indicates that introverted students or students with low self-esteem are more anxious than extroverted students or those with high self-esteem.⑥Those who started to learn English at kindergarten prevalently have lower anxiety than those who started later.Thus, based on the results of this study, suggestions for pedagogical practices are made to help teachers to cope with students’English language anxiety.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】493